Wednesday, November 1, 2017

From Tectonic Bombs to Biological Bombs

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There are indications in the coming Great Eurasian War that the Trump Junta is going to fight dirty and they are going to fight to win absolutely.

When the President goes on record stating that America will hit with things overwhelmingly, this is code for a myriad of munitions from Ronald Reagan's Star Wars in space to the situation President Vladimir Putin was addressing in Russia.

See the American Deep State sent in a million viewers to watch Russian elections for the "Russian Facebook Ads" of 2016 which got the Russian's attention. Into this was a very overt operation where the United States Air Force has been asking to collect Russian DNA, specifically the RNA base of the human blood cell structure, which the United States already has a working catalogue of the entire world population, from amino acid to RNA, which means this is just one more psychological warfare to unnerve the Russians. 

The question is, why so many interested people are watching our elections and, in fact, recording the images of people, and how those images will be used further,” queried Borisov, who is also the chairman of the Russian Public Institute of Electoral Rights.
While his skepticism might be enough to set some conspiracy theorists on edge, Putin followed up with comments that will perhaps push them over.
“Images are one thing, but do you know that biological material is being collected all over the country, from different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical regions of the Russian Federation? The question is – why is it being done? It's being done purposefully and professionally. We are a kind of object of great interest,” Putin told the Council.
He never specified who was behind the shady dealings in Russians' biological samples.
While the Russian president's claims may sound like the stuff from X-Files, it’s actually grounded in fact.
In July, the US Air Force Air Education and Training Command issued a tender on FedBizOpps, a US government website, seeking to acquire samples of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and synovial fluid from Russians. All samples “shall be collected from Russia and must be Caucasian,” the tender said.
The listing specified that the samples – 12 of RNA and 27 of synovial fluid – must be provided by Russian donors of Caucasian origin. It also wants information on the donor’s sex, age, ethnicity, weight, height and medical history. Notably, the Air Force said, it would not consider tissue samples from Ukraine.

For those who still do not understand what the above means, it has to do with a story which broke over a decade ago and was examined a great deal on the Rense site, as the Ashkenaz, who are a Japheth Russian Slavic branch of Noahite peoples, were working on a Ethnic Specific Biological Weapon of the Semite branches of Ishamelite Arabs and Elamite Persians, in effect, a military could launch a plague weapon which would kill every enemy whose DNA was not like yours, and your troops could walk through the battlefield immune.
It was a genetically engineered plague which would wipe out 95% of the populations.

Israel's "Ethnic Bomb": Biological Weapons Arsenal - Radio Islam

Israel is Developing "Ethnic Bomb" for Growing Biological Weapons Arsenal . Israel is working on an "ethnically targeted" biological ... bombs the hapless Arab ...

An example of this is the Black Death, a plague now resurfacing in Africa, which has 1 billion Africans who are of no purpose after George W. Bush and Bono took away malaria in cropping the population. 


'Something different' about outbreak...

Just one flight away...

What needs to be understood is that almost all of you reading this are from a unique genetic group which did not die from the black plague. It was found that those who survived AIDS were the DNA offspring of those who survived the Black Death.
The Black Death was hosted by rats and a parasite would crawl off of dead rats and infect humans. That is why it was so deadly. In God's DNA structure though there is always enough genetic diversity in the original gene pool, usually 10% who will not be susceptible to the disease. It promotes the continuation of species.

This is what survived the Black Death in Europe and their better genetics populated the United States, and after further gleaning this group in mold, yeasts, fungal, virus and prions, the American Race was born which was quite robust, until modern medicine started saving all of these genetic culls.

What the Ashkenaz Jew has, the American already has, built upon the work of Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany in germ warfare.

The Pentagon's Biological Bomb -

A former member of the UN Commission on Biological and Chemical Weapons in Iraq and Libya, Igor Nikulin, told Russia's Pravda newspaper that Moscow ...

There was a period where a number of biological scientists around the globe who were appearing dead in creative ways.


BIO TERROR BIBLE.COM: Since May 19th, 1994, more than 100 scientists in the field of bio-terror, biology, genetics and medicine have been systematically targeted and ...

These individuals were working on some compartmentalized project and upon their breakthrough were neutralized. I have not inquired but logic would point to the false tree of life complete.

In any case this reverts back to John Kelly, Herbert McMaster and Mad Dong Mattis, as we have entire North Korean nuclear complexes collapsing killing hundreds of their most proficient scientists by a coincidence after Peking begins warning North Korea of instability, which is very convenient in stopping the North Korean production for a time and testing, which points to at Tectonic Weapon.

Now we have the US Air Force sending and overt message to the Russians that the United States is gathering Russian DNA, which it already has, which is sending the message that if it comes to war, the United States will unleash not just nuclear bombs, but a DNA bomb which will wipe out genetic specific White Russian groups.

As a Wild Ass Estimate, as the work is focusing on synovial fluid and RNA, the weapon would be........ok I will explain this simply:

Synovial fluid is what is in your joints, connective fluids. In your cells are DNA which your genetic blueprint which makes copies of itself. It makes copies of itself by sending the message to propagate which proteins are to be activated by RNA. Hence if one is examining connective fluids and how to shut down regeneration, it would be logical this is some sort of Auto Immune Bomb, an arthritis bomb, a Lyme bomb. Hell it is endless in you could inhibit proteins in starving people in a nation full of food to causing everything to break down so the human form would turn into a puddle of goo. All sorts of Plum Island mix and match in this which most of us suffer from already in limited forms.

So as another Lame Cherry exclusive based on the above realities in stories posted online, the Trump Junta is going to fight dirty and fight absolute in the Great Eurasia War.

As the popular girl has told all of you before, there is a reason rich people are throwing gold out the window as your money is not going to save you. The US population is Israelite diverse, genetically superior due to Black Death and American based disease, but it is still made up of a collective. You have an offshoot of Japheth of Slavic in your group which will respond to the Russian germ, chances are you will acquire it like SAARS was Mongoloid specific in picking of eastern Chinese and Koreans, which again was another bio bomb that was sent as a message.

Collateral Damage of 90% of a population is acceptable in a robotic and false tree of life age.

Vladimir Putin in making this public, has gotten the message. He though also has his cobalt bombs in retaliation which would have near 100% lethality. It is why the popular girl was working for peace in the election of Donald Trump in peaceful association with Russia and the United States for the protection of Christian peoples.

I did my part and was made a target. The world progresses now though to original scenario as the line has begun.

Nuff Said

