Friday, October 27, 2017

The Din Do

Thank God for Omarosa looking down from above

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the British Press was celebrating the African American, the Lame Cherry was moved patriotically to join the Caucasian British in this great celebration of the Din Dos of America.

We begin this story with Black family unity. All was well after the Civil War in the Black was a family together. There was no baby's daddy without the daddy. No need for NFL kneeling as the Black knew their place as the field was home, work and sand box to play in.
What a joyous world the Black had at their leisure.


The Negroid Dream

Yes, as proof here is a group of happy Black Minstrels, prospering in the arts as was their station in life.


 DNA : Dancin' Negro Associates

And there was none of this dreams of Obama in the White House to shatter Black Pride. No mam. a Black school marm would do it up right in bringing in a pile of cotton and putting it on her desk and telling those little Black boys and girls, that is all they were suited for was picking cotton.
No one ever got let down by big ass Michelle Obama being stupid, as the stupid ones spent the say in the fields and them wide hips, let a Black man work out his energies so he had nothing left to commit crimes.

 No sense in raising a Negroes hopes as Cotton is the Future

And there was always White Christian Society there to help the energetic Negroid along the right path by making an example of them, as this Black raped and murdered the wife of a White man, so the good People of Texas properly lynched him, and then posed smiling for a photo, as everyone was pleased how it all worked out.

 Ropes, Trees, Negroids, Rapists
Now that is Entertainment

For those of lesser offense, they were given right smart clothes to wear and to work in at prison.


The Tradition of the Prison Negro Continues

As you can see, the Negroid never did have any fashion sense.


See Oprah was not the fashion maven as it started long ago

And as you can see in 1903, there was no need for Birther Obama, as Philadelphia Whites had Broom Ready Jobs available for Black children, as a broom in the hand did them more good than playing with balls dreaming of being kneelers in the NFL.

The Sophisticated Tool in the hands of the Educated Negro

And for the real treat to society, there was the Black zoo to enjoy. It was a special zoo where the primates were kept in cages to look at, had hounds run them for exercise, shovels to work off their sexual urges and White men with shotguns to put morality into them.


The Traveling Coonland Zoo and Hound Exercisers

And finally, we have the example of Black's in charge of their own lives in coming to Rhode Island, and building their dreams, yes a Black and their castle.
Home Sweet Home, from the above, we can all be assured that slavery was the worst thing that ever happened to the African slave.

Roof? Don't need no roof, I got Obama in the White House in 100 years!!!
