As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
My purpose in this is to expand your horizons in the appreciation of art, for you to judge if the following paintings are some of the best work of the masters through history, combing the freshness of the fresco in bold colors of and the depths of DaVinci.
The artist will be revealed below.

What you have been reviewing are the paintings of Adolf Hitler. Does that knowledge change your feeling about these creations or does it affect your view of everything you have been told about Heir Hitler.

Is this the work of a mad man or is this the work of someone that you have been lied about, because those behind the propaganda do not want you wondering just what is was about a man who could find such beauty, behold it with his eye and share it with you in all of it's beauty captured.
Now that you are thinking, those in Germany are not permitted to even do that when it comes to Adolf Hitler. If he was so dangerous, then why not allow a free society to examine him and mock him to scorn, or are there dimensions in Adolf Hitler which are censored which would create the same liberation of thought which the financiers attempted to destroy all Germany over.