Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Woman with Butterfly Wings

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is difficult for the intellectual to believe in God, because their entire existences have been built upon the construct of using their intelligence as a wall of protection against human emotions which scorned them and self convicted them, and that intellect was utilized as a weapon to not just hide behind, but to bully others. The intellectual discovered that by hiding behind degrees, that they could ridicule others who might just punch them or hurt them worse by rejecting them or laughing at them, and in that intellect, they could hide and become god, a god which produced a fiction that God did not exist, so therefore the intellectual would not have to come to terms with God, because the god with the little "g" could stagnate in all of the imperfections of their inhumane nature.

It is in this, the Near Death Experience, which these intellectuals by degree, are the most aggitated. For what difference does it make if a group of dead people come back to life, telling stories of an afterlife matter in all their ignorance, because the intellectual knows better. After all a monkey peals a banana and calls it heaven, so what difference does it make for a pew sitter calling an event Heaven as it certainly does not dethrone the god of the suma cum laude degree.
It troubles the intellectual though by vast degrees and they have invested great resources to not convince the public they are lunatics in death, but that the intellectual is not the one whistling past their own eternal graveyard.

We have read about this in degrees. First the intellectual told us that it was not Heaven, but a hormone released, an opiate high to deal with pain as the brain shuts down. Then of course when the evidence produced a longer period than a sudden death, where Heaven was still expeienced, the intellectual of degree has come up with new evidence that the brain in death still sends out signals days after the body is dead, so that is the explanation for these Near Death Experiences as it is the brain, as it is always the brain.

The problem in this theory became evident in one, Dr. Eben Alexander, who being a neurosurgeon by career and degree, contracted a mengenitis which literally was eating his brain. The bacteria was so pronounced that the part of his brain which was all reasoning and thought shut down, and placed him in a coma for almost a week, and with evidence of no brain function for that period of time, Dr. Alexander was still having experiences in which he was in Heaven.
This bears repeating in Dr. Alexander had a condition in which absolutely no thought could have been generated in his mind, due to brain shut down, and yet he was still thinking, because the human is a three part creature in having a soul, a body and a mind. The soul is connected to the body by the brain, but the body is not connected to the soul which resides in that holding vessel.

Dr. Alexander's first reality with the other side was watching silvery beings from below, whose shimmering beauty was of pure joy, in the way Christ stated that the rocks would cry out for Him if He were not praised.
Everything in Heaven is God, and God is in all and through all. Everything is connected in this Glorified multi dimensional tapestry of life in the pure form of Love.

Seeing and hearing were not separate in this place where I now was. I could hear the visual beauty of the silvery bodies of those scintillating beings above, and I could see the surging, joyful perfection of what they sang. It seemed that you could not look at or listen to anything in this world without becoming a part of it—without joining with it in some mysterious way. Again, from my present perspective, I would suggest that you couldn’t look at anything in that world at all, for the word “at” itself implies a separation that did not exist there. Everything was distinct, yet everything was also a part of everything else, like the rich and intermingled designs on a Persian carpet ... or a butterfly’s wing.

It is in this scientifically trained mind, observing all, that the Woman with Butterfly wings appeared as Guide and Teacher, for this Christian in name only, to experience Heaven in terms which he could never deny and be swept away with to belief in revealing to him that his life on earth was a self imposed exile of intellectual examination, when the entire Being of God was a living condition of pure, dazzling Love.

It gets stranger still. For most of my journey, someone else was with me. A woman. She was young, and I remember what she looked like in complete detail. She had high cheekbones and deep-blue eyes. Golden brown tresses framed her lovely face. When first I saw her, we were riding along together on an intricately patterned surface, which after a moment I recognized as the wing of a butterfly. In fact, millions of butterflies were all around us—vast fluttering waves of them, dipping down into the woods and coming back up around us again. It was a river of life and color, moving through the air. The woman’s outfit was simple, like a peasant’s, but its colors—powder blue, indigo, and pastel orange-peach—had the same overwhelming, super-vivid aliveness that everything else had. She looked at me with a look that, if you saw it for five seconds, would make your whole life up to that point worth living, no matter what had happened in it so far. It was not a romantic look. It was not a look of friendship. It was a look that was somehow beyond all these, beyond all the different compartments of love we have down here on earth. It was something higher, holding all those other kinds of love within itself while at the same time being much bigger than all of them.

As I have been studying the NDE for most of my adult life, I am coming to the conclusion that leaving the body is a common journey, but it is a path of personal design, which reflects in many ways the unique nature of billions of souls, who deny Christ, reject Christ, acknowledge Christ, adhere to Chirst.
Jesus is not there for numbers of people. because numbers of people have rejected Him. Yes there is the definitive Heaven and hades, there are Angels and demons, but for those who are on the Heavenly side the experience is one which is of pure Love in not any judgment, as these people have not condemned themselves to enmity with God by choice.

I strictly believe the Bible in Christ is the only Way, Truth and Life to God the Father, and only in Christ is eternal Life given, as it can not be earned. What people are recording is being shown Heaven, and in most instances in these cases where Christ is not seen, He is at times felt or known before these dead return to their bodies. It is a Witness from Christ Himself, of Love to those to take the next step and join to Him.

That is what is the most interesting revelation in this as I read these testimonials from people who have died. I realize that not all are honest and that satan becomes involved in deceptions, so that people have to always come down to, "Am I going to believe the Bible or am I going to believe what someone said they experienced, because I like that version better."

The following are several examples I share, not vouching for them, but as a scientific analysis of a common experience, of like experiences of a group of people, who are shown things which changes their lives, but do not indicate if they drew closer to Christ for salvation.

4375. Sharon W NDE 7/29/2017. NDE 8345. As I got even closer, the black things lightened in color. They were my deceased mother, grandmother and dog. We exchanged hellos. I remember feeling sheer joy and excitement and wanting to hug them. I couldn't see myself, but as I moved to touch them, they said that I must not do that as they backed away. No words were exchanged with our mouths, only telepathically.

4368. Virginie R NDE 7/24/2017. NDE 8334. Exceptional Archive. From France. Original in French, translated to English by Marguy. I was advancing towards a very bright, white light at the end of a tunnel. My little brother Philippe, who died 12 years before, took me by the hand and was smiling at me while taking me in front of the light. A strong, but not nasty voice, asked me why I wanted to die. I answered that the absence of my little brother was too hard for me, and that my mother felt resentful towards me because of Philippe's death.
NDE due to suicide attempt.

4362. Seth C NDE 7/10/2017. NDE 8325. Than I met my best friend who I had wanted to see for so long. It was Jesus! I just knew it. Even though he didn't say my name, I didn't ask his either. It was like we always knew each other and he loved me so much! All the information and communication we had was telepathic and instantaneous. I do remember arguing with him at the end, not in a bad way, but saying, 'Please don't send me back there!'
NDE due to heart attack.

4357. Beth S Possible NDE 7/1/2017. Possible NDE 8317. It was as if no time was going on but everything was happening at once. I remember seeing my mom, who had passed 7 years prior, and her telling me if wasn't my time. We seemed go back and forth for a little bit. I felt so good. My body wasn't in pain and I felt an amazing sense of love and joy. She said to me, 'Ed (my husband) and Kalli (my daughter) still need you, so get your ass out of bed!'
Brief possible NDE with extensive description of life-threatening event due to pneumonia and septic shock.

3666. Robyn F NDE 5/3/2014. NDE 7209. I left my body and passed through a tunnel of light, which took me to a door of brilliant light. The door opened. I knelt down and saw that I was dressed in a dark robe of some sort. As I knelt, I looked up to see Jesus in front of me nailed to the cross. He looked down directly into my eyes. I've never seen eyes like those before or since. As he looked into my eyes, I asked him, without speaking words, 'What do I do?' He answered without speaking words, 'Forgive him.' As he 'said' the words, it was done. The forgiveness happened in that very instant.
Exceptional NDE due to brutal murder attempt by husband she was going to divorce. Remarkable communication with Jesus that saved her life.

 People are shown in death the vision which they can accept. It is always a teaching experience from God. It is in many ways in being sick or living life, we receive many times the miracles that we can deal with. It is Christ always helping our unbelief, because Christ believes.

I think often enough what I hope crossing over will be, if I am taken before Christ's return. I just want a nice boring Jesus. I don't need butterfly wings, choirs of Angels or really want people there. What would please me is Jesus and my puppy Ruby there waiting for me. I have had enough of being popular and I just want to rest. It would just be nice to sit with my puppy at some pond and talk to her the way we used to in voices unheard.
From all the animals Ruby had gathered around me in making things right, I will probably have quite the fur, feather and fin carpet surrounding me.

It is a reality though that no matter what the intellectual creates as a scientific excuse, that God makes fools of them, and exposes their deceptions, so they can not do satan's work in deceiving others who are looking for more or who never did look for more, and will discover something on the other side they have not rejected in this life.

I am not saying I am going to turn down the whole 9 yards of a Heavenly welcome, but for me just waving as the woman with butterfly wings passed by helping someone else, would be just fine, as I do not need anything proven, I just need Jesus on the other side and a luxury would be Ruby puppy there to strike up where we left off.

Nuff Said
