Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Fire Fire Everywhere and not a Flame to Drink

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It appears someone did not want this post made public. Odd for a blog that no one reads and fewer still donate to.




You are not supposed to notice the spontaneous fires. No more than anyone but this blog noticed the spontaneous fires in 2009 igniting and  then Eric Holder cracking down on key Mexican mafia, associated with a certain Islamic nation.

How does DM get all these large high definition pics and details PUBLISHED – INTERNATIONALLY  – days before any US media – which usually end up with just a couple pool pics that are the same on every single outlet? (US media haven't figured out yet how to blame Trump? (or Bush?))


And this photo – how does a fire get stretched out linearly from a single point of ignition for what looks like 5 miles or so in this photo? With the 50 mph wind blowing perpendicular to the stretched out line??




Also – how do dozens of fires ignite at approximately the same time over an almost 200 mile range stretching north to south with a northeasterly wind?

Tavistock is running Mockingbird for the British Press to indoctrinate that select group of Americans who are, not responding to US outlets from Standford protocols.

These fires as in Montana, are backfires burning into the wind, and producing a great deal of smoke as they are burning green vegetation, not dry tinder.

There is a hot coup operating out of London, and Russia is not the only target, as America is being fired upon and set on fire by proxies.

Wednesday's feature post might provide a clue.

Hope that answers what you already had assessed.


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