As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It was pleasing to hear Lawrence Sinclair on the Jeff Rense Radio Network again, in his insights and his understanding of the Trump Administration and the coup against President Trump.
In the conversation though, Mr. Sinclair noted that he should be White House Press Secretary, and honestly I could not agree more that he is exactly the American who the Trump Administration is in dire need of, as Sean Spicer can not even control his own leaking staff.
This post is fortunate as some troll was stating that Mr. Sinclair was not of this world any longer, and Facebook was the platform of that fake news. It is fortunate as it allowed an update on the vocation which Mr. Sinclair is engaged in, in reconditioning homes and allowing people to move into homes for less than what they are charged for rentals.
I have posted on this previously, due to a conversation I had with a Christian volunteer to Florida, who stated the biggest homeless colony in America is in Florida. This would be the result of Jeb Bush wonderful spending that state into debt when not running orange grove farmers out of existence.
For Mr. Sinclair to be making this difference is what is the real Christian ethic put into practice of one person making a difference for good in real people's lives.
I promised I would never forget Lawrence Sinclair after what the Biden mafia put this American through to cover up the first Obama street crimes. It has been remarkable to watch the scales balancing in how Joe Biden sold his soul for the Vice Presidency, in the chief weapon in Beau got cancer and died, while his brother is a dope addict who his wife kicked out, and the dead brother's wife is now tapping the widow of his brother in more creepy Bidenism, and explains why Joe sniffs children and women like a Red Bone.
President Trump is going to have to have Americans who are loyal to him, as he apparently has in DC every traitor in the world.
Ryan downplays conservative backlash against healthcare plan...
Pressures party naysayers...
Opposition Mounts...
Trump seeks to rally support...
Dealmaking mode...
REP: Let's Vote On Exact Same Repeal We Sent To Obama...
Rand Paul Center Stage...
I sort of conclude that President Trump needs two Walls, one on the Mexican border, and one around DC, and we just put everyone in there on a life sentence and Press Secretary Sinclair can inform the fake news some Truth, in they are all inmates in the District of Penitentiary.