Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Trump Vice Presidential Saga

Total Votes: 291,039

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The reason the liberal media and the GOPliters desire Newt Gingrich on the Trump Presidential ticket is Newt Gingrich is the mill stone about this race. He will be destroyed by Hillary Clinton for his war against Bill Clinton, his blunder of shutting down the government, his being a misogynist, and his being an old, fat white man.
Added to that the reality that Trump voters detest this traitor, the sale would be complete.

In addition, the GOPliters have already factored in that Mr. Trump's demise in 2016 would have Jed Crush in charge of American genocide as that is what Newt Gingrich is, Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz mongrelized.

Senator Joni Ernst, turned in a zombie rebuttal to Birther Hussein. The people of Iowa are fuming over her treachery for Obamatrade. Her spoken record is confirmed right wing, but she has already left the impression that this is more Jed Crush with a skirt.

Jeff Sessions, is ok, but is old, white and male. He can not speak effectively would best be suited to some other cabinet post.

Mike Pence.......you do not put someone on the ticket with testicles from a state that is gong GOP anyway.

Chris Christie, again he is a Trump loyalist. He really belongs a Chief of Staff as the Gatekeeper to keep order in the Trump White House. Again an fat white man is not what this ticket needs.

Bob Corker...........Bob who? Enough said. He would help with Arkansas, but the South is going for Mr. Trump wholesale so testicles is another drawback.

It is disappointing that Matt Drudge put this farce up for polling. It leaves out the premier candidates in strong political women in the GOP, from Congress, as that is exactly who Mr. Trump requires, and fits his agenda.

None of the above are acceptable, so I return to Jamie Beutler of Washington State or her 4th most powerful person in Congress in Kathy Rogers of Washington State. Make them do an "impeach me if I do not resign in not supporting the Trump policies through my being elected and the White House, and it solves everything.

I will support Mr. Trump's decision, but I will not support being led around in another GOPliter and Clinton charade to weaken the Donald Trump Presidential ticket.

Correctly Mr. Trump should only announce AFTER he receives the nomination, as his live television speech closes the convention, and the American People get the ratings punchline of the Vice Presidential decision....again a woman, not Joni Ernst.

Nuff Said


Trump White Paper: The Legal Excuse



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Filipino's appear to be ushering in a new age in east west civilization, re embarking upon the Wyatt Earp type of law enforcement which cleaned out Arizona Territory of criminal syndicate, while Douglas MacArthur's father was cleaning out the Indian terrorists.

30 Killed in 4 Days of Drug War by Philippines President 'Punisher'...

The Lame Cherry knows that such an historical time has reached the West after the Obama Clinton lawlessness and events must match these times.

America has a host now of conveniences which were not available in Wyatt Earp's era and are not available in the Philippines. In this Trump White Paper, the Lame Cherry deems as follows that there must be a two pronged enforcement inside of America of these almost 200,000 foreign criminals and the millions of real criminals which Obama has set free and Clinton panders to votes for.

For simplicity I term this enforcement as:



Command One will be a coordination between the County Sheriff Departments and the FBI, targeting narcotics, pimps, rapists, pedophiles, murderers who are American.
The "crew" would include a drone which knocked on the door, announces the warrant and serves it, and demands that all the people inside immediately surrender by vacating the location and laying flat on the lawn, pavement or whatever.
This sweep would have the location surrounded and apprehension would be a non dangerous event.

For dealing with these criminals, I advocate expanding GITMO, to an open air tent structure with razor wire, and if people attempted to escape, they would be shot on sight.
This is a return favor to Fidel  Castro's boat lift under Jimmy Carter.

All criminals would be detained there and RFID chipped, as this is the worst of the worst in America and there is not any reformation which will work.

So that all comprehend this, these are vermin. They have absolutely no value nor redemption ever. They are being sent to Gitmo City to die as they will never return to America. They would be provided tools to gardening equipment to live, but they are cut off in this final sentence which requires no court involvement.
If any Judge presumes such an involvement, they will be detained at Gitmo City to see if they can survive court there.

Command Two involves the County Sheriff, coordinating against foreigners who are in America illegally and criminally.

In this group, America would seize an appropriate size of desert landscape as in the Sahara, where a razor wire colony would be constructed by the inmates. The Lame Cherry terms this Obama City.

Again all inmates would be RFID chipped to the brain, for non removal, and provided hammers and the ability to garden to feed themselves. Escape would bring immediate execution.

The West requires Global Penal Colonies in order to rid itself of the degenerates preying upon them. It is a simple artifice to include in said waste places the vermin of the surrounding nations, and in that it is in every nation's interest to be rid of these predators.

The civilian law enforcement and military should not though be placed in harm's way. The drone would knock and capture, and the inmates refuse to surrender, the appropriate action would be to fire a hellfire missile into the abode and final solution the problem in this manner.

Positive publicity in a few dozen acts, and the rats will be scurrying from America or to the front lawn to surrender in knowing what end is immediately coming.

We do not need to shoot vermin dead in raids which cause law enforcement and military psychological ramifications to deal with. No, make it robotic, and when these criminals refuse to obey, end the situation immediately.

This method can be increased as bounties are available for reports online of posted criminals, and people can turn in those they know of, and earn a 10,000 dollar prize.

As it was legal for Andrew Jackson to deport Indian terrorists, and it was legal for Queen Victoria to deport criminals from England to Botany Bay, if it was legal for Dwight Eisenhower and Harry Truman to inflict on several million Germans after World War II in concentration camps in their deaths, then it is perfectly legal and appropriate for America and those in Europe who would join in this security and peace for their peoples to engage in this new reality of Gitmo City and Obama City.

Who knows, with President Donald Trump at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, one of the first inmates will the several images of Obama and most of the Obama regime at Obama City in darkest Africa.

Nuff Said


This is Outlaw USA


 Home of the Selfie, Land of the Depraved

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is illogical to become emotional in the corrupt Obama regime, corrupt House investigations, corrupt Justice Department, corrupt media and corrupt FBI to allow another series of Hillary Clinton crimes to unpunished. The entire American system is more rotten than Pyongyang, because at least in North Korea there is an absolute justice from Kim Jong Un, and in America there is not any justice.

Liberal cheered and Conservatives remained silent when the Gregory Bretzing FBI set up Oregon State Police to murder LaVoy Finicum, and taxpayers paid bonuses to every criminal there.

One does not need to go down the list from Benghazi to the last Clinton associate with the Chicoms who was "strangled" by a bar bell in his home, as he was about to testify. The Clintons are criminal as much as Paul Ryan is a criminal associated of the Obama regime for Big Koch. There is nothing but corruption in America from top to bottom, and that includes your worthless State regimes to your worthless county commissioners. They are all crooked and the entire system protects their criminal subterfuge.

History teaches one thing, and that is why Rush cuckerboy Limbaugh and his Big Koch lot, never utter the words, in the only thing that stops corrupt regimes is Samuel Adams tar and feathering or the French ala lantern. Tarrring and feathering gets the federal troops to respond to confiscate your arms, and that leads to Bunker Hill and piles of Americans dead, and it ends in America throwing out all the Tories, local lynch mobs clearing out the rest and when it came to France, the mob slaughtering everything political to everything in the police state.

So let us please just be honest here in all of this faux indignation. Except for Donald Trump who is going to be destroyed literally with his family if he does not win in November, no one has right to be spouting off about how outrageous this is with Hillary Clinton, because all that "outrage" only made Rush cuckerboy a billionaire and Rupert Murdoch a multi billionaire castigating the Clintons as Paul Ryan is making his millions pretending he is an American.

The Grande Inquisitor James Comey is the Grande Enabler. Yes all the propaganda about Comey resigning, about all of this FBI fury.........fury over Loretta Lynch getting a job in Hillary's regime........is as fraud as Darrell Issa promising to indict Obama if we re elected him and the GOP years ago, and as fraud as this Trey Gowdy clearing  the way for the FBI to declare another Clinton criminal conspiracy legal.

The American mob in millions do not and will not rise up in mass to form a lynch mob, die for their outrage, so let us all just calm down as your being genocided is what you desire. Let no one be stupid enough in feeling helpless to act alone, because all that will do is get you the Omar Mateen treatment. This would require millions doing what the French did and that is not going to happen. It is all talk as that is what American are is talk as they cheer some Sarah Palin on rationed death or boo her on Ben Shapiro RATS.

Wiki Leaks has her emails, and we are supposed to believe that the Russian’s, Chinese, Iranians, North Korean’s and ISIS never saw anything on her unsecured server. This is just too good. Hillary supporters will ignore it, but the undecided, independents won’t and believe or not, six percent of the populace determine the election.
So uhh…this looks like she wanted something sensitive sent as non-sensitive doesn’t it? You can search for more information,

So I suggest you just stay home, cuddle your guns in your illusion on the right and cuddle your smart phone on the left in your delusions on the left. We will have to wait for some Act of God combination drought, massive earthquake, terrorism and Wormwood to make the mob hungry enough to wander the streets and the police state retreating to protect their donut supply.
So do not delude yourselves, this is going to take all 50 States uprising as it required all 13 Colonies to Declare Independence or it will be States pitted against each other.

Donald Trump wins and keeps alive by God's Grace, you have a political chance to rectify things somewhat. If it is Hillary Clinton, just accept you exist in the United States of Sodom and Police State of Gommorah and stop being disappointed as America died long ago, and you are insane for thinking a different outcome will ever take place in this corrupt American regime.

It simply is not in you 21st century Americans to be 1776 Americans in killing off and driving out one third of your population in real blood lust, like the French in their Revolution. That is the reality in Criminal America and none of your rich Ted Nugents or rich Mark Levins are funding their own Nathan Beford Forest militias, because they get paid to talk and earn money in raging for each of you.

Now go back to your swiping and feeding on the Facebook moggery that you matter or at least go outside and take a walk in your gulag so someone at Homeland can masturbate over your video feed.

This Outlaw USA.


For the Blood of LaVoy Finicum

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following in the Lame Cherry exclusives in matter anti matter is the reason LaVoy Finicum's blood was soaked into Oregon soil for Hillary Clinton and image Obama, and a layman's explanation of the fuel supply which will solve all of America's electrical needs in the near future, and something President Donald Trump will be suggested he place on a crash course for upscale development, as the technology was proven by Americans in the 1950's.

The subject is Thorium, which for base understanding, let us call a material which can be made into a radioactive isotope in order to produce a safe, clean and little to none residual radioactive debris which the current fast breeder reactors produce.

The pioneer of this was Alvin Weinberg of the Oakridge National Laboratory of nuclear sciences. I will do a simple explanation for those who do not desire to get lost in the mechanics of this nuclear power plant.

Weinberg had operational 2 Thorium test reactors, meaning these were working models, and not a theory of what might work. Meaning they were self generating which I will explain later, meaning they would in heat transfer create the steam to power a turban which would  produce electricity.

Alvin M. Weinberg pioneered the use of the MSR at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. At ORNL, two prototype molten salt reactors were successfully designed, constructed and operated. These were the Aircraft Reactor Experiment in 1954 and Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment from 1965 to 1969. Both test reactors used liquid fluoride fuel salts. The MSRE notably demonstrated fueling with U-233 and U-235 during separate test runs. Weinberg was removed from his post and the MSR program closed down in the early 1970s, after which research stagnated in the United States.

The following is the simple explanation of how the Thorium reactor works. Thorium is a natural element,  4 times more abundant than uranium in the soil. In fact, Thorium can be found in most of the western United States in quantity, and in concentrations in Oregon, where LaVoy Finicum was murder for.
Bill Gates has been pushing development of these reactors, as have the Chinese. Oregon alone has 52 trillion dollars in Thorium.

There are two types of nuclear reactors, the fast breeder, which created radioactive waste and the Thorium breeder. The fast breeder creates the material for nuclear bombs, and that is why President Richard Nixon fire Alvin Weinberg, as one can not defend  America and make money in the conglomerates, if you have clean Thorium reactors.
The fast breeder creates out of uranium, plutonium which is bomb making material as a bi product of the electrical energy produced through steam heat.

The Thorium breeder though is unique in, Thorium does not have to be "refined" to nuclear material. What one does is concentrate Thorium, and then put it into a reactor where the nuclear exchange breeds it into a Thorium which is a nuclear fuel.

Once this begins, one simply adds new Thorium, and the reactor breeds it into nuclear fuel.

This Thorium when "spent" then is different isotopes and can be daily separated out and dealt with, and in a number of parts reintroduced back into the reactor.

Basically, with correct safeguards, there are no 3 Mile Islands, Chernobyls or Fukashima's possible, as Thorium is not a fast breeder and if some disaster arose, there is not going to be present the "hot" uranium and bi products as Fukishima is plagued by.

I am not here to condemn Richard Nixon on his choices, but we all know that every President gets choices made for them or they end up in Watergate or the brains blown out in Dallas. In the Nixon years, there was great pressure for nuclear testing in Nevada, which infuriated Howard Hughes who lived there and turned these two allies against each other in Nixon and Hughes.
You can not defend America from a nuclear war, if a bunch of pinkos discovered that there was clean nuclear fuel available and the peaceniks were all with KGB money screaming for dismantling the American nuclear reactors.

The world is now in a different era, and this fits exactly into the President Donald Trump plan of clean energy. I have posted about the National Coal Reserve to get coal mining States out of the Obama Super Depression and building clean coal plants. I now suggest the same transitional reserve in America not only begin building at least 50 clean coal plants, but design these coal operations to be able to convert readily to Thorium.

There is no need to threaten job position in poising coal miners losing jobs eventually to thorium miners, because as power plants can be converted by design to be both coal and thorium, then miner who are mining coal can as easily mine thorium. Thorium is all over the place, so as America begins the National Coal Reserve, there should also be a National Thorium Reserve to fuel America and the world.

Literally Thorium will make America the Mideast of energy to the 23rd century.

There is a bright future for America under President Donald Trump. The blood of LaVoy Finicum will not be allowed to be forgotten, as his blood will stand for the free American People, and not for the conglomerates who seek to steal American Thorium to exploit all of us, as oil exploits us. The knowledge is there and is by the Lame Cherry being made public as National Policy for the next 300 years.

There is not any need for radioactive waste. No need to produce more nuclear material for bombs, as with pulse weapons which strike like nuclear detonations, the nuclear bombs can be the dirty deterrent, and we can work to a clean cheap energy world free of dirty wars.

From LaVoy Finicum's blood to the Trump White Paper on the National Thorium Reserve.

Nuff Said


Story Blog

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Story blog time.

Every morning you drink 1 eight ounce glass of milk, from a gallon milk jug. A gallon milk jug holds 4 quarts, 8 pints, 16 cups.
In one week's time how many glasses of milk will you drink?

You have an AK 47, with a banana clip, it will fire 72 rounds per minute, ejecting spent shells at 27 inches.
If you have 3 banana clips with 35 rounds each, how many AK 47 rifles do you have?

You have 5 cows. The market is 500 miles distant. The sale time is from 8 am to 5 pm. You sell 5 cows at 4 pm.
How many cows did you sell?

The American flag has three colors on it in red, white and blue. There are 13 stripes and 50 stars.
Of these three colors how many are on the American flag?

A toad hops 6 jumps to the south as you startle it. It them hops 3 hops to find refuge under your watering can which holds 2 gallons of water.
How many toads were there?


A Theme for Reckoning

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

A 21st century revolution in where Donald Trump needs to lead this world to save it from the Obama infernos of the abyss of hell, require a theme song. I prefer Broken English by Schaft, as the theme song of the incineration of London by the Vampire Nazi hordes.

What could be more beautiful than Hellsing, the story of Sir Integra Hellsing, protector of crown, church and country, against the vampyres of olde, all mixed in with the militant Judas Isacariots who serve the Vatican in bloodlust, Nazi corruption, and the most lovely of all creatures in the Major, Hitler's own protege, who loves war, who plans for the next dozen wars as he fights the current war he is nuturing, all against Dracula, the vampire pet of the English royals.

I do not believe any of you has yet fully grasped what awaits ahead. The Filipino President has an understanding in telling his people to take up guns and shoot every drug dealer. No election is going to stop evil nor is any rhetoric.

It is going to require strong men in this world of Christian nature, doing the work of Gideon, Samson, Phineas and Christ taking up the whip to drive the moneychangers from the Temple. It is going to take those in the masses unleashed, with the police state leashed, with Government sanctioned blood flowing, to cleanse the nations in a bath or righteousness, or the scales will weigh upon the nations, and slaughter the righteous with the iniquitous.

It is going to take a people who enjoy cleansing itself and killing, with rivers of blood. A people who will one day make jokes of who the skulls cap the lamp posts to light the evenings, and those who dared question such things, were the filler for pot holes as their skulls glow with the moon on every eve.

No one has reckoned yet all it will require. It will require a people who love the work the Government sanctions them to do and strike down every questioner as much as stepping on an ant.

Broken English. The download.

Broken English: Hellsing, London cleansed.

Let us melt down our silver and golden crosses, to bless the bullets of cleansing to save us from the great tribulation of war.

Will President Donald Trump understand who and what he needs to unleash to save the world from the anti Christ.
