Sunday, November 20, 2016

Why is Donald Trump appointing only Moderates?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet."

- General James 'Mad Dog' Mattis

I had sincerely hoped that President Trump would be interviewing Administration candidates who are not this moderate and pacifist as General Mattis. No doubt this favorite of the ACLU and Soros Peaceniks will be defended and praised for his temperate nature.

Can we simply have just a few right wing extremists, instead of all of these centrists like Jeff Sessions, Mike Flynn and Mike Pompeo? Just a few Robespierre types to even things out.


Room for only One American President

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Ever since the American People threw failed Jimmy Carter out of the White House for Ronald Reagan, America has been plagued by loser Presidents. The fact is, if one examines 30 years history, there were only two people who did not cause any problems in defeat, and that was Mike Dukakis and Bob Dole. Otherwise these psychotics who America got out or kept from the White House, have been sticking their diplomatic fingers into policy which gave North Korea nukes as in Jimmy Carter's case or gave Iran nukes in John McCain's case.

If you require a bit of history, here it is:

John Kerry blew up the Sudan.

Hillary Clinton blew up the Mideast

Al Gore enslaved the world in green energy scam.

Mitt Romney worked against Donald Trump in high treason

Walter Mondale tried to make Minnesota the Soviet of America

HW and W tried to foist Jeb on us.


John McCain was running around the planet illegally establishing his own brand of President McCain as a quasi President, Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense, as a sort of alter ego the the bomb throwers of Obama, Clinton and Kerry, to create the disaster we have on our hands now which is fomenting nuclear World War III.

The Lame Cherry exposed all of this exclusively in The CLINTON DEAD POOL

a feature which exposed these psychotic little presidents who America rejected were competing in foreign policy and blowing up the world. It was a reality that Hillary Clinton was getting her bribes, Obama it's bribes and John McCain his bribes for the GOPliters, and they were all managing different factions of what was called ISIS, but ISIS was nothing but an oil piracy scheme, stealing oil out of Syria and Iraq and selling it to Turkey. It was the same old Oil for Palaces scheme of Bill Clinton with Saddam Hussein.

What requires stating now are the facts that America does not need any of these psychotics meddling in Trump Administration Foreign Policy, and America does not need this little dictator John McCain running American Foreign Policy out of the Senate as he is head of the committee there.
For those who forgot, John McCain shredded most of George W. Bush's foreign policy, simply out of malice, as Bush beat McCain for the nomination in 2000. With the inferno that John McCain set up with nuclear Obama, America can not afford to have John McCain involved in anything ever again.

For those who missed it, the Ukraine blowing up and the disaster there, which is nothing but the Soros theft of Ukraine resources and a globalist stepping stone to Balkanize Russia after a nuclear world war promoted by John McCain, John McCain  and his staff were all through the Ukraine promoting conflict there.

Every time I think about deleting this picture of John McCain and his ISIS terrorists, a new reason to publish it, appears, and here is the new reason, in one of the many firsts Attorney General Jeff Sessions must undertake is an investigation of the crimes of John McCain.

Make no mistake about it, in John McCain has already had his Presidential Pardon by Gerald Ford, for being a traitor. John McCain aided the North Vietnamese Communists in the Vietnam War, and should have been hung for his crimes, but instead this traitor keeps popping up making the world a bloodier place which is auditioning for nuclear incineration.

The Attorney General must look into the disappearance of Marc Turi of Arizona, an arms dealer for Obama and Clinton in the Benghazi ANALGATE fiasco which had Americans murdered and 500,000 Syrian murdered. Turi is at home in the very state where the McCain mafia operates.

For those who need refresher in John McCain. McCain by his wife owns the Budweiser distribution interest in the Southwest. McCain joined with Joe Lieberman of Connecticut to push through Indian gaming for their mafia benefactors.

AS A LAME CHERRY EXCLUSIVE IN MATTER ANTI MATER. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY DONALD TRUMP LOST MONEY IN ATLANTIC CITY, WHY CHRIS CHRISTIE HAS A PROBLEM WITH CASINO GAMBLING COLLAPSE, it is because of McCain in his Indian Ring gambling mafia. They have been bleeding Atlantic City dry for their criminal interests.

This is the kind of criminal activity John McCain is involved in, and when people disappear in having dealing with Clinton and McCain, you can bet that one of these two is connected to it, in their interests are protecting their interests.

For those reasons,  Jeff Sessions must open an investigation of John McCain for the security of America, for the simple reason, Americans voted for Donald Trump to be President, and not have this little dictator John McCain causing more upheaval in American foreign and domestic policy.

This can not be stressed enough that John McCain belongs in prison, and not in the US Senate. This is an issue the Trump Administration is going to have to deal with, and it is best to hand down indictments early, have an American Senator appointed out of Arizona, and America can build peace, instead of McCain conflict with Vladimir Putin and McCain oil cuts with ISIS.

This is not going to require 3 days investigating John McCain in his subversion and alliance with terrorists, because it is all in his NSA files, and all that needs to be done is Mike Mullen releasing those files to Attorney General Sessions, who takes this to a Grand Jury who indicts McCain in 3 seconds once they review the horrifying things this despot has been up to.

.......and Mr. Sessions can throw that Jebling Senator Lindsey Graham into prison too, as he is pictured with McCain among the terrorists, and has been doing his Jebest to get appointed more of these horrid Neocons to sabotage the Trump Administration.

It is time for the sake of America, that this cabal of competing despots, from Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, to John McCain and Lindsey Graham all be indicted and put into prison for 500 years to life.

America does not need John McCain endangering Americans and the world with nuclear genocide as this psychotic make believes he is president from the year 2008 AD in the year of our Lord

Nuff Said



A Fairy Pee Rain

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Fairy Pee.

Yes that is a Lame Cherry copyrighted original. You ever hear anyone say Fairy Pee, and that is me.

Fairy Pee is something that comes in many forms. Take for example if someone has some Mountain Dew and you have some water in your glass which you forgot about on a 100 degree day and they share it with you.
You take a swig of it  and it tastes like warm, sweet, nothingness, which is a bit too viscous to deal with, and you think,"This tastes just like fairy pee, and you swallow it as there is nothing you can do with it, being polite".

Fairy Pee also is what I say it is.

It is like today, TL and I were walking. Mom had asked us last night about rain, and I assured her it had stopped by the forecast and no more rain. Of course, there was no rain on that day either forecast, but it still rained.

So we are walking and out of the southeast is this wind blowing, and we are getting Fairy Pee rain. You know what Fairy Pee rain is. It is that blessed mist that gets you wet, but waters nothings, and grows nothing but mosquitoes and weeds.

So it was raining Fairy Pee and TL says to me, "That sounds like thunder." I say, that it can not be thunder as the Fairy Pee is coming from the east with a strong wind, so it must be the neighbor banging around things in his junk lot.
You don't have a neighbor with a payloader, car crusher and junk lot next door? You really should as people no longer mistake my junk pile for a junk lot as the neighbor really has a junk lot, complete with mud as grass no longer will grow there with all the burned tires, dripping toxic waste and there being more traffic there than in downtown LA.

So we get inside and it thunders........from the West. So I apologize to TL as it was thunder and then it rains. No not Fairy Pee rain, but this is Cow Whip........different from Horse Whip, as ........oh you probably do not know what whip is. Whip is piss from a horse that gets whipped on you by their tail on a hot day.
Nothing is more welcome on the planet than being sweaty, having flies bite and stick to you, and then have a mare piss and swish her tail through horse pee and whip it on you.
Never fails this happens when you have your new cowboy hat on, and you had your Saturday bath with clean clothes and you are just getting on the horse to prove to the city kid that it will not buck her off to kill her.

Cow Whip is bigger drops than Horse Whip, and we were having Cow Whip as I had to go out and shut the turkeys in, so they would not be drown by Cow Piss size rain. Oh and cow tails for some reason are like hacksaw blades cutting into your face. Cow Whip is a bit smoother too like Mary Kay moisturizers as cow poop always comes with Cow Whip. Nothing like having cow crap sawed into your skin as a nice moisturizer.

So now you know what Fairy Pee is. Fairy Pee has taste and Fairy Pee has lack of volume. It is what you think Tinkerbelle is like in the coming Disney versions now that all the foreigners are working there and Americans are fired.


A Neo Mutant Species

File:Map prevailing winds on earth.png

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Global Wind Patterns

Pondering things is an exercise. Infusing data creates an operation.

This has to do with statements like those from Tim Rifat stating the amount of cobalt it would require from Elon Musk batteries to turn all the world into a humanicide reality.

If one studies the wind patterns, one can ascertain that one device would make it impossible as the planetary winds predominantly run in bands.

File:Oceanic gyres.png

The oceans have their gyers or whirlpools for effect.

File:Atmospheric circulation.svg

Then there are 6 major wind bands on the planet working in convergence in funneling air to streams, concentrating material as in the infamous cobalt.

The short answer in this is there are concentrations, and then disbursement. As particles disburse, they lose their lethal effectiveness.

Diluting  would occur due to weather, or to the point rain or snow precipitation which would produce fall out, or hot spots, cleansing the atmosphere.
There is a process in this of upper atmosphere contamination as in volcanic or meteoric action, as much as hot zone re circulation by weather.

Cobalt 60 is already in use for eradication of organisms in fruits. It actually sterilizes insects and causes them to stop eating. It has a process of killing blooded creatures, but not sap creatures. A world filled with dead carcasses producing disease and the Cobalt eradicating the diseases.

There is something about a grid pattern requirements, and there are things like Planet X with mile high tidal waves, Yellowstone Calderas, and whatever other toxic events which have never wiped out human life. The fact is God came close in the Noah Deluge and that is it.
The fact is the Bible says unless the Great Tribulation is shortened in those 3 1/2 years no life would be left alive. That though is a reality of over 3 years of cross grid effect of various toxins which humanity has taken tax dollar production from to protect itself, in order to doomsday itself.

The reality is there will always be the buffalo, hunted to near extermination, but extermination was an impossibility, and the species survived and repopulated, as in the day of Noah. It is logical to conclude that turning off the electric for a few months, some rain and cold and heat, dirty water, and lack of genetic strength would crop equal amounts of life as even a grid effect Cobalt pattern.

Like rats in General Mills, it would require numerous noxious methods to reduce the vermin, but in the end there are still the breeding pairs to repopulate, to produce a stronger genetic structure.

Cobalt 60 defeating numerous disease to the effect that a new human mutant would appear that survives radiation. That sounds more like an advancement of species as in other cataclysm and not the boogerman effect.

Would the Neanderthal have dominated if it only had sucked on a Cobalt sucker as fellatio instead of Bertha Butt? 

This study bores me at this point, so the grey matter seeks new stimulus to ponder and add data.

Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

global map with cobalt production
