Monday, November 6, 2017

The Man in the Purple Plaid Shirt

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In surfing stock photos for posts about Ivanka Kushner, one sometimes happens upon stories or things in photos which simply jump out at you. Such was the case of the infamous Ivanka Nipple Pick, in which she is longingly looking back at a Secret Service Agent with nipples protruding.

Something though captured my attention in the above photo though and that was the man holding the door behind Ivanka, dressed not in Secret Service attire, and in front of the sign not to block the entrance.

There are supposed to be protocols in security work. The top protocol with the Secret Service is their Agents are top priority, over all other law enforcement or security. That is what was puzzling in this person by Ivanka had priority over the Secret Service.

Who is he?

One can deduce by attire, ethnicity of curly hair, swarthy skin and Ashkenaz appearance, that we have before us a Mossad agent, special forces, and very well trained, by that death stare in his eyes. This is a hired killer for protection.
As he does not seem to appear in Washington DC, that indicates he is Ma and Pa Kushner's hired killer, which then begs the question why is it a slum lord needs one of Benjamin Netanyahu's premier personnel to protect an elderly couple who rarely go out, except to rant at others in business deals.

 More to the point, this is New York City and Ivanka was on in law holiday. The Secret Service makes a point to have earwigs, professional attire so they can be readily identified and are supposed to be next to those they are protecting in security perimeters. The man in the purple plaid shirt is supposed to be 3rd sphere in protection, but is instead holding the door on the inner perimeter, while the Chicom au pair tussles with the infant.

This is a pertinent question in when did mercenaries take precedent over American Secret Service and how is it that the most adept hired killers on the planet are now in the employ of Charles and Seryl Kushner, outside their New York residence.
Just what are the Kushner's involved in that they have this level of protection? After all Donald Trump was secure with his old Irish NYPD cop, until John Kelly ran that fine gentleman off. So just what is the situation with the Kushner mafia?

There is something though notable in this beyond the mercenaries and that is if one recalls the Secret Service at the Inauguration. Those Agents on display were the cookie cutter professionalism one has come to note, in they are highly trained, but there is a factor about not scaring the public or having a death stare like the mercenaries.

If one reviews a few photos of the detail that is protecting the Kushners, at least Jared, as Ivanka has hunky guys she is turned on by when off on junkets, one notes these are intimidators who leave the impression that you will get shot if you look at them.

There has to be a reason that the Kushner's have a type around them.

The President and Vice President's details blend in so well they are almost invisible. Not so with the Kushner's in they are like a New York pit bull snarling on the street.

What is it about the Kushners in what they are involved with, that requires a message to be sent that Secret Service does not have to send for the President.

Perhaps someone should be quietly asking this question.
