Monday, October 23, 2017

Some of us get Excited about Tax Cuts

...and I can tell you Ivanka is really into tax cuts

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Not a great deal of comment necessary about this one, in Ivanka Kushner talking about Tax Cuts for herself and Wall Street, as this photo appeared on Drudge Report.

Ivanka and her tax aroused nipple

Those silicon implants sure make the big tri mommy nipples protrude, especially when tax cuts are being talked about. No pics of the nips protruding around Jusin Trudeau.

Close up of Ivanka Tax Nip

Here is a close up that Jared gets to see from across  the room and strap on gals get to see up close.

This is the Jared and Ivanka who dated looking at property as courtship. What else could be the foreplay than tax returns in refunds!!!!

The distractions are the President Tweeting one  day in the cat and mouse democrats following the laser pointer as his Kushner media now propagandizes and the next it is Ivanka protruding out the D cups to win one for the groper.

 Yeah I was in the front row too close to Ivanka Trump
