As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This post is not Christmassy, but then today in town I have been the only person saying Merry Christmas for weeks. It has to do with the reality that people are angry, frustrated and just beat down. In this light, I wanted to give something for all of you to understand about the psychological terrorification which Americans have been under for sometime and you have no idea, whether in Toronto Canada or Vicksburg Mississippi or Minneapolis Minnesota, what you has been deliberately released against you, but this blog is about to show you something which was deliberately designed down to the colors.
Call this the insider's guide to the police state which all of you are reacting to, and why the Police in America are keyed up all the time, as it has to do with a psychological enmity which has been created between them and the public.
Here is something most of you have no idea of, except in history in Los Angeles California Police from the 1960's. This is from One Adam Twelve, when Police in America were smiled at, because Police smiled at you.
There is noting at all intimidating about the black and white colors, of right and wrong, nor of the vehicle, as it is a shape you recognize as non lethal.
Here is a vintage photograph of what the Minnesota Highway Patrol used to look like in the 1960's. They had pretty colored cars of maroon and white.
Their officers were non threatening and had a pose of being one with the community.
Now I desire for you to look at what is being put against the public in Minnesota now.
Very threatening isn't it this car. I am going to tell you something too which none of you have any idea about, but you are being triggered by it. Deliberately, these cars are not black, but have this sickly color which goes from hews of grey to odd off colors embedded in them, all to create a psychological reaction of recoiling, exactly like you know that black grey mold will poison you and that off colored flesh is a disease.
This is the deep state loose in America and every day, they terrorize communities with off colors, vehicles that are meant to trigger fear and this blog will tell you one more thing, in the Police used to have big "cherry lights" which rotated slowly and triggered nothing in people. The strobe patterns of these LED lights is specifically designed to shock the brain, shock the optical nerves in your eyes and make you submit like a dog commanded heel.
That is why when you see these intimidation cruisers flying by you, you are like gazelles in Africa, in you immediately drop inside to make yourself smaller, and be pleased that some other baby gazelle is being eaten today.
This is the designed police terror state in America from Stanford University. There were studies involved in this in colors, light rape of the mind, configurations of automobiles and what you are being assaulted with is the result.
For the Police, they complain about the public, but the Police want a submissive public. The Police for the most part in your city patrol officers have no comprehension the fright they are triggering in the public, which is leading to the reaction of the public concluding the cops are predators.
Having this type of control is alluring to the police as it empowers. Some in the forces though feed off of the intimidation and others become burned out, as the public just detests them at every turn.
For the public it is akin to seeing a huge ebola germ after them, so they want nothing to do with something that is triggering visual, sound, a flight responses in them, as the human tries to survive.
This is not just the terror state of Minnesota as you have seen them all in your communities. Here is Toronto Canada. They at least have the illusion on the side of the car to protect and serve, even though it can not be read.
This is Mississippi, and you can find this in Arizona to Washington. All these vehicles are standardized and they are not meant to protect and serve, but to terrify and to intimidate the public, which is causing the majority of the problems in American law enforcement.
This is why this blog has advocated and pleaded for Donald Trump to standardize police across America, in requiring all of them to run black and white patrol cars, and to set up a national policy where if there is not a reason to stop a vehicle then the police have no business embarrassing and robbing the public of hundreds of millions of dollars in America in speed traps or seat belt violations. America has ceased to be a protect and serve police force and is as police state of standardized to terrify and to intimidate.
The public has a right to not be surprised as in the proper days of America. These lurking cruisers all need to disappear, along with the robbery and intimidation of the public. Americans need a police force they can LOOK TO and not watch out for.
This is what America needs to get back to and for this shock rape of colors and lights to cease, as this is the Public's Nation, and they employ these Police, and this is not supposed to be a Police State extorting money from the Public by intimidation.
Nuff Said