Sunday, February 5, 2017

Patriots Win Superbowl the Trumpian Way

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is sort of amazing what few minutes makes in the difference of life.


Congratulations to the friends of President Donald Trump in New England Patriots owner Bob Kraft and now the best quarterback in NFL history in Tom Brady.

It is fitting because few know that when Mr. Kraft's wife died, there was one man who phoned him in that depression for a year in checking on him, and that was his friend, businessman Donald Trump.

A game tied up in the last minute, and a game giving possession by the toss of a coin, and a championship won in overtime.

It just had that Trumpian Way to it.


A Lesson on Assassination from Fake News

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Law Enforcement, AFTER THE FACT, has discovered that a woman named Emily Guendelsberger was behind the leaked conversations of the Republican Retreat in Philadelphia, in which President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence appeared.

One of the illegal recordings had this criminal stalker in the room with Vice President Mike Pence.

The official story is extremely troubling, as Ms. Guendelsberger had counterfeit identification, was telling security she was the wife of a Republican Congressman (Which wife we do not know.) and she had these bogus security passes shown at every checkpoint several times.

The sources familiar with the investigation said Friday that Guendelsberger gained access by saying she was the wife of a legislator. Investigators believe she made the recordings but have not yet confirmed it, the sources said.
The Congressional Institute, the nonprofit that organized the retreat, said in an email to lawmakers last week that the intruder “misrepresented herself” several times and used counterfeit credentials.
However, she went through the same security checkpoints as every other attendee at the conference, said the letter, obtained last Saturday by the Associated Press.
Secret Service spokesman Martin Mulholland said Friday that Trump and Pence were never in any danger.

 There is absolutely no confidence in the Secret Service assessment that the President and Vice President were never in any danger. We live in an Obama imported terror world. We are now hostage to Bush appointed judges ruling that America has no borders and terrorists from the Mideast are pouring in. We are in a world where a Machete Muslim was in the French Louvre.
So forgive the concern that thee ENTIRE REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP was in a building and a stalker, looking to publish dirt on Republicans had free access, in the Capital Police could not catch her.

What if she had a machete under her skirt? What if it was a gun in her pants? What if it was a bomb? What if she brewed some home toxin as that is what the DC protesters were going to light off in an Inauguration Event.

This is beyond serious as there is supposed to be at least three rings of security which are impenetrable, and this woman was not noticed and never would have been noticed if she had not sent out the illegal recordings trying to advance her career by destroying President Trump.
That begs the question in who the hell else was at this retreat or who the hell else has gained access to areas they were gathering intelligence on for only who knows what crime.

Security in a terror world where der Spiegel and rappers are calling for harming the President as Soros rioters burn down streets and Bush appointed judges gives terrorists carte blanche to invade America, is a matter of absolute necessity, as the US government has hordes of Obama zealots who are gathering in groups collecting data to find crimes on their superiors.

The one certainty in this is, is that this Emily Guendelsberger is not the first person who pulled this in the media, and if the Fake News is pulling this, then there are some very bad people running through these horrendous holes in security.

This is the elected American Government and a harpie ran through the security several times without a problem. That is damning and any "assurances" hold absolutely no merit as the facts are the President and Vice President were both exposed and that means they were in danger.

Sincerely, President Trump must have his own 3 rings of security and it must be an immediate overhaul of the Presidential security team, of creating established outer, inner and next to the President teams, of perhaps standing Military Police in the outer reaches, and then levels of Secret Service on the inner levels.

There has been far too much of this taking place, over and over again, and it must cease.

Nuff Said


Owning Terrorism in the United States

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Liberals are not stupid. They are devious, plotting, vindictive and murderous. They weigh and assess every situation to exploit people emotionally for their victory at all costs.

Whoopi Goldberg knows that #NeverTrump protesters burning down universities in homophobic blazes smear the message of smearing that Whoopi has been engaged in to sway stupid women, yes stupid women, to weaken President Trump to impeach him, at which they will all cheer.

Whoopi Goldberg Blasts Berkeley Rioters: 'What The Hell ...

Whoopi Goldberg Blasts Berkeley Rioters: ... you're not helping," Goldberg ... that is not our thing to control. If they want to invite him that ...

Seattle Judge James Robart, a Bush appointee, praising Black Lives Matter, now owns the open borders, and so does Jeb and George Bush, Black Lives Matter, #NeverTrump, US Commerce, Democrats and the entire Obama Clinton civil employees in from State to Justice.

But as the CIA fraud Sorcha Faal says, "But what does this mean?"

Project this out in what Whoopi Goldberg now owns.








Muslims are now pouring into the United States. Muslims from 3rd world nations, with Muslims from 3rd world nations who are exposed to terrorism, rape and murder are housed and gathered inside of rural American communities not prepared for their sociopathy.

What are the odds  that these terrorist, murdering, rioting, Muslim  rape cocks are going to behave themselves, even if ordered to by their clerics?

If one owns open borders, then one owns the Muslim normal rage when it naturally manifests, as it always manifests.

One horrific event, and President Donald Trump is proven right about his entire policy.

Each moment millions of Islamic time bombs are ticking, winding tighter and tighter, and Judge James Robart to Whoopi Goldberg owns it all. There is though now a Trump Justice Department which will indict those who aided and abetted these terrorists.

The American Traitors now own Muslim Terrorism in America.


Uncle Borders and the Statue of Deportation

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the treacherous left in America has been bastardizing the State of Liberty, in the wonderful gift from the French People, in first a communist Ashkenaz wrote a poem of 'give us your tired and poor" which was about Ashkenaz assassins in Europe being dumped into America, to the new mantra that the Statue of Liberty was about immigration, it is time that President Donald Trump introduce two American National Patriots as other Presidents have in:


 What absolutely necessary characters they will be in the Patron of Secure Borders keeping Americans safe and the Patron of Law Enforcement in removing citizenship from the traitors who are enforcing this 3rdworld vermin Muslim and Jesuit rape cock on Americans.

Publish this in every airport around the globe and let the traitor and vermin know that President Donald Trump with armed Americans are going to enforce the Constitution, and Law Enforcement is coming to get them. There is no board room, court room, sanctuary city or public housing where they will be able to hide. The FBI ALWAYS GETS THERE MAN!!!

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said




In this 2015 file photo, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg speaks at Georgetown University Law Center in Washington.  Photo: Manuel Balce Ceneta, Associated Press

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Two points from the matrix.

The current time flow points to Ruth Bader Ginsburg will leave the building on December 1 of this year due to succumbing to cancer. The liberals are focused on all of this in her selfishness in not removing her doily from the Court for an Obama replacement 2 years ago.
That is what is trending as of February in time lines.

Second feature is inquiry points to a Muslim at Centcom is leaking information on the Seals as  to why the terrorists ambushing the team. Think it pointed to an Iraqi. Got so much on my mind in I forget.

I remember though that I saved Rush Limbaugh's peaked ass by changing the time line. Remember Hamrod was President, invited in Russian troops to Florida and they sexed the wife and laced him with lead against the wall.
Bastard owes 11 million plus interest for plagiarism and now saved his ass, and still the same.

Well enough of this.
