As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I wonder which court the Lame Cherry would apply to, to discover which one is allowing surveillance on the Lame Cherry, as posting things concerning the flappy labia of Ivanka, really causes this laptop to run hot.
As a hint to the Justices and the Courts, as the Obama regime used British MI6 to spy on Donald Trump and Trump Tower to avoid it leaving any traces in this coup against candidate Trump, the Andrew McCabe FBI is simply going to subvert the Courts again, by running an "associative" data collection from another source, and in the last case it was a symbiotic relationship with foreign intelligence doing the spying.
Understand the FBI can put up as many Stingray cell phone spoofers and fly planes around non stop gathering your conversations, but if some naughty MI6 grabs the data, and the FBI 'discovers' that data from the MI6, then the Courts have been subverted again.
Watch Bleak House by Charles Dickens sometime in inquiries being in process for a lifetime, just as Paul Manafort has been investigated for 11 years.
.........and then again there are always the AT&T and other hubs and satellites which are not covered in this ruling, and feed information non stop to the NSA which logs it all, and anyone in any regime can access those conversations.
The Courts have numerous rulings about rights, but one has yet to see anyone in the deep state obeying the Spirit of the Law.
*Robert Mueller obtained court orders for Facebook concerning "Russian hacking". In past investigations, that means if you viewed something in 7 degrees of separation, the FBI was gathering your information, in the Bundy example.
Nuff Said