Justice Department's 4th Most Powerful Agent
Peter Strzok
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
What kind of female would go to bed willingly with a Peter Strzok? Apparently committing adultery like a fringe benefit honey pot, supervising an FBI investigator who seemed to have his fingers in every plot against the United States in either covering it up for Hillary Clinton or creating it out of fake files against Donald Trump.
This is the face of what allows Peter Strzok to get sweaty on her and in her.
FBI Lawyer : Lisa Page
This is the text between Strzok and Page which has sent everyone scrambling, including stonewaller Christoperh Wray of the FBI to be more cooperative as these are all Robert Mueller's people who were involved in election tampering.
"I want to believe the path u threw out 4 consideration in Andy's office-that there's no way he gets elected-but I'm afraid we can't take that risk.It's like an insurance policy in unlikely event u die be4 you're 40"
While America was thinking in 2016 they were about to elect a President Don or Hillary, the deep state was engaged in another Lawrence Walsh election tampering.
Well, the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into Russian interference began in July of 2016.
The head of organized crime investigation with the FBI's lawyer are sitting in Andrew McCabe's office, in McCabe's wife was taking money from Clinton for her political election. They are discussing how Donald Trump will lose the election on a "path". Take apart that sentence though to glean from it the meaning.
"I want to believe the path u threw out 4 consideration in Andy's office-that there's no way he gets elected-but I'm afraid we can't take that risk.It's like an insurance policy in unlikely event u die be4 you're 40"
Page stated an analogy she was privy to, to McCabe and Strzok to "consider" in a government office in how Donald Trump would be stopped. Inquiry in the matrix points to Page was referring to the embedded Clinton and Bush operatives, who were sabotaging the Trump campaign, exactly as Schmidt and Wallace did Sarah Palin and John McCain in 2008 AD in the year of our Lord.
This would make sense in page would be referring to known political intrigue, that Trump would be taken down from the inside.
Strzok then assesses this in how weak Hillary Clinton is, that "we" can not risk a Trump victory. "We" is in plural, meaning Strzok is operating with others who are actively investigating Donald Trump. In other words, they have weaponized the FBI for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to throw an American election.
This would tie in to the NSA hacking into computer systems in varioius states as they were not taking any chances either on a Clinton victory.
Strzok is stating there is an insurance policy which will stop the risk of Donald Trump winning. What the inquiry into the matrix points to is Strzok, who has been involved in the frame up of Donald Trump, is not talking about Pissgate or Russian collusion. Inquiry is pointing to Strzok thinks, because he has been informed that there is a Russian pipeline of money flowing from Moscow, into the Trump campaign.
This appears to be a hidden feature in this Pissgate dossier in those who created that fiction, also were moving to put what would look like a money dump from the Putin into the Trump coffers. Not a far reach when Jared Kushner was in business with Russian Jews who were laundering money from Putin, into the West.
Remember in this, that this is what Mueller was focused on with Kushner, and also remember in this that Donald Trump tweeted in the second week of December that Mueller had not gone after his financials. This means only one thing in Robert Mueller already has Donald Trump's financial information and that is why he is trying to shakedown Paul Manafort to provide the smoking check book.
There are a host texts between Strzok and Page and they are absolutely repulsive as in forensic psychology, they reveal a duo of Charlie Rose wanna be intellectuals, who are operating outside the law and have been engaged in this for some time. Meaning, there is a completely toxic environment at Justice as it is all weaponized. Robert Mueller's thug coven which Strzok was a part of IS what Justice is in all of it's corruption in destroying Americans by criminal acts.
Strzok and Page who are educated idiots, useful to the deep state due to their egos of grandeur delusion, and their willingness to engage in criminal acts. They hang around with the Letterman Cocktail crowd like a Stephen Colbert, but never comprehend that they are the dogs on the leash, and by their illiterate tweets and diatribes reveal how absolute classless they are.
The first text is ridiculing Bernie Sander and an FBI lawyer texting about keying a democrat's car due to having a Sander's bumper sticker.
Aug. 16, 2015
Lisa Page: Finally, and related to nothing, but I just saw my first Bernie Sanders bumper sticker. Made me want to key the car.
Peter Strzok: He’s an idiot like Trump. Figure they cancel each other out.
In this text Page adores John Kasich of the Ohio criminal mafia. Strzok responds that he is in favor of murdering Edward Snowden. Again this is the 4th most powerful man at Justice, just a door down from Rob Rosenstein, and he is texting with delight about murdering an American.
March 4, 2016
Page: Poor Kasich. He’s the only sensible man up there
Strzok: He was pretty much calling for death of Snowden. I’m a single issue voter. ;)
In this text, Strzok had apparently become unglued and texted something which was beyond keying cars and murder. He has employed the Hillary Clinton private cell phone to avoid having Justice trace his calls and texts.
Again, Strzok who is in charge at Justice is emotionally unbalanced and was ranting something worse than keying cars and murder.
April 2, 2016
Page: So look, you say we text on that phone when we talk about hillary because it can’t be traced, you were just venting bc you feel bad that you’re gone so much but it can’t be helped right now.
This text is most revealing in both Page and Strzok loathe the United States Congress and Congress' Constitutional mandate to make laws. The duo apparently want "law" made their way, perhaps in keying and murder being legalized.
June 22, 2016
Page: Hi. Just leaving a meeting now. How we make law in this country is offensive and irresponsible.
Strzok: I know it is. its why i LOATHE congress. Can’t wait to hear the story
This last text is a smoking smart phone, as it appears that Strzok and others were involved on election night. They were fighting for a Clinton election theft. It was a most complicated illegal undertaking. The connection appears to be the Comey investigation of Donald Trump and how Strzok and others are in the process to generate the coup which has formed against Donald Trump.
Nov. 9, 2016
Strzok: Just woke up. We fought on and off all night.
Strzok: Too hard to explain here. Election related. Which is also godawful bad.
This is the rot of the Justice Department and the FBI when it has been weaponized against Americans. In this phase the pseudo intellectuals were having meetings at FBI, discussing how to keep Donald Trump from being President and making Hillary Clinton president, even over Bernie Sanders.
This duo with Andrew McCabe, number two at FBI, were using a fake investigation on fake intelligence to actively work at overthrowing the 2016 United States election for President.
Once again a few more details in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.