Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Department of Homeland Security and why it should go the way of the Dinosaur

I think that you're looking for CNN not us...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Most of you have no idea that the Congress is working on restructuring Homeland Security and in that, most of you have no idea what or who Homeland Security is, after all of the fanfare of George W. Bush in 2001 after the 9 11 attacks.
Most of you have no idea that the FBI is not in Homeland, but Justice. The NSA is Defense and CIA answers to the Director of National Intelligence who is a cabinet level adviser.

The difference between CIA, NSA, FBI, and Homeland security ...

The CIA, NSA, and FBI are (at least in part) intelligence agencies that gathers information. The Department of Homeland Security is a bit different; it inclu...

So when in August 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, Homeland Security appeared on my doorstep with two very attractive agents who looked like Matthew Goode and Yul Brenner, and they were talking about the FBI and things they were looking at due to this blog trying to protect America, we had here cross departments in the Obama intrigue of different departments engaging in activities and not informing the departments whose jurisdictions operations were being carried out in. Sort of like the FBI under Comey buying fake MI6 dossiers that the CIA handed over to them.

So Justice kicked it over to Homeland which is interesting, as it makes absolutely not any sense, any more than the government wasting agent's time in sending them to the last place on earth.

We have all been taught to fear Homeland like the plague, as they are the real deal, as everyone answers to Homeland. When you start looking though at Homeland Security, you start seeing they really are a bunch of agencies which no one wanted and George W. Bush dumped them all into one agency which has absolutely nothing to do with the other.

For example, in Homeland is the Coast Guard, the Secret Service and the Animal Plant and Health Inspection. Common sense would tell you that the Coast Guard should be in Defense, the Secret Service, at least the part which protects the President should be at Justice and Animal and Plants should be at Agriculture.

For the record most of Homeland should just be called FEMA, and those agencies dumped into Homeland should go back to the cabinet departments they originated from, as this is thee most stupid lumping and dumping ever devised.
After looking at what Homeland is, I do not know if I was being inspected by two handsome plant inspectors or two handsome nuclear inspectors.

Original agency

Original department New agency or office after transfer
U.S. Customs Service Treasury U.S. Customs and Border Protection
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Immigration and Naturalization Service Justice U.S. Customs and Border Protection
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Federal Protective Service General Services Administration National Protection and Programs Directorate
Transportation Security Administration Transportation Transportation Security Administration
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Treasury Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Agriculture U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Office for Domestic Preparedness Justice Responsibilities distributed within FEMA
Federal Emergency Management Agency none Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Strategic National Stockpile
National Disaster Medical System
Health and Human Services Returned to HHS, July, 2004
Nuclear Incident Response Team Energy Responsibilities distributed within FEMA
Domestic Emergency Support Team Justice Responsibilities distributed within FEMA
National Domestic Preparedness Office Justice (FBI) Responsibilities distributed within FEMA
CBRN Countermeasures Programs Energy Science & Technology Directorate
Environmental Measurements Laboratory Energy Science & Technology Directorate
National Biological Warfare
Defense Analysis Center
Defense Science & Technology Directorate
Plum Island Animal Disease Center Agriculture Science & Technology Directorate
Federal Computer Incident Response Center General Services Administration US-CERT, Office of Cybersecurity and Communications
National Programs and Predaredness Directorate
National Communications System Defense Office of Cybersecurity and Communications
National Programs and Predaredness Directorate
National Infrastructure Protection Center Justice (FBI) Office of Operations Coordination
Office of Infrastructure Protection
Energy Security and Assurance Program Energy Office of Infrastructure Protection
U.S. Coast Guard Transportation U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Secret Service Treasury U.S. Secret Service

So George W. Bush created billions of dollars more in spending and spying, diffused the departments as the computer security group should be at the FBI cyber security division, and now Congress is looking for a way to fix something that was broken parts, and the real parts like FBI, NSA, NSC, CIA, Federal Marshals who actually are involved in Motherland Security, are off somewhere else.

All of this looks like a money laundering program by the deep state, in Homeland gets money and it gets shifted to the FBI, CIA, DIA, NSC, just like those trillions that disappeared out of Defense no one will talk about got used in other top secret programs.

With no disrespect to Homeland, to make things Great in America again, Homeland needs to be obliterated, and put back where it belongs, in order to streamline intelligence and more to the point, make it easier for the deep state to steal money like before.

Nuff Said
