Friday, September 1, 2017

Donald Trump talking out both sides of his DACA

I am very good at talking out of both sides of my mouth
for Trump Brand double dealing policies

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is at an end in caring to deal with Mr. President in the "arts of the deal" which can be translated in Mr. President lies to his voters and then manipulates them, to betray them as Mr. President tells them how he kept his promise.

See if Donald Trump were honest, it would be a simple thing to defend him and promote him as in 2016, but now that he is lying to his base all the time, it takes time to figure out what his game of deception is, and as I did not get a cushy 6 figure job in the regime for the work done here in writing the time line for Mr. President to be in the Oval Office, and am exhausted to another headache today, I am not up to writing another flowery post to entertain deadbeats.
I do appreciate the few people who have donated recently, as it takes real courage to hit that Paypal button with your guilty consciences in thinking I might say something about it, but that is not me. All is forgotten among friends as it is packs and saddles at 3 AM in trying to pick up another crumb from the larder of Trump Brand.



This post is about DACA, the policy of protecting criminal foreigners in America that Donald Trump lied to parents whose children were murdered by Mexicans, as the Kushner's wanted these slave to stay in America to be exploited.
Now Mr. President is going HIGH DRAMA of will he or won't he keep DACA, but this is on the bullshit meter as this is not about DACA. This is about Donald Trump baiting and switching for Ivanka again so she won't start bawling again being an exile in a 5 million dollar mansion in DC. Yes would we Americans care to be crying over such an outcast.

Ok here is the game you are about to be suckered by, unless this blog exposing this somehow throws a monkey wrench in another fake policy.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Trump gives you DACA, but he keeps Dreamers. Dreamers then allows in 10 invader relatives for every one of these vermin, so Donald Trump does nothing.........well he does as Tillerson opened the flood gates for Muslim  terrorists and John Kelly open ended the 'legal visa' invasion of America, so Mr. President is going to tell you he kept his word, after all this shit poured into America in numbers greater than Obama, the liberal press with huff and puff for his cover, and you will be left to think you won something, but you just were betrayed and lied to again.

People do not have to cross that border, because Trump Brand is handing out legal visas, which bring amnesty, and that is what Dreamers is, OPEN ENDED AMNESTY, which Donald Trump and Big Koch in Paul Ryan and MIKE PENCE, have been working behind the scenes on.
Stephen Miller can bitch slap Jim Acosta about American workers, but the fact is Miller knows very well that Trump has been pouring in foreigners deliberately, broke his word to DACA Mom's to get this stopped, all to bring the numbers up to such record levels that it is now all "legal".

My only reason for posting this is the hope it might unnerve these schemers enough to get one more crumb out of this, because none of this matters as Mexico has NO MORE PEONS TO EXPORT TO AMERICA. That is right, Mexico has no more workers, and that is why Central American peons are being imported, along with their dope sellers to replace the Obama Mexican drug cartel that Eric Holder important in 2009.

As I am healing from another sinus headache and this week has been another week in the American Gulag, it is just the facts of this scheme. It does not matter what Donald Trump says or does in the Junta, because Americans are going to be screwed over and replaced. Nothing has changed, except Mr. President flooded in more foreigners than Obama, and did it legal so America can never be rid of them.

Another 8 advil day.

Nuff Said
