Thursday, November 2, 2017

Trump Tax: Continued Confiscation of Your Property and Wages


See more taxes, hear more taxes, speak more taxes

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In reading the Secret Trump Tax Cuts, I can see why they are secret as it is an Ivanka Tax Cut as there is absolutely nothing in this tax reform for any of you, except translating into HIGHER TAXES.

Each you is still going to be subsidizing states like California, Minnesota, New York, Kansas who have state income taxes, debt budgets in billions of dollars, and have ruined America to a socialist state.

You will not find in this, the end of the Obamacare rationed death mandate.

You will not find in this, the lowering of capital gains taxes to get this economy moving.

You will not find in this, any tax reduction for you.

As you recall this Trump tax lowered the rate from Obama 14,400 to 12,000 dollars as the poverty rate in who has to pay taxes.

Here are some more of the clinkers in this.

Brace yourself as 4 family homes will get almost 1200 dollars a year in not having to pay taxes. You can starve on that right proper after Trump has not reduced energy prices, food prices are spiking and no jobs will be created.

 Speaker Ryan on tax reform: Typical family of four will save $1,182 in taxes    26 Mins Ago | 02:42   

House Republicans unveiled their plan to overhaul the tax code on Thursday.

This is Ivanka's Tax Cut. Wall Street gets the Tax Cut and you get herded into Wall Street profiting off your money.

As part of that reform package, the GOP aims to permanently lower the corporate tax rate to 20 percent.

12% of POOR PEOPLE'S MONEY will be confiscated, 25% of POOR PEOPLE'S MONEY will be confiscated, while that 35 and 39.6 of rich peoples money will be passed in cost increases to the poor who always end up paying for these damned taxes.

The House bill would also slash the number of income tax brackets from seven to four: 12 percent, 25 percent, 35 percent and 39.6 percent.

600 dollars, wow a parent will only have to sell off one kidney with a whopping increased like this!

The bill is also expected to raise the child tax credit to $1,600 from its current maximum of $1,000. It's also expected to preserve popular retirement savings plans like 401(k)s and Individual Retirement Accounts.

This is the gem where your money gets herded into Wall Street hedge funds for Wall Street fortunes, and when you try and retire, then you get plastered on that 39.6% tax, as you know after saving all that in your work, means you have a rich man's sum to be taxed.

Under current law, taxpayers can put a specified amount in 401(k) retirement savings plans without paying taxes upfront. The amount workers can contribute to a 401(k) rises to $18,500 next year, up from $18,000 in 2017. People age 50 and older can tack on a so-called catch-up contribution of $6,000.
This is the subsidizing socialist states who are running Nazi regimes like New York, importing terrorists to murderer Americans.
The GOP bill would also allow taxpayers to write off up to $10,000 in state and local property taxes.

The following is meant to soak the rich in their buying homes in limiting deductions. Instead what this does in places like New York where Sean Homo Hannity's producer Linda just buys a home for a couple of million for a lifetime investment of debt where she was sleeping on a blow up mattress, it simply keeps the Linda's out of owning a home and will be stuck in Kushner slim lord housing.
Oh that means this is a Jared tax spike for Kushner slum lords.

But the plan would cut a popular mortgage interest deduction in half. While it would maintain the current deduction of $1 million in mortgage debt for current homeowners, that cap would be slashed to $500,000 for newly purchased homes.

Homebuilder stocks were hit hard on the plan. Both the SPDR S&P Homebuilder ETF and the iShares U.S. Home Construction ETF fell more than 2 percent, pacing for their worst daily performances in about a year.
Just call this, your Congressional rich man's tax cut, where Maxine Waters does not have to pay an additional tax living in luxury on your retirement.

Lawmakers are also expected to move forward in repealing the alternative minimum tax, an extra tax that some have to pay on top of their regular income tax.

And of course, we do not want to get rid of the death tax too soon, as those corporations of the Nazi state have to keep being paid off. No what we have here is the REALITY in this shitty tax plan will take 6 years before enough economic expansion is developed to make up for the real estate taxes.
It took Ronald Reagan 18 months, this rapine takes 72 months.

 The Republican tax plan seeks to immediately double the estate tax exemption and repeal the tax in six years. The estate tax, also known as the death tax, is currently a 40 percent levy on estates greater than $5.49 million for individual filers or about $11 million for married couples.

Overhauling the tax code has been a major focus for both the White House and congressional Republicans after failing to repeal Obamacare.

The GOP tax reform package had originally been scheduled for release Wednesday. But House Republicans postponed the release, saying they still had to finalize a few details of the plan.

Last week, the House narrowly approved a Senate version of the 2018 federal budget, clearing the path for the Republican-controlled Senate to pass its tax reform plan later this year.

Passing that version of the budget kicked off the reconciliation process, allowing the Senate to pass legislation with a simple majority. Typically, a 60 vote supermajority is needed to end debate and move a bill to a vote.

This is managed misery, Ryan Rapine and Donald Trump signing onto this, is the same bullshit as the fake Obamacare repeal. This will do absolutely NOTHING for you, but leave you languishing as rich people take control over the little money you have to profit themselves.

Donald Trump is an absolutely disappointment. But then when you have nation rapist Gary Cohn promoting this along with A GAS TAX HIKE to gouge you and Ivanka is in charge of this for her tax cuts for the rich, that is all that can be expected. I can not believe that this is what Lawrence Kudlow was down in DC talking about as this provides nothing for Americans but more confiscation of their property and wages.

Nuff Said

