Friday, December 9, 2016

The Pater Pope's Fetish for Feces Arousal

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When I first read reports on this, I simply thought it had to be Fake News, like Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, and then the sources actually quoted the Pater Pope of Rome, and the false prophet was literally talking again about COPROPHILIA.

Coprophilia, also called scatophilia or scat, is the paraphilia involving sexual arousal and pleasure from feces.More at Wikipedia

This reminds me of Ted Cruz focusing on rat sex in his campaign managed by Amanda Carpenter, as one wonders what is going through these people's minds.

Disinformation is probably the greatest damage that the media can do, as opinion is guided in one direction, neglecting the other part of the truth. And then, I believe that the media should be very clear, very transparent, and not fall prey – without offence, please – to the sickness of coprophilia, which is always wanting to communicate scandal, to communicate ugly things, even though they may be true.

Yet the Pater Pope was once again casting the first stones at the Alternative Media for battling for the Truth against the lies of the MSM, and equating that sites like Gateway Pundit is a "sh*t eater" site as it exposes sensational stories.

The Pater Pope in calling people  "sh*t eaters" though did not want to offend. The false prophet's solution was everyone should just post stories of adoration about loving false messiah Obama, and how great it is to be genocided in America or raped to death in Europe.

Apparently this was not the first time the Pater Pope was focused on dining on excrement, as he delved into this in 2013 AD in the year of our Lord.

However it isn’t the first time that Pope Francis has discussed sexual interest in excrement. In March 2013, he warned that journalists risked becoming ill from their coprophilia, and that they could be fomenting coprophagia in their readers.

This really needs no further commentary or sensationalism. Then again, I will conclude not one attacker of this blog is going to say a word of disgust over the Pater Pope of the Vatican constantly talking about "sh*t eating:.

Seriously, why is a Black Robe Jesuit got being aroused by poop dining on his mind enough, that it keeps coming out of his mouth in analogies?

Nuff Said



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Misdirection is interesting when one sees crime partners, Hillary Clinton and John McCain directly the backwash to pollute American minds.

First we have McCain and Clinton dealing foreign policy to steal Muslim oil and launder it to the European cartel in Europe.
Second we have McCain and Clinton, fixating on Russia for the cartel in order to start a war, make Americans expendable, Europeans expendable and Russians expendable, so Russia will be the main course for carving up for profits.

Into this we have "someone" who has been laying the propaganda that Russia is behind the hacking of the elections, which she was not..........all to tarnish the image of Donald Trump and Russian American Peace.

Then we have "someone" mass posting stories about Pizzagate, in order to focus the attention on pedophiles surrounding the Clinton inner circle, in order to obtain something from those involved.
Odd how this appeared after the Clinton's bankrolled an operation smearing a certain 45th President for raping little girls. I wonder if someone quite protective of a certain person, sort of accomplished this as payback............and the only answer Hamrod can offer don't hate the pedophiles.

Hillary Clinton on Thursday decried the spread of fake news online, calling it an “epidemic” that Congress should take action against.
“The epidemic of malicious fake news and false propaganda that flooded social media over the past year — it’s now clear the so-called fake news can have real-world consequences,” Clinton said during a speech on Capitol Hill.
Some Democrats have argued the spread of anti-Clinton fake news online contributed to her electoral loss to Donald Trump.
The issue has received renewed attention this week after a gunman entered a pizzeria in Washington that was at the center of a false viral conspiracy theory that alleged it was home to a pedophilia ring operated by Clinton and her inner circle.
“This isn’t about politics or partisanship,” Clinton continued during her speech Thursday at a ceremony honoring retiring Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).
“Lives are at risk — lives of ordinary people just trying to go about their days, to do their jobs, contribute to their communities.”
“It’s a danger that must be addressed and addressed quickly,” she said.

I agree that fake news must be addressed quickly, as fake news got Andrew Breitbart assassinated. So let us uncover all of this that Hillary Clinton is screaming about as people have been endangered, as at Benghazi when Hillary Clinton unleashed her fake news that got Chris Stevens and 3 other Americans murdered.

Now why would John McCain led Republicans be breathing fire about Russia? Because all of these frauds have been having elections tossed for them for years........and oh wait, the cartel who owns crook John McCain wants Vladimir Putin deceased, so they can make war on Russia, defeat her, after scorching Europe and then dividing up Mother Russia on the funeral pyre.

Lot's of spinning going on in cartel members looking to hide the pedophile story put out to shine the light on the pedophiles and roll it all up to blaming Donald Trump, who beat the system.......with the Kurschner mafia taking all the credit.

Nuff Said



Gorillla Nursing

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I understand that congratulations are in order to Mr and Mrs Cernovich on the birth of their daughter. I know few of the details as it is not like I was at the midwife's house nor watching the NSA feed, except all went well and the child was a wisp of a thing weighing in at under 7 pound.

That is a good thing, as Mrs. Cernovich is a Persian woman, and not beefy like Muchelle Obama, but gorgeous and slight of build like most Persian Semites are. Yes Persians are the offspring on Noah's son Shem, so are Semite.

I do not want though people to be alarmed at the light weight of the Cernovich babe, for the simple reason out in cattle country there is a saying, "Grow em out of the womb", and in that we open a discussion of the Cernovich's in Gorilla Nursing. I have not yet decided if I want to build a career on this, have my own Mark Levin television program where Mark Steyn can have Martha Stewart bake yule logs while my show would deal with the comfort of large breasts in examining them throughout history.

See out in cow country, we like Mrs. Cernovich types. Lots of spirit and they don't eat much, but you got to know what you are doing, or you will go bankrupt, that is why when you get a white Ashkenaz bull, like Mike on top of a Persian easy keeper, you have to do a bit more or you end up with light calves in the fall.

 Out in ranch country, they get this Red White Faced Hereford and put him on these Black Aberdeen Angus cows, who turn out Black Baldies, who have these huge tits, that produce gallons of milk. This is important, because on the Baldies you put a big White Charolais French bull, and get these pretty tan calves who then suck gallons of milk out of the womb, and turn into 600 pound money maker feeders in the fall.
See the white calves pop out normal weight, but you grow em big out of the womb. If you try to grow em big in the womb, it kills the cow by ripping her up and the calf dies too, and there is no money in that.

So Mrs. Cernovich having the slight child is ok, we just need to employ the lessons of the Bible.

See in the Bible, the Persians and Arabs had goats, lots of goats. Goats are good milkers, because let's face it that homo sapiens like bovines do not produce the same butterfat as other races in their class.

For example, when Moses was in the boat on the Nile. The daughter of Pharaoh got an Israelite woman to nurse the lad, as Egyptians just do not have the butterfat content, in you just do not see fat nor tall Egyptians. For that matter, you never want to hire a Mexican, as them women put on the ton after they reach 15 years, but them short men, and skinny kids all indicate that Mexican tit milk is weak as water. You might as well let a Mexican baby sniff the cap for all the good that nursing does.

In this though, you will notice the Anglo Saxons from Germans, Scandinavians and Anglos all are good milkers in their women, and turn out these giant children who rule the world. They do not have goats, but in America supplement a great deal with lots of cows milk.

Back in the day, no self respecting Southern Belle would nurse their child. Nursing makes the tits sag, and winding your tits around your corset did not  make Scarlet pretty, so the Southern women had them Afroids do the nursing.
There is an important part in this, in the Negroid is an easy keeper, but in Africa the babies get fat, but they amount to nothing. What them White planters though came up with, was riding some of them black slaves to produce the Black Baldie, in you got the high production of the Holstein from Germany with the high butterfat content of the Jersey, and them slaves grew like Goliath and created an entire Jewish owned professional sports industry.

Them old Mammies with them big tits, could nurse their own and a passel of White children up to the plantation house, and Scarlet's tits kept perky until she went tits up. That is where tits up comes from in old Southern women dying, and their perky tits pointing to the sky in praise of the Lord.

Any way, as Mike Cernovich is the proper size for producing wee babies in his petite Persian wife, we have he dilemma of growing this baby, as I doubt the Cernovich's have access to a herd of goats, and this baby really needs the real deal in mother's milk.

So like Pharaoh, I think Mike Cernovich should put an ad up in Craigslist for Gorilla Nursing. I figure he needs to set the size at Oprah, as you want all that lard to produce milk, and not have to worry about the feed he is putting into his Mammy. I would also get drug tests as you never can tell, and I recommend size G tits, to be on the safe side. Mr. Cernovich could get a few breast pumps too and give himself a work out in milking the Mammy a few gallons extra each day. I hear it makes a nice milk soap, compared to the Spanish olive oil soap.

Where was I?

Oh yes, Mike Cernovich breast pumping a black Mammy. It has to be G size tits, as even with Muchelle Obama's big ass, those thin tits she has sagging away, are never going to produce enough in just wearing the wee babe out, and giving Mr. Cernovich carpel tunnel or something as nothing in this world is worse than a hard milker. You want a tit that you just touch it and the milk runs out........don't want to drown the wee babe either mind you, so pay attention, but Mr. Cernovich could stipulate in the Craiglist that he would have to do some milking before the contract was signed.
Personally, besides the drug test, I would send off a gallon to Kraft and get them to do a butterfat test, just to make sure you were getting creamy style and not some mastitis looking watery milk which would starve the kid.

So the milkers Mike Cernovich wants are these Afroid crosses first, and then he could move onto them German fraus as like the Scandinavians, they turn out them big boned sons  of bitches which conquer planets, and you can't grow bones without lots of milk out of the womb.
I hear Bohemian women do good too, so don't be fooled as they are thin little things, with small udders, but you get the right one and you got a dairy farm on your hands.

I suspect with the right Mammy and that little under 7 pound baby will be up to 30 pound in no time. And no do not worry about fat babies, as once them little ones start running around, they burn all that fat is necessary to help them grow.
Then just get them a nice butterfat dairy cow, feed them lots of eggs, bacon and steak, and that little girl will become a right proper leader....probably grow up to be President as meat eaters of beef always grow up leaders. Reason the Chinese never ruled anything, as you can't win wars on fish and pork.

Think that about covers thing in Gorilla Nursing. Someday someone will make a great deal of money in stealing this idea and writing a book about it, and doing butterfat testing on homo sapiens and act like they never got the idea here first, in this blog just trying to help out the Cernovich's to grow the next President of America.....or maybe she might rule Iran and throw them turban heads out for some real advancement of those fine people.

Nuff Said


HAARPing on Cold

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The absolutely impossible Arctic cold which came to America from Oregon, has now had hurricane force winds on the American Great Plains out of the west and northwest for.......5 days. That again is impossible as fronts have rotational winds, so what is the reality?

HAARP is being employed against America, for the global purpose of using up all of your gasoline and propane supplies, so prices can then be driven up gouging you in a cold winter. Do not ever think that HAARP has only one purpose, but it is employed to extract billions from Americans too.

Of course this will hurt the Trump recovery, which it is intended, as cheap energy brings prosperity to Americans.

Call this Lame Cherry Concentrate as there is not any sense in making you read pages when a few paragraphs will let you know why Oregon is the new Arctic, why the air feels warm, as everything is plunged is atmospheric flip. They made Alaska cold when it was warm all summer, and then pushed that air over the west coast to experiment in how it would move weather patterns across North of the benefits is robbing Americans of their money in higher fuel costs and hampering President Trump.

All of this happened on cue with the OPEC announcement of cutting production...........America though has stockpiles and this is how one depletes those stockpiles.


One White House China Policy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that the jungle drums have tom tom'd out that there has been a President Donald Trump shift in China Policy from Obama bowing to Peking, in Bob Dole and key insiders have been formulating a broad ranging reassessment of Peking, on the focal point of Reince Priebus moving a phone call from the President of the Republic of China to congratulate President Trump on his God given victory in the American elections.

So that everyone understands this, democrat Harry Truman installed the communists in Peking, and abandoned the American ally of free China, which fled to Taiwan or Formosa.
President Richard Nixon initiated the China Card policy to deal with the Soviet Union, in playing China against the Moscow communists.
Jimmy Carter betrayed the American ally of the Republic of China for Peking, booting the ROC from the United Nation's seat and ushering in the disaster of the HW Bush policy of turning China from a rice patty starving state that ate it's own people literally, to the cancer China has become, in eating world resources, driving up prices and becoming a nemesis in Asia.

China is a disease which Zbigniew Brzezinski has called for Balkanizing, Moscow looks upon as a card to attack America in a war, if the Neocons foment another war against Russia as Obama Soros plotted, and a problem which for Americans are paying in this Peking girl who is not so pretty any more.

For Russia, China is an expanding infection seizing Russian territory in the east. It is becoming a parity with Moscow and if the situation were to go nuclear in things going wrong in a nuclear American exchange or a Russian revisit to those hordes, it is a festering nuclear sore which transforms in cadavers to a biological plague, with 2 billion Indian and Indonesian hosts to keep it fresh and viable for Mother Russia.

I digress.

As I have stated, the era of the China Card has passed. All American policy is now based upon Russia. Solve Russia and it solves oil terrorism and solves China. This is the American policy of Russia first, first, first.

America can not be lured into a problem of George W. Bush of getting American reconisance aircraft hijacked by China and paying ransom. President Trump has sent a message, and China will respond. If China inflates as with W. then it provides the excuse for the Trump Presidency to escalate to the pressures which China has real problems in, in energy, food, and food, energy.

China has enjoyed Bush, Clinton and Obama carte blanche. It is time that all of the problems they have created from North Korea to thinking it can inform a President of these United States that he can not speak with the legitimate Government of China at Taiwan.

China has sown the whirlwind and it is time that China reaps the storm.

The Asian mind is one of natural racism, in prejudice it is the superior race in delusional grandeur. Far too many enablers have told Peking, that they are a success in order to get them to be a slave state serving the cartel, so the Chicom can be the pigs sitting at the table with the white men in this Animal Farm.

Peking simply needs to be placed back into the barn yard, and allowed to watch the superior races of Russian and Americans have discussions about the world and how it is to be managed.
The ridiculous China policy will end, as the historic advancement of Asia appeared with the Japanese and Siamese. The Chin simply inherited the Israelite advancement of Aryan, in SamARIAN exiles, out of Persia. The same as which advanced the Indians out of their doldrums.

There should be a one China policy and it should not change. What should change though is who governs the one China, and that should be the legitimate Government of the Republic of China again, and not the illegitimate arisen by Harry Truman to manage China for exploitation, when General Douglas MacArthur had the correct remedy in 50 nuclear devices ending the globalist Peking problem created by the HW Neocons.

Let America join with Russia, to protect Russian far eastern lands and resources, with a re establishment of the Republic of China democracy, for the security of all Asians, Russians and Americans. Taiwan has never threatened Russia, has never threatened Japan, has never threatened Vietnam, has never threatened America, has never threatened Peking.

It is time for the Great Wall of China to fall, in they way the Berlin wall fell, and the Mandarin, Cantonese, Urghurs and Chins to be free peoples, in a Confederacy of a nuclear free state led by the peaceful people of Taiwan.

It is time for the Trump Administration to inform, by the new American Ambassador Terry Brandsted, that it is time that China join Russia and America in free elections, such as those which elected President Putin and President Trump, in answering the will of the People to choose city by city, province by province, if the communist can survive, in voting for Chiang Kai Shek freedom or the Peking which brought Tienanmen Square.

- Lame Cherry

Nuff Said


В качестве еще одного Хромой Cherry в эксклюзивном материи анти материи.

Теперь, когда джунгли барабаны Томом tom'd, что произошел сдвиг президент Дональд Трамп в Китае политики от Обамы кланяясь в Пекин, в Боба Доула и ключевых инсайдеров были сформулировать широкий в пределах переоценки Пекине, на фокальной точки Reince Priebus перемещение телефонный звонок от президента Китайской Республики, чтобы поздравить президента Трампа на его Богом данной победы на американских выборах.

Так что все это понимают, демократ Гарри Трумэн установил коммунистов в Пекине, и отказались от американского союзника свободного Китая, который бежал на Тайвань или Формоза.
Президент Ричард Никсон инициировал политику Китая карты, чтобы иметь дело с Советским Союзом, в игре против Китая московских коммунистов.
Джимми Картер предал американского союзника Китайской Республики в Пекине, загрузки РПЦ с места Организации Объединенных Нации и вступил в результате стихийного бедствия политики Буша-старшего превращения Китая из голодного состояния риса пирожка, который съел его собственного народа в буквальном смысле, к рак Китай стал, в еде мировых ресурсов, росту цен и стать возмездием в Азии.

Китай является заболеванием, которое Збигнев Бжезинский призвал Balkanizing, Москва смотрит на как карту, чтобы атаковать Америку в войну, если Неоконы разжигают новую войну против России, как график Обамы Сорос, и проблема, которая для американцев платят в этой Пекинского девушки который не так красиво больше.

Для России, Китай является расширение инфекции захвата территории России на востоке. Она становится паритет с Москвой, и если бы ситуация была идти ядерная в вещей происходит неправильно в ядерном американском обмене или русской Повторяемость к тем орд, это гнойные ядерная рана, которая превращается в трупах в биологической чумы, с 2 млрд Индийские и индонезийские хостов, чтобы сохранить его свежим и жизнеспособным для Матери России.

Я отвлекся.

Как я уже говорил, эпоха китайской карты прошло. Вся американская политика в настоящее время основывается на России. Решить Россию и она решает нефти с терроризмом и решает Китай. Это американская политика России во-первых, во-первых, во-первых.

Америка не может быть заманили в проблему Джорджа Буша получения американского самолета reconisance захваченный Китаем и платить выкуп. Президент Trump послал сообщение, и Китай ответит. Если Китай надувается с W. Затем он дает повод для Трампа Президентство нагнетать к давлению, которое Китай имеет реальные проблемы, в области энергетики, продуктов питания и продуктов питания, энергии.

Китай пользуется Буш, Клинтон и Обама карт-бланш. Настало время, что все проблемы, которые они создали из Северной Кореи, чтобы думать, он может информировать президента этих Соединенных Штатов, что он не может говорить с законным правительством Китая на Тайване.

Китай посеял бурю, и настало время, что Китай пожинает бурю.

Азиатский ум является одним из природного расизма, в ущерб это высшая раса в бредового величии. Слишком много сказали систем обеспечения Пекин, что они имеют успех для того, чтобы заставить их быть рабовладельческое государство служит картель, поэтому Chicom может быть свиньи, сидя за столом с белыми мужчинами в этой ферме животных.

Пекин просто должен быть помещен обратно в сарай двор и позволил наблюдать за высшим расам русских и американцев имеют дискуссии о мире и как он будет управляться.
Смешная политика Китая закончится, как историческое продвижение Азии появились с японцами и сиамские. Чин просто унаследовал Израильтянский продвижение арийца, в Samarian ссыльных, из Персии. То же самое, который продвинулся индейцев из депрессивного состояния.

Там должна быть одна политика Китая и она не должна изменяться. Что должно измениться, хотя в том, кто управляет один Китай, и это должно быть законное правительство Китайской Республики вновь, а не незаконнорожденная возник Гарри Трумэном, чтобы управлять Китаем для эксплуатации, когда генерал Дуглас Макартур имел правильное средство правовой защиты в 50 ядерных устройства, оканчивающиеся глобалистов проблему пекински, созданную HW неоконсерваторов.

Пусть Америка вступать с Россией, чтобы защитить дальневосточных земель и ресурсов, с повторным созданием Китайской Республики демократии, для обеспечения безопасности всех азиатов, русских и американцев. Тайвань никогда не угрожает России, никогда не угрожает Японии, никогда не угрожал Вьетнам, никогда не угрожала Америке, никогда не угрожал Пекин.

Настало время для Великая китайская стена падать, в них путь Берлинская стена пала, и мандарин, кантонском, Urghurs и Подбородки быть свободными народы, в Конфедерацию свободной от ядерного оружия государства во главе с мирным народом Тайваня.  

Настало время для Трампа администрации сообщить новым американским послом Терри Brandsted, что настало время, что Китай присоединиться к России и Америки в ходе свободных выборов, таких, как те, которые избрали президентом Путиным и президентом Trump, отвечая на волю народа к выбрать город по городам, провинция за провинцией, если коммунист может выжить, в голосовании за свободу Чан Кайши или Пекин, который принес площади Тяньамень.


- Хромая Вишневый


Zuòwéi lìng yīgè bǒzi yīngtáo dújiā zài wùzhí fǎnwùzhí.

Xiànzài cónglín gǔ yǒu tāngmǔ tāngmǔ chūlái, yǒu yīgè tángnàdé·tè lǎng pǔ zǒngtǒng zhuǎnyí zhōngguó zhèngcè cóng àobāmǎ qūfú dào běijīng, zài bào bó duō ěr hé zhǔyào nèibù rénshì yīzhí zài zhìdìng yīgè guǎngfàn de chóngxīn pínggū běijīng, zài jiāodiǎn Reins Priebus cóng zhōnghuá mínguó zǒngtǒng dǎ diànhuà, zhùhè tè lǎng pǔ zǒngtǒng zài měiguó xuǎnjǔ zhōng huòdé shènglì.

Suǒyǐ dàjiā dōu míngbái zhè yīdiǎn, mínzhǔ pài de hālǐ·dùlǔmén zài běijīng ānzhuāngle gòngchǎndǎng rén, bìng fàngqìle táo wǎng táiwān huò fú ěr mó shā dì měiguó zìyóu zhōngguó méngyǒu.

Níkèsōng zǒngtǒng fāqǐle zhōngguó kǎ zhèngcè, chǔlǐ sūlián, dǎ zhòng guó duì mòsīkē gòngchǎndǎng rén.

Jímǐ·kǎtè bèipànle zhōnghuá mínguó zài běijīng dì měiguó méngyǒu, cóng liánhéguó de zuòwèi yǐndǎo zhōnghuá mínguó, bìng kāishǐ yìngjiàn bùshí zhèngcè de zāinàn, jiàng zhōngguó cóng yīgè chīfàn de guójiā, bǎ zìjǐ de rénmín zìmiàn shàng, áizhèng zhōngguó yǐjīng chéngwéi zài chī shìjiè zīyuán, tuī gāo jiàgé hé chéngwéi yàzhōu de chóuhèn.

Zhōngguó shì yī zhǒng jíbìng,Zbigniew Brzezinski hūyù bā'ěrgàn huà, mòsīkē kàn qǐlái zuòwéi yī zhāng kǎ zài zhànzhēng zhōng gōngjí měiguó, rúguǒ xīn Neocons foment lìng yī chǎng duì èluósī zuòwéi àobāmǎ suǒ luósī huìzhì de yīgè wèntí, měiguó rén zhīfù zài zhège běijīng nǚhái shuí bùshì nàme piàoliangle.

Duìyú èluósī, zhōngguó shì yīgè kuòdà de gǎnrǎn, zhànlǐng dōngbù de èluósī lǐngtǔ. Tā zhèngzài chéngwéi yǔ mòsīkē de píngděng, rúguǒ qíngkuàng shì hé shìjiàn zài hé měiguójiāoyì huòzhě èluósī huígù nàxiē qúntǐ de shìqíng chūcuòle, tā shì yīgè èhuà de hésuān bìngbiàn, zài shītǐ shàng biàn chéng shēngwù wēnyì, yǒu 20 yì yìndùníxīyà hé yìndùníxīyà zhǔjī bǎochí tā xīnxiān hàn kěxíng de èluósī mǔqīn.

Wǒ lítí.

Zhèngrú wǒ suǒ shuō, zhōngguó kǎ de shídài yǐjīng guòqùle. Suǒyǒu měiguó de zhèngcè xiànzài dōu shì jīyú èluósī. Jiějué èluósī, jiějué shíyóu kǒngbù zhǔyì, jiějué zhōngguó. Zhè shì èluósī dì yī, dì yī, dì yī dì měiguó zhèngcè.

Měiguó bùnéng bèi yǐnyòu dào qiáozhì·bùshí de wèntí, ràng měiguó zhēnchá fēijī bèi zhōngguó jiéchí bìng zhīfù shújīn. Tè lǎng pǔ zǒngtǒng fāchūle yīgè xìnxī, zhōngguójiāng zuòchū huíyīng. Rúguǒ zhōngguó yǔ W yīyàng péngzhàng, nàme tā wèi tè lǎng pǔ zǒngtǒng shēngjí dào zhōngguó zài néngyuán, shípǐn, shípǐn, néngyuán děng fāngmiàn de zhēnzhèng wèntí de yālì tígōngle jièkǒu.

Zhōngguó xiǎngyǒu bùshí, kèlíndùn hé àobāmǎ zhèngquán. Xiànzài shì shíhòule, tāmen cóng cháoxiǎn chuàngzào de suǒyǒu wèntí dōu kěyǐ gàosù měiguó zǒngtǒng, tā bùnéng zài táiwān yǔ zhōngguó de héfǎ zhèngfǔ shuōhuà.

Zhōngguó yǐjīng bō xiàle xuànfēng, xiànzài shì zhōngguó shōufù fēngbào de shíhòule.

Yàzhōu xīnlíng shì zìrán de zhǒngzú zhǔyì zhī yī, zài piānjiàn zhōng tā shì wàngxiǎng xìng de wěidà de yōuyuè zhǒngzú. Tài duō de tuīdòng zhě gàosù běijīng, tāmen shì chénggōng de, yǐ shǐ tāmen chéngwéi yīgè núlì guó fúwù kǎtè ěr, suǒyǐ,Chicom kěyǐ shì zhū zuò zài zhuōzi yǔ báirén zài zhège dòngwù nóngchǎng.

Běijīng zhǐ xūyào fàng huí gǔ cāng yuànzi, bìng yǔnxǔ guānkàn èluósī hé měiguó rén de gāojí bǐsài yǒu guānyú shìjiè de tǎolùn hé rúhé guǎnlǐ.

Huāngmiù de zhōngguó zhèngcè jiāng jiéshù, yīnwèi yàzhōu de lìshǐ jìnbù yǔ rìběn hé xiān luó chūxiàn. Zhōngguó rén jiǎndān de jìchéngle sā mǎ lì yǎ liúwáng zhě zhōng de yǎ lì'ān rén cóng bōsī chūlái de yǐsèliè rén de jìnbù. Tóngyàng de shìqíng shǐ yìndì'ān rén tuōlíle tāmen de dīgǔ.

Yīnggāi yǒu yīgè zhōngguó de zhèngcè, bù yìng gāi gǎibiàn. Yīnggāi gǎibiàn de shì shuí shì yīgè zhōngguó de tǒngzhì zhě, zhè yīnggāi shì zhōnghuá mínguó de héfǎ zhèngfǔ, ér bùshì hālǐ·dùlǔmén guǎnlǐ zhōngguó kāifā de fēifǎ xíngwéi, dāng dàogélāsī màikè'āsè jiāngjūn zài 50 gè hé guó jiā yǒu zhèngquè de bǔjiù shí shèbèi jiéshù yóu HW Neocons chuàngzào de quánqiú zhǔyì běijīng wèntí.

Ràng měiguó yǔ èluósī yīqǐ, bǎohù èluósī yuǎndōng de tǔdì hé zīyuán, chóngjiàn zhōnghuá mínguó de mínzhǔ, wéi suǒyǒu yàzhōu rén, èluósī rén hé měiguó rén de ānquán. Táiwān cóng wèi wēixiéguò èluósī, cóng wèi wēixiéguò rìběn, cóng wèi wēixiéguò yuènán, cóng wèi wēixiéguò měiguó, cóng wèi wēixiéguò běijīng.

Zài yóu táiwān hépíng rénmín lǐngdǎo de wú hé guó jiā liánhé huì shàng, zhōngguó de chángchéng dào xià, bólín qiáng dǎotā, pǔtōnghuà, guǎngdōng huà, wū ěr dū yǔ hé zhōngguó rén dōu shì zìyóu rénmín.  

Xiànzài shì tè lǎng pǔ zhèngfǔ tōngzhī xīn dì měiguó dàshǐ tè lǐ·bù lán dé sī tè de shíhòule, xiànzài shì zhōngguó jiārù èluósī hé měiguó cānjiā zìyóu xuǎnjǔ de shíhòule, lìrú nàxiē xuǎnjǔ pǔjīng zǒngtǒng hé tè lǎng pǔ zǒngtǒng, huí yìng rénmín de yìyuàn xuǎnzé chéngshì, shěngfèn, rúguǒ gòngchǎndǎng rén néng shēngcún, tóupiào xuǎnzé jiǎng zhōngshí zìyóu huò běijīng dài lái tiān'ānmén guǎngchǎng.

- Bǒzi yīngtáo