Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Why Did Hillary Clinton Not Call the Police?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There are loose threads in the Russian hacking which are appearing again this week, but unless one knows what you are looking at, it will not make sense as they all tie together. It starts with the odd fear that Donna Brazile had in pulling her curtains, after the murder of Seth Rich, as Brazile links her safety with the death of Rich, and she terms it as an assassination.

Donna Brazile Says She "Feared For Her Life" After Seth Rich ...

National security adviser Susan E. Rice and former attorney general Eric Holder separately pulled ... Seth Rich Was Killed; Donna Brazile ... Assassination. ...

Remember in this, that Donna Brazile was going to drop all of this as it did not matter in her understanding, but during an event, she was cornered by both Susan Rice and Eric Holder, who gave her such information on the hacking that it terrified her, and had her installing cameras and hiding in her office.

We know for certain that Seth Rich copied the DNC files and that Russians were not involved in the copying and that Rich was a disgruntled Bernie Sanders voter as Rich knew the election was stolen from Sanders. Yet Rice and Holder were telling Brazile to look at Russians and to be terrified.

Now why would that be?

This all connects to the Uranium One treason by the Clintons and the Obama regime. Remember that Mrs. Clinton set up that server on a quid pro quo, where her emails would not be monitored in her deals for the Clinton Foundation bribes and would not taint Birther Hussein. That server gained access for foreign clients to the US Government servers to gain information.
We now know that Russia paid the Clinton bribes and were speaking about bribing the Clintons according to the Whistle Blower set to testify before Congress. The Russian Bribes came from the Canadian seller of Uranium One to Russia.

This then explains why Hillary Clinton was RESET BUTTON with Russia. She was greenlighting the new Russian funding of American politics in increased Russian access to American markets based on the nukes for electricity in the  Russian nuclear weapon exchange program.

Again, remember those days of bad Bush Putin blood, where Obama Clinton were bending over backwards early for Russia. Remember in that period that the entire Polish National Government was murdered in a plane crash in Russia. Remember that Obama did not send in the FBI to investigate. Someone brought down that jet, and the replacement regime went hard alliance with Moscow as there was a hard Russian ally in Ukraine.
Obama Clinton were handing over east Europe to Russia for a reason, because Russia had done something for Obama Clinton.

Recall in this the 2012 promise from Obama to President Medvedev about giving Russia everything they wanted after Obama was installed again.

Obama tells Russia's Medvedev more flexibility after election ...
President Barack Obama was caught on camera on Monday assuring outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he will have "more flexibility" to deal with ...

Remember what the Lame Cherry informed everyone in 2008 that 10 million Republican votes disappeared from John McCain's count and went to Obama. The same vote flipping happened in 2012 for another Obama election theft.
Obama in 2008 stole Republican seats and did again in 2012 in Minnesota with Al Franken and in North Dakota with Heidi Heitkamp. Franken beat a solid Norm Coleman and in GOP North Dakota, Heitkamp beat an unbeatable Republican. In 2008 George Bush stood by silent, the same George W. Bush who hugs Michelle Obama as best friends of Islam and nothing was said as the Republican Conservatives were destroyed in the elections by vote fraud as Carly Fiorina squandered all the McConnell and Cornyn cash in California.

What is being stated here is not that Russia stole those elections, but Russia KNEW who in the establishment of the deep state had rigged the elections in America, and for this, Russia was blackmailing things out of Obama Clinton.

Is it not too hard to understand in this that Hillary Clinton is not going to be calling the cops in being this dirty and Barack Obama is not going public with Russian hacking, when Obama owes his office to Russian silence?
Do you get the connecting thread in this, that someone has been knocking off  Russian operatives for some time, and the same organized crime just might have knocked Seth Rich in the head to shut him up in what Russian was really involved with in the deep state, and that Donna Brazile was being told  THINK RUSSIA, because Holder and Rice did not want Brazile thinking Clinton and Obama crimes of treason as they all would hang?

What better convoluted idea from Obama Clinton, Clapper, Comey, Rice and Holder than to frame Donald Trump for collusion in order to hide the colluding all of them had been engaged in.

Russia was being smeared as the scapegoat to hide the money operation, so no one would look at the Russian bribes or Russian knowledge of Obama election thefts. Russia was not going to come clean as they were dirty in influence, so they were perfect to link to Donald Trump. That is what was behind this entire Pissgate file from William Kristol for Jeb Bush neocons and why it went to Hillary Clinton.

What you have before you is the white print of this entire past decade of criminal American politics by the deep state, the crime families of Bush, Clinton and Obama, and how this was all turned on Donald Trump to frame his people, pipelining this directly from Podesta and Manafort working Russian and Ukraine funds legally into the United States.

This is the story in this and Donald Trump had better start considering  that Lebanese whisperer he has been influenced by to get rid of Christians, just what his part was in this as a Trump trusted adviser, who for some reason Junta Kelly did not shut access off to the President.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. I just by God's Grace did the job which is going to take years to sort out, tied it all up again in a few minutes, and perhaps you rich people start donating as you should in the numbers you should, because you may not like Donald Trump being exposed which will save your lives, but the same Truth is the same Truth on Mr. High Rise as it is on Hillary Clinton.

Nuff Said
