Monday, September 11, 2017

Raus Bedeut

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This one is for me, and probably thousands of others who had no idea what the Germans were saying on Hogan's Heroes. Certain phrases appear again and again and add so much to this series, but if you know what is being said, it adds to the jokes.

What brought this post on is a website that features scripts from this program, but instead of publishing the German phrase, simply says that Schultz is speaking in German.

Here are the phrases, and one which  has never been translated that people wonder about.

The first is Donnervetter which means Thuderstorm, as in you are surprised by the strike of lightning.

The second is Mach Schnell, which translates as Make It Quick

The third appears is raus, but at rare times there is added another word, as in the episode Oil for Hogan's Lamps.

John Banner who plays Sgt. Schultz, always says the phrase, makes it sound like RAUS BEDEUTCH, but in reality he is Raus Bedeut, and means GET OUT.

That is a Lame Cherry the exclusive on this one, as unless one is fluent in German, one loses the nuance of the German and this is such a loss, as Jewish European actor John Banner is one of my favorite actors of all time. I have featured him previously, but if you watch Mr. Banner, he is always acting, even in the background, and in those scenes he adds so much to what is taking place as he is always an undercurrent, and without him it was all kaputt (broken).

Nuff Said
