Saturday, September 30, 2017

Speak no Cherry

Speak no Cherry

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I never know sometime what the Holy Ghost has me plugged into and working through me, until I beat the players to the punch.

It is that way in primarying, Donald John Trump. As I view the operation that Steve Bannon and Sarah Palin were engaged in, in Alabama, there are indications coming out of this, from Big Koch Rusty Limbaugh, in trading on the "Trump Base" and not offending them at being odds with Donald John, a coup is being engaged in to deny Donald Trump the GOP nomination in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord.

Our old enigma in Dame Edna Mercer and Daddy Warbucks Mercer, are back as in 2015 AD in working with other billionaires to gather in the GOP right, as they attempted under Canadian citizen, Ted Cruz. They are coordinating this out of their platform in Breitbart and Steve Bannon is running the intelligence community DIA coordination which began with Roy Moore in Alabama.
They are literally building a political power base to lay the foundation of power in Congress.

The logistics of this would then in 2018 AD in the year of our Lord, of seizing control of funding mechanism in the Senate and House. This then puts up the walls in this political house to wall Trump off from the nomination.

The alienated Trump Base due to Trump betrayals via Jared Kushner, Ivanka Kushner,  Herbert McMaster and Gary Cohn, are the same solid Tea Party unit from 2010 AD in the year of our Lord. This will be joined to the #NeverTrumpers, and by this Donald Trump will be humiliated in being denied the nomination.

Steve Bannon is scripting this masterfully. This is vintage in the best of Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan propaganda messages. It is hitting the absolute correct cadence and chorus, in hitting all the buttons, while Mr. Trump's speeches are as without substance as a global warming fart.

This has been something which has been in the works for some time. Gorilla Cernovich has been moving around in this field for some time. All of the operations which combined for Trump's success in 2016 are still in place and are gearing up for an even smoother transition.

Watch the logistics of this in the deep state is dividing the democratic part to two groups. They are counting on Trump leading the Hillary Clinton wing, while the GOP is supposed to split to a fractured Ann Coulter 3rd party, but in these logistics which the Mercers are running with DIA Bannon, they can unite the old Reagan coalition and recreate the same split Democratic party of 1860 which saw a minority candidate in Abraham Lincoln seizing the White House in a divided America.
Again what the Mercers are engaged in, is end running the same globalists of 1860 which are engaged in the same split of the Democrats in 2018 AD in the year of our Lord.

As the Gorilla keeps retweeting Don jr. and Don jr. keeps up the faith, do not rule out the possibility in the faithful son might be the healing son as Senator Roy Moore's Vice President, once Don sr. is denied the nomination. There are many intricacies in this, as Don jr. would bring in the Trump bridge without the Kushner criminal baggage to bring in the blind followers and Don sr. can be John Adams in seeing his son a future John Quincy Adams presidency.

Look, these socio conglomerate frauds in Congress from both parties are flat footed as the intelligence community they are operating in for the cartel, which have brought Donald Trump to this point of political jeopardy.
You are witnessing REV 18 pac and have no comprehension of the operation, but now you are getting a glimpse in a popular girl explaining something that all of the bleaters missed in NFL protests. You keep watching the girl instead of what the girl is up to.

A grande political movement in politics is to already have sounded packs and saddles at 3 AM. That is what Steve Bannon has anticipated This is already in motion in getting out ahead of where Americans are already flowing to in natural course. The Silent Majority of Richard Nixon never goes away. It flows silently and when provided a voice it swells and sweeps all before it.

This is a number of operatives. Roger Stone for Alex Jones is another facet, and thankfully Mr. Stone has hit his stride as he did more to expose Russian hacking as a fraud than all what Trump was doing with his unfortunates. There is no one better at the talking point and Roger Stone had Congress so intimidated they had him behind closed doors as he made fools of them.

Now that you are aware of things, it will be easier to follow the events and perhaps some of you will not be so despondent in knowing the game is afoot and you can stop listening to the bleater brainwashing and make more intelligent decisions.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, as only the popular girl does things.

Nuff Said.
