Friday, September 1, 2017

Black Hurricane Harvey

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have compassion on people in Harvey problems, but several times in my life when things went to shit from the weather, I got absolutely NOTHING.
The first time this happened I had a number of people I had served and saved a number of times in always being there for them and when I disappeared offline, NO ONE BOTHERED TO CHECK ON ME.

That was 20 below weather and my almost dying, so when I see people with fat dogs, that I am charged taxes I can not afford, whining about Harvey problems, that seems a bit thin to me, as no one cared about my suffering or my dead animals.

Last year was a repeat in a severe ice storm, that was me getting up several times during the night to run the furnace so things did not freeze in here, nor us. It was trying, it was grueling, it was misery, and I got not one offer from FEMA or any offers of being bailed out.

Do I blame people for living in flood plains? No, because the people to blame are realtors who the politicians owned by the bankers sold people without sense lots in a river bottom.
I have a little exercise for you, but people are too lazy to do this. Look at your city sometime, as a river runs through it, as all towns have rivers in them.
Now look for hills, those are called river BREAKS. On top of those hills is where the high water mark is historically in your location. I state historically as we are dealing with 500 and 1000 year floods. I know this because I have lived through two of them in my location in successive years. The reason for the is to fill your aquifers up so you can drink clean water.
If you are not on ground as high as those river breaks, you are going to get flooded.

A good example is Kansas City which received 7 to 12 inches of rain this past month and flooded. Kansas City is a nightmare of cuts, breaks, rises and bottoms. All that water has to go where the past deluge cut the drainage, and morons built in the gullies as 'it was pretty'.

No one but this blog is talking about the reality of Harvey, as this blog noted before Harvey appeared that the weather was not behaving as it should. Rain storms were forming off Texas and Louisiana, and no rain was falling on land. It was on shore and that is it. That can not be.
The week before Harvey, I grabbed this still of radar and it again is something that can not be. Thee entire southeast was one blot of moisture. No rain fell as no fronts moved. This can not be and yet it was.

 August 20th, 2017 AD in the year of our Lord

Harvey as this blog mocked was a rain cloud 12 hours before it became a Cat 3 championed as a Cat 4. There is not any way Harvey could go from a rain cloud to a Cat 3 in 12 hours, AT NIGHT with under 80 degree temperatures.
There is not any way with Harvey's ragged wide eye cloud could get winds up to 140 mph in gusts.....yet it did.

Harvey's situation was one where this rain cloud somehow had force to drive onto the shore of Texas, but then it stalled and sat there, broke down and poured rain onto Texas.
So you get this, hurricanes when they reach certain categories, no longer are driven by jet streams or neutralized by other pressure systems.
There was not any jet stream to move Harvey, so Harvey should have driven to about Oklahoma and then been turned northeast. Instead Harvey sat there, just like those rain showers sat off shore Texas and Louisiana for weeks.

The following is what Harvey looks like over Tennessee, again this can not be, as it still is this wall of water generating a push north.
What I am attempting to point out, is Harvey either should have filled a void in power, or been neutralized. It did neither, but it is now pushing a deluge of rain over the southeast.

America due to a high pressure in the Pacific which should not be there, has fried the west, and cooled the east. Dick Algire of Hawaii has reported that the Pacific is flat as the doldrums off Hawaii in absolutely no waves. Again that is a situation which can not be, and it is.

Again, the above weather patterns are not normal. Harvey is pushing north, and there is a September push of cold air moving across the central plains. This is most bizarre as there is a pocket of cold 60 degree air over Minnesota, but Wyoming is 90 degress, like most of the West..........which again can not be, because that high pressure system blamed on heating the West, is should be bringing cooling Arctic winds south, and yet the west coast is 100 degree heat.

This is the issue which needs to be addressed, in there are earth forces to HAARP altering weather patterns, and tax payers are being stuck with an every growing 100 billion dollar bill, as everyone has figured out Donald Trump has the debt checks out and all the swindlers are appearing, making claims about all of their losses.

Rainy Day Fund | The Texas Tribune

The state has a Rainy Day Fund with billions of dollars in it, ... will Texas lawmakers tap the $10 billion piggybank known as the Rainy Day Fund? Full Story .

But I doubt that Texas will have to spend that money it confiscated from Citizens, as this will all be Federal now, and all of the idiots standing around waiting for FEMA payments are going to discover if they are White, that "help" is going to start appearing in LOANS while all of the swindlers get the free hand outs again.
That is how this always works. Rich people who can afford to pay for new homes, will take free money to be paid back, but keep their money using it to higher Wall Street returns. Swarthies will trash temporary homes again and move on to shit in some other corner at the tax payer expense......and the money outlay will all flow into the established conglomerates making billions in profits.

That is the story behind Harvey which no one is  telling us as I did a search for the jet stream winds aloft and got this interesting picture.

Someone is hiding the upper air current information, as it will reveal the evidence to expose a greater portion of this. That "cold front" in Minnesota is not a typical September front. That front is just a cold air pocket that appeared. It should be pushing southeast and driving Harvey south east, and it is not, as that is what a normal weather pattern would reveal.

I have noticed for the past few years that our south winds are COLD, and our north winds are warm. There are deliberate flippings of the atmosphere, but Drudge has hyped this and all of these propaganda pictures to distract you from actually looking at the situation and studying the evidence.

So just because you are not 1000 years old, does not mean it does not flood in your slough bottom. Look at the hills as that is the high water mark, it went there before and with the weather flippers it probably will be there again.
I learned in my floods that I can handle around 100 inches of rain as 40 will just get the ponds full for a toad plague.
