As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is an informative thing to listen to David Brock, expound about sore losing, as in his rant of late, he has provided necessary intelligence on just how out of the loop and how much he is void of over the sight vision in understanding his bend over service in 2016.
Let us just start with Pizzagate, in "someone" decided they did not appreciate pedophiles around the Clinton campaign, and that "someone" decided to focus the attention on two pricks, John Podesta and David Brock.
This focus is most interesting as the information on this bit of drama, now has this report from and FBI Insider who links the Clinton Staff to abducting little white girls.
It is now complete with photos of John and Tony Podesta as pedophiles sketched by Police Artists.
By the following rant by Backdoor Brock, the fagsexual reveals that he was not inside the loop in trying to sabotage Sanders. He never realized what Wikileaks has stated was the reason the Clinton insider copied and leaked all the documents to Julian Assange, and it was because Hillary Clinton had bribed the DNC to sabotage Bernie Sanders, so Sanders was never a factor..........yet Brock tried to get Sander's medical files in being not in on the criminal fix for Hillary Clitnon stealing the primaries.
The end result is John Podesta who was in on the fix, rebuffed Brock and hurt the Brock's feminine feelings.
And he’s still smarting over a rebuke, delivered via a tweet by campaign chairman John Podesta, when he demanded to see Sanders’ medical records as the Vermont independent was surging. “I tried to have a strategy with regards to Senator Sanders,” Brock said. “I was told by the campaign that there was none and nothing would work. I got in trouble when I requested his medical records. I got in trouble with the campaign -- the campaign was unhappy that I did that. I never knew if they were unhappy substantively, or they were just unhappy because they didn’t control it. This was a very controlling culture.”
Brock was so far out of the loop and flatworld, that he honestly thought the 100% great coverage of Hillary Clinton was what sunk her.
In this, Brock had no idea in the connect the dots that the New York Times is an intelligence asset, run by the Obama CIA. So when Brock is in a fury that the New York Times wrote a story which originated with Val-erie Jarrett........it never occurs to Brock that this was coming out of the White House to extract concessions from Hillary Clinton.
The end result was that Bill Clinton meeting in Arizona with Loretta Lynch for the quid pro quo of Obama people being kept in power to protect Obama and in exchange to not indict Hillary Clinton before the election.
“Look, this is a lesson learned,” Brock told me for this week’s episode of POLITICO’s “Off Message” podcast. “Donald Trump intimidated the press and bullied the press. I’m not saying you have to intimidate and bully, but you have to be tough. The press are animals and they need to be treated that way.”
OK, that was nice. But Brock, despite his fierce reputation, is a charmer – he smiled semi-apologetically as we were sitting in a rented conference room in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood after he delivered the animals line. “Oh, present company excepted,” he added, without much evident conviction.
Brock’s particular beef is with the cable networks and the New York Times, which broke the email story in the first place (he does concede that they have been “tough” on Trump, too).
Brock though has absolutely no standing in the Clinton staff. They have not kept him informed of the work being conducted in the attacks upon President Trump and have discarded him as the useful tool, or more available dupe to exploit in using Soros money.
Top officials at Clinton’s campaign, it should be noted, view all a lot of this as the shoot-the-wounded pronouncements of an operative prone to excessive I-told-you-so. “David is out there for David,” said one senior Clinton campaign official – but even that person conceded, “Our hands were tied on a lot of things he’s talking about.”Yes the campaign's hands were tied, because the election was fixed to be stolen from Sanders, and Jeb Bush. They never had to take things seriously, because their several million votes they stuffed ballot boxes with were supposed to be enough to steal this from Donald Trump.
As the Politico story begins in Pizzagate, it ends in Pizzagate in fake news in this was Alt Right which spread this story, when in fact it was generated from an intelligence source, looking to settle scores.
Brock has no semblance of understanding the big game he is in and was used by as much as Bernie Sanders was a fellow traveler. Brock speaks of being frightened, because the homosexual he was sexually involved with is whining to him about how bad things have gotten.......due to the toes that David Brock has been stomping on.
For all his reputation as a merciless hired gun (and, from time to time, the boss from hell), Brock is known among his friends for loyalty and providing emotional support in times of trouble. Pizzagate – the alt-right targeting of a D.C. family restaurant Comet Ping Pong based on a made-up story that the eatery was being used as a Clinton-controlled sex-trafficking operation – was personal to him: His ex-boyfriend, James Alefantis, owns the place and has been the subject of multiple death threats, before and after a heavily armed North Carolina man shot up a closet door seeking evidence of the fictional sex plot.
“We lived together for 10 years in a relationship that ended five years ago,” Brock told me. “James has his own relationship with John Podesta and in the WikiLeaks, it came out that James had written to John about doing a Hillary fundraiser at Comet. So this was seen and a conspiracy theory was woven around it and what you had was kind of an insane crowdsourcing of the issue and they found the link to me pretty quickly. So I think it added fuel to the fire. And so it's frightening, though, because the fake news and I saw it firsthand. Has real consequences.”
Then Brock’s voice broke.
“So… James came to my house last Thursday night, so a week ago, to show me the latest death threats on his phone and they were so vile and so menacing — it's very upsetting,” he said, stopping to collect himself.
“I’m scared,” he added. It’s not quite clear if he was talking about Pizzagate or Trump, and maybe it doesn’t matter.
If one examines this as an intelligence operation, someone who did not appreciate intelligence handler John Podesta overseeing a Clinton criminal election, decided that the best retribution to extract what was necessary from the Obama folks, was to place John Podesta into bed with the one person it seems that John Podesta loathes most in this situation and that is David Brock.
Podesta has cover in this from his being a handler. Brock on the other hand is exposed, but is linked to John and Tony Podesta in Pizzagate.
David Brock has reveled how flat world he is, how out of the loop he is, and how absolutely deep into this he is, and he is fighting his latest loss and smearing all of his powerful media and political allies as asstards.
Gordon Duff of Veterans Today was fingering the Jewish Intelligence for much of this. It appears that someone has isolated David Brock in this operation, either by design or random benefit. In any projection, Brock is now burning down the leftist elite from the inside, and sending up plumes of pedophile scent buggering all of them.
David Brock was a hired hooker who enjoys the political sex dirty. Those who hired him are viewing him now as a problem as Brock has an aroma around him now, and none of the pimps like having that tainting them.
Congratulations to whoever deconstructed all of this and ran a very skilled operation that has Brock clueless and still flashing himself to keep this story viable, and making the pedophiles in the inner circle displeased over all of this.
Mediaite9 hours ago
Nuff Said