Monday, October 30, 2017

The Shadow Dossiers

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What no one is speaking of in the Trump Dossier is a past dossier which produced the same fall on their sword reaction among liberals. That dossier is what created Newsbusters from the brother in law of CIA operative William F. Buckley, and it had to do with a fake letter typed up which said George W. Bush was a draftdodger.

You have to remember the intricacies of MEMOGATE in the Killian Documents. How they appeared and a font style exposed them as fraud, but in all of this Rathergate turmoil, one perpetual mindset came out of Dan Rather's refusal to admit he had forgeries, and that was Rather kept saying, "Even if they are forgeries, the story is true as that is what I was told".

George W. Bush military service controversy - Wikipedia

Controversy over George W. Bush's military service in the National Guard was an issue that first gained ... CBS and Dan Rather initially defended the ...

In the undercurrents of Memogate was the bad blood between HW Bush and Dan Rather, where Rather tried to rough up the President as Rather did Nixon, but HW instead humiliated Dan Rather. There is in this the reality that George H. W. Bush, of the CIA, actually created the forged documents to feed to Dan Rather to destroy Rather.
In essence, if a scandal were true, HW protected his son W, by creating forgeries to discredit the story and save the son. That reality is not the focus of this expose', but what is the focus is whoever told Dan Rather that those documents were real and that the story was real, Dan Rather trusted so much that he would destroy himself on this person's word.

You can witness when reporters are fed information from sources they trust who are unimpeachable, because the entire industry goes to the mat for them in protecting them. That is what was the case with Rather. He was told the story was true, so it did not matter if the documentation was fake. That points to Rather pulled this before and those stories were true too, but based on fake documents.

You will remember that Dan Rather never ratted on his source or who betrayed him. This was a very big fish in the pool, and it mirrors exactly the Trump Dossier.

This blog reported from the start that the Trump Dossier was Bush fam in action. It was funded by that billionaire Singer as a front man, for his man Marco Rubio, who I told you was to be Jeb's Vice President. Watch the minder propaganda coming out of sites like Cuckservatude Treehose in the denial this was Republican. There is a wash of cover up in this, to keep this from touching Jeb Bush. There has always  been a wall of separation in this as HW Bush put the throat slash across his neck in Texas as Trump was finished. Bill Clinton was saying the same thing that Trump was handled.  This 100 Days operation that Bill Kristol was running for the Neocons was all part of  this intelligence operation, as at the heart of this was ruining relations with Russia, and starting a war in Europe to topple Vladimir Putin. That is what the cartel has been constructing in this from the start of this phase.

When Jeb was humiliated and sweaty Marco evaporated away, the baton of this file was passed onto the Clintons, the alternative to Jeb "I wanna be Obama" Bush.
Now return in this to Dan Rather in that same mindset. Bush fam hired Fusion in the same anti Russians out of the Ukraine and the anti Putin intelligence agents, who employed Britisth MI6 Theresa May's operative Christopher Steele, who journeyed to Moscow and met with a number of British assets who were willing to sell a host of outlandish tales to destroy Donald Trump, for the American deep state intelligence group.

As this blog reported, this dossier was generating out of Ukraine and the Baltic State intelligence leftists, and the Obama regime IC was trusting those sources as if God spoke the words themselves. Clapper at CIA went radar love on this information, but that was not enough, as soon enough the British appeared again, and began dangling the dossier in front of John McCain and John Podesta. Podesta was first to turn the dossier over to the FBI and James Comey and McCain appeared with it as confirmation to Comey, who then began a focused investigation, attempting to pay Christopher Steele for the files, as FISA spying was ordered on Donald Trump and his associates,  all based on these fake documents.
Remember in this that American intelligence was being fed confirmation from another state or states on intelligence shared out of Canada and England. Once again follow the Dan Rather trail, a fake file is generated on Donald Trump, that James Comey knows is bogus in a blackmail file, but all of these Obama appointees were biting on the British and foreign intelligence sources.
This is where Pissgate appeared on image Obama's desk, and it was disseminated to the fellow travelers like Samantha Power, who had Clapper and others telling her and the other democrats in Congress, that this dossier was coming out of British intelligence and confirmed by eastern European intelligence groups.

Review this, Steele's  name made this bonafied. Other intelligence groups were giving verification to destroy Donald Trump. Some of the Obama folks were duped and started verifying it as their dream come true to put Hillary Clinton in the White House. This is where the media like Dan Rather in Memogate were getting verification from their sources in the White House. Comey knew it was fake, but like those who knew this was a fake dossier, they saw for their benefactors in the deep state the ultimate blackmail, on fake information. That blackmail was a two edged sword. One way it cut Hillary Clinton to blackmail her as Bush fam funded the orginal document and Hillary funded the finished product which is a crime as she hid she was funding it.
For Donald Trump it was the perfect leverage in it moved Trump from his America First to Junta control, and removed all of the loyalists and Christians, so Donald Trump was Jeb Bush in Obama's 3rd term.

With Trump the deep state knew the dossier was fiction, but with fiction they could get a Special Counsel appointed, and in that Robert Mueller who was already trolling for the deep state in other investigations, would manufacture before a Grand Jury enough "evidence" to get indictments, which would circumvent the 2016 elections and move the American agenda back to the absolute control of the deep state again.

People with impecable credentials told Dan Rather something was real, and he believed it, even with forgeries. The same forgeries appeared again and everyone on the left believed the documents as they were vouched for by the same group.

The one common thread in this is George HW Bush. As the JFK assassination is again part of the news, you will find in those released documents, mention of those reporting to Dwight Eisenhower. One of those who reported do Mr. Eisenhower was Prescott Bush, father of HW. One will find a number of things in history which Bush fam was connected in and left holding the dirty bag, as if someone a bit more connected was about pulling HW's strings on the Hinkley matter and on 9 11. That IC never is mentioned and comes out undetected as their nation gleans others in conflict.

The previously unreported business relationship between the Kushner and Steinmetz families illustrates how many key aspects of real-estate transactions between closely held companies aren’t required to be disclosed and how little is known about the financial relations of Kushner Cos. at a time when Jared Kushner has been given immense political power.

Everytime Bush fam gets exposed in their nefarious machinations, America ends up paying. We are close to the Bush fingerprints, so that means while your attentions are diverted again, the 30 pieces of silver exchanges hands again.

