Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Megyn Kelly Cock On Her Breath
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Well it appears that after sucking Brit Humes dick to get hired at FOX or Felicio News, that Megyn Kelly is styling to be first lady, Claire Underwood on House of Cards, in apparently looking to replace the frumper Mrs. Ted Cruz or the Dumper Mrs. Marco Rubio, as in the Texas "Town Hall" it was more a Texas Town Whore as Megyn Kelly was bent over for Cruz one moment and on her knees in front of Rubio the next......must to the chagrin of Breitbart, who is now pushing Mitt Romney in this palace coup.
No word yet if Megyn Kelly is to be the second Mormon wife of Mormon Mitt Romney in the White House........just the Clare Underwood look.
You do know that Clare was masturbation raping a man dying of cancer and he was pleading with her to stop.
Megyn Kelly at her finest, looking to suck her way up to the White House.
Nuff Said