Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Who's this foreigner Raising Ivanka Kushner's Kids?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I stumbled across this story in doing research on who is bankrolling the Kushners, as their fortune is now in a family trust that Seryl Kushner, the mother in law controls. In a series of photos, I noted this Chinese woman being very familiar with the children as Ivanka was glamming for the camera and having her nipples protrude as she looks at Secret Service agents.

As you can see by the above picture, the children detest the grandmother Seryl, who looks like a cross between sour lemons and a tannin cocktail chased by a sour milk chaser.

The identity of this au pair, this nanny, this woman who has been raising the Kushner children, as the Kushner's never have been around, and why Ivanka can spend hours on hair and make up each day, because of the real story behind this nanny.

Ivanka and her glowering nipples
and her glowing Justin Trudeau look for Secret Service hunks

There are apparently two of these women raising the Kushner children, one named Liza and this Chinawoman named XiXi. She is the one who taught the girl to sing in Mandarin that Ivanka had the kid singing to dictator Xi at the beautiful chocolate cake meeting in Mar Largo where bribes and nuclear war have almost engulfed the world.

 This old gal, XiXi has been around for a very long time, years in fact, and yet there are few references and fewer photos of the woman raising the Kushner kids.
The question in this, is XiXi is described as Mandarin Chinese, meaning she is Chinese, speaks Mandarin, and therefore is not American.
Why is it that Americans are not good enough to raise Kushner children, and is this another green card visa worker taking an American job?
Did XiXi arrive from Rupert Murdoch's ex wife who glams with Ivanka as Wendi Deng, and to the point as Xi has announced his 30 year plan to colonize the world, and that all Chinese all through the world are to be loyal to China first and progress this, just how much of a security threat is this XiXi?

Is she like Wendi Deng another Chicom spy, with direct access to the White House and gathers information non stop on  the Trump's as Kushner leaks everything to XiXi and she sends it all back to China as an insider's guide in how to blackmail, bluff and outmaneuver Donald Trump?

Is this the reason  the Chinese have been running circles around Donald Trump in Asian policy? There is a reason the Chicoms have an inside edge and is it because Ivanka's nanny is feeding information back to China?

Someone has to ask who this old woman is, as there has never been an explanation where this woman came from, who she is and why on earth Ivanka Kushner only has time for Chicom slave labor to make her shoes and to raise her kids.


It’s not until the book’s acknowledgements that we get another reference to the women working the day shift. Trump thanks “Liza and Xixi, who are helping me raise my own children, thank you for being a part of our extended family and enabling me to do what I do.”

XiXi’s name has appeared in the press before. In 2012, Trump gave an interview to the South China Morning Post where she referred to her “incredible Chinese nanny” who’s teaching her daughter, Arabella, Mandarin. Then there’s the 2015 Vogue profile that describes Trump heading “into the living room to squeeze Joseph, one and a half, who is sitting on the floor, playing with his toys and smiling at XiXi, the nanny, who is Chinese and is teaching the children to speak Mandarin.”

How much does Ivanka Kushner pay this woman? Has XiXi ever been checked out by the FBI? Why is Ivanka not employing Americans? Who sent this woman to the Kushers? These are all national security questions and it is past time someone asked about these women Ivanka Kushner keeps hidden away.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
