Monday, November 6, 2017

Why is Law Enforcement Concealing Evidence in the Texas Church Massacre

Devin Kelley, BOIT 
Bled Out In Texas

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The media is doing it's worst to deflect from the major question that this blog posted. It first engaged in stating that the terrorist was dishonorably discharged, and then the reality began that this was being fudged, but it DOES NOT change the fact that wife beaters and child abusers can not purchase firearms as it is on the firearm form as one of the questions.

So we now have a neighbor stating that he heard a great deal of gun fire coming from the terrorist's house. Once again, we have a situation of a convicted felon, dishonorably discharged, served a year in prison, was known by law enforcement, and he was posting about a weapon which he could not have, and firing a weapon off attracting attention, and nothing was done about it.

The person who straw walked this gun to the terrorist is facing 10 years in prison on this one count. They are an accessory to the massacre.

I am going  to add to this a personal story, just to show you how hard it is to purchase a firearm. I was in a metro area, and buying a shotgun at Walmart. I was speaking to the clerk who was ex Air Force. He told me that if they get one wiff of you buying a firearm for someone else, or as he related he had a guy who was guilty of a felon come in, was refused and then sent in his girlfriend, who the clerk figured out who she was, the clerk shut down the sale, as that is their legal responsibility.

Once again, who sold this weapon? Once again who purchased this weapon? Those are the key elements in this, along with why was Texas law enforcement, and media suppressing this story for over a day?
There are things off in this, in Facebook took down the page of this terrorist as it was anti Christian.

In forensic psychology, one can figure out what the triggers were. This person had a temper from high school. He got militarized and beat on the wife and kid, and booted out. To make amends as his child was born, to try and win back the family, he started teaching Bible School. That sham did not lure back in his wife or made her an ex wife, and her family is the one who the terrorist blamed for her not coming back.
Hence the faux Christian becomes the athiest full blown. In this media age of CNN insanity, the terrorist has not any validation as a man, and sees death as the only solution, and makes war on God and those who he concludes deprived him of his security.

Simple psychology, but it does not explain why the cover up is taking place on the firearm. Just what else like Stephen Paddock is hidden away? Was this an Antifa inspired event on their revolution weekend? Was this suppressed so as not to inspire other anti American nuts?

As we look at this, the two Texas Heroes who arrived long before police ever put down their donuts, the people there are fortunate that the plumber put in a scratch shot in this AR 15 duel which hit an artery in the body cavity, which this blog first reported, and the terrorist bled out, after being frightened into dropping the weapon and fleeing. 

Mr.  Stephen Willeford

I will call again for Donald John Trump of the White House to award both Stephen Willeford and Johnny Langendorff need to be brought to the White House and presented the Presidential Medal of Freedom. This message must be sent that Americans will be protected for using weapons to protect themselves and their community, and that the President will make the Justice Department protect these Citizens from local communities and states who would seek to punish these Heroes as is the case in California, New York and Minnesota. 

Mr. Johnny Langendorff

This story really has no interest now as it has been solved, except for the Antifa link and the question of where this terrorist obtained this weapon, as someone purchased it for him, as his name and Social Security would have lit up BATFE's computers on the wife beater and child abuser conviction, as much as the dishonorable discharge.
It is vital for President Trump and the media to cheer the Texas Heroes, and to reinforce the message that there are Americans, just as the NRA always reports who stop crime with their own firearms. The message is not that Devin Kelley got attention, but that the end of Devin Kelley is BLED OUT IN TEXAS and no one cared as demons dragged his liberal soul to hell screaming, just like in the movie Ghost.

This narrative gets brainwashed into the public, and this will stop 95% of these attacks.

Nuff Said
