Wednesday, September 20, 2017

A Feeling

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I post this because for quite some time, months in fact, I have been deluged with emotions from the future, where I reside, and this morning it was high anxiety.
I realize that many of you for some time have been "feeling" that something is not right, and considering the rubbish the world is in, that is an obvious one with storm clouds on the horizon, but this is different, and I post here in an attempt to explain once again the matrix in it's workings.

Thee above is a screen capture shared by the Viking, which makes absolutely no sense as the blog is not supposed appear like this at all. This is the way the Viking's screen is plastered though, while it is supposed to be a scroll. Oh to be popular girls.

I try to understand the matrix as it is an emotional recording of events, past, present and future. To be exact, I attempt to only inquire through the Holy Ghost so that I receive a sound reading. I try everything I see and I ponder over and over in the Holy Ghost in attempting to figure things out by God's direction. There is though something off about the matrix and as near as I can discern, it is this part is something God does not want me to know.

The Pur or the casting dates are of interest as there are dates which events are to take place, if they do not, they reset and the process begins anew. They keep moving on inquiry, and then come back and it is in this that the Holy Ghost is hiding things from me, and that is problem in this in trying to understand the information.

None of you were around when all this began. An example would be like from that Star Trek OS, in Spock mind melding with Nomad and the machine would not let Spock's mind go. It is not my mind, but my emotions which I lock on to or other people's emotions. When I state lock, it is locking, a meld, a welding of auras, as the more I feel, the more I concentrate, and the more I concentrate the more I meld, so what I hear and feel is a ringing and a sort of blanket of energy, which keeps growing as I meld with a person or persons no matter the distance. It takes some effort in diverting thoughts to break the connection and to cleanse from it. My first experience was quite horrid in someone who betrayed me and being emotionally attached, the connection would not dissolve.

What has been taking place is I have been feeling the rage of nations, and feeling the emotions of individuals who are not yet historical events. In August I was feeling the rage of a group of people who failed at something, and were replaced by a serene individual who was brought in to fix things. The rage disappeared when the fixer appeared, and it was the normal societal upheaval for the past weeks, but I have started waking up again with anxiety and a host of other emotions, which I am picking up from people in the near future.
 There are so many powerful emotions. I feel souls confused. I feel electric heat. I feel darkness of this womb. I feel anxiety, dumbfoundedness, shock, tired, anger, hurt, frustration, wonderment. I feel two worlds, a hurricane wash of turbulence on both sides, silence. I feel silence.

There are events out there that set, and reset. They are reset again and I am feeling the emotional charge of people engulfed by these events which are connected. I do not understand why the energies keep reaching out to me, it seems more than me listening. In experiencing main events or stopping them, these are main events that effect the living and the dead, as that is what the matrix is, a recording of the emotion of the human and living tide which sweeps forward. These are large events or this type of cacophony would not be coming from the future.
I do not like being jolted awake like an alarm clock through the night and then early every morning as I pick up people in the fetal position.

As the Holy Ghost is being silent about things, all I am certain of is when the event completes or it resets, I will then be set free of this emotional alarm clock again.
What I pick up is two main events, the second overshadows or covers up the first.

This is something I desire no part in and as the Holy Ghost is keeping me in the dark, that is God's Will and I accept that.

Line reset, line generating.

