Thursday, March 2, 2017

A President who Heals Their Sorrows


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was not going to write anything about Carryn Owens,  the Wife and Mother, of Navy SEAL Ryan Owens, as the smack down of Mr. Owen's dad was about all I wanted to deal with this situation, which was more than necessary in no one ever being allowed to create another Cindy Sheehan torture of a military family again.

Many unexperienced and Trump hating liberals have though in Debra Messing and the creatures at The View. This must be addressed as to what President Trump did at the State of the Union concerning Carryn Owen in helping to heal her.

When people have those they die, and love them, they feel isolated, hurt and alone. This is lost on most people and it is amplified for military families.

My first experience with what a President and military families have was with the terror massacre of Marines in Lebanon. In this instance, it was of an era as horrid as now, as the leftist media were filled with smears against President Reagan.
I cringed at what was about to take place in Ronald and Nancy Reagan went to the memorial service for these families, and the emotion was explosive, and I could just see something erupting which the media was going to crucify the President with.
People forget this was Vietnam era yet, and the military was still shamed and a great deal of conflicting emotions were involved.

In reviewing that footage, I held my breath knowing disaster was coming. Families were grieving, shaking in anguish and sobbing, and there entered Ronald and Nancy Reagan. It was one of the most remarkable things I had ever witnessed in, as the President and First Lady moved down that line, a calm came over these families as the Reagan's spoke with them and shared their grief, and in private conversation told them their family member had purpose and was a Hero.
It was the most extraordinary thing I ever saw from a psychological point of study. These families needed to hear from their President, their Commander and Chief, to share with them and to be with them. Once that event took place the healing began for those families in their being able to not be alone in their grief.

That is what Mrs. Owens was in need of. She had been through a great deal. Her husband had been killed. Her husband's father had caused a family rift. She was alone, a mother with children, and part of her was not going to be with her in this life.

That is the stage of the State of the Union in Mrs. Owen. It was not exploitation. It was undoing the smears of the John McCain lies stating that this SEAL died for nothing, when he died for America and for his duty and honor.

When your husband's Commander and Chief tells the world  that your husband is a Hero and his work will make a difference in carrying on the work your husband gave his life for, that means that it is written in stone. When Mrs. Owen was crying, she was pouring out the emotions of her grief which could only be vented with a nation sharing with her, the death of her husband.
When the President leads the longest standing ovation for your husband, as the representation of EVERY Soldier who died for America, it has healing for Carryn Owen and every Veteran family, as it gives meaning to the  event so the grieving family can heal.

That is the gift of President Trump and the American Nation of healing at the State of the Union. A Nation can not hand out medals for every dead Soldier, nor can it honor every family at the State of the Union, but in President Trump's example,  America was led by a President expressing their gratitude more than gold stars can ever express.

Military families need to know that their President cares about them, and President Trump showed that to the world. This was not about exploitation, but the necessary balm to Mrs. Owen and Military families who carry this loss all of their lives in their loved ones killed in service to America.

Carryn Owen was shown she was not alone and that the President, the Congress and Americans shared with her all she is with gratitude and appreciation.

The rabid Obama and Clinton liberals are to be pitied for their hearts and minds are not human nor humane, as they war within themselves and only have purpose when it is one of their kind lying to them in the White House giving them validation in life, for they are empty souls without that pacifier.
It is why Rose O'Donnell can not leave things rest in peace.

May God bless Carryn Owen and her children, to be blessed with the Peace of Christ which will heal them and bring them to the day that they meet their husband and father in that great circle in the sky, in Jesus Name Amen and Amen


It is time for all Democrats to Resign

New York Senator Chuck Schumer with Ambassador Anne Anderson, Minister Charlie Flanagan and Consul General Barbara Jones at Pier A in January. (Photo: James Higgins)

New York Senator Chuck Schumer with Ambassador Anne Anderson, Minister Charlie Flanagan and Consul General Barbara Jones at Pier A in January. 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the baseless fake news attacks upon Attorney General Jeff Sessions, over Russian Ambassador meetings, it is time to call for the resignation of Senator Charles Schumer to resign over a more in depth meeting of intrigue with the Russian Ambassador in an international incident, overstepping his office as a US Senator and usurping authority from the Department of State.

Sen. Chuck Schumer intervenes in diplomatic yogurt dispute ...

U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., has found himself at the center of a diplomatic dispute between some of his constituents and a foreign government.
U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., has found himself at the center of a diplomatic dispute between some of his constituents and a foreign government.
The two parties involved: Chobani Greek yogurt and Rosselkhoznadzor, the Russian Federation’s Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has requested that the government approve the shipment with the U.S.’s sanitary certificate, but since they have gotten no response, Schumer followed up with a letter to Russia’s ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak and the head of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Thomas Bach, to intervene.
Then there is democratic Claire McCaskill, Senator of Missouri who chimed in with fake news, and now is involved with her own cover up in lying to the American People in she met with the Russian Ambassador too in trying to get Russian babies for the American market in purchasing them.

Claire McCaskill Did Meet with the Russian Ambassador ...

On Twitter this morning, Senator Claire McCaskill claimed that she has had "no call or meeting w/Russian ambassador. Ever": This should come as a surprise to . . .
The Lame Cherry would call on Senator Al Franken to resign immediately, but the problem is the Minnesotan does not do anything. He gives a good impression of a pile of dried dog turds one finds in the spring after the Minnesota snow melt, in just sitting their obnoxious, but other than that he just is there looking as  dog turd.

Let us not forget in any of this that the Obama regime leaked classified intelligence to democrats, in order to continue this insurrection, and that is the key issue here, that the democrats all broke the law, and should resign with their accomplices for global nuclear war, in John McCain and Lindsey Graham.



......and I wondered.........

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am moved to share this reading from the Holy Ghost as of last night before bed. It is from the Prophet Isaiah chapter 63 and I received this previously in God promising to make Donald Trump President of the United States.

 5 And I looked, and there was none to help; and I wondered that there was none to uphold: therefore mine own arm brought salvation unto me; and my fury, it upheld me.
 6 And I will tread down the people in mine anger, and make them drunk in my fury, and I will bring down their strength to the earth.

I have warned before that Donald Trump was a test. The Americans past the test, the traitors failed it with Obama and Clinton votes.

The Father hears, sees and feels all of your anguish over what is taking place in these attacks upon President Trump, from within and without, and the manipulations of certain family members, against God's Will. God is furious in those who are in league with satan and in open rebellion with His plan.

The Viking noted today about the intrigue of Obama and Val-erie Jarrett plotting insurrection against the United States Government, in it was no wonder that Armageddon must take place, as all of this must be cleansed from the world as all they do is plot like the conspirators of the northern Kingdom of Israel in taking down the leaders of the moment.

I am swamped here and still attempting to recover from my two story fall. It apparently was more injury than what I had prayed away. I am renewed everyday in the word of the Lord, but as of tomorrow, the Lame Cherry will have posted 21 straight days of exclusives concerning the treachery of Mike Pence, Katie Walsh and others of intrigue, and there has been absolutely no follow up from other outlets. You, the People, have listened and it is evident by the comments on these characters, but the Mockingbird protects them and the entire system is corrupt.

I have not had it revealed to me what will take place by the hand of God. I would that President Trump turned into the Jehu he is supposed to be, before he is forced to in a fight to retaliate on what is taken from him. My faith though is not in princes nor sons of men, but in the Lord.
America should be a refuge in the Great Tribulation because of Donald Trump, but the tools of satan are dragging us down again in the abyss to become refuse.

God's Will be accomplished for the sake of His Name and may the Lord Christ come quickly with sword drawn, as the President does not have those around him as David and Solomon did, to do the job which requires doing.



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Thankfully, Senator Al Franken and Senator Patrick Leahy, Democrats grilled nominee Jeff Sessions during his confirmation hearings about his knowledge of anyone meeting with Russian officials during the Trump Campaign........never mind that Franken and Leahy grilling Mr. Sessions a month ago means that the NSA, Justice and FBI had leaked classified documents to these two Democrats who exposed the information in hearings by eluding to it, and never mind that the Obama regime was definitely shadowing not only Senator Jeff Sessions, and the Russian Ambassador to America "to implicate any Republican official who made contact with a foreign ambassador WHOSE JOB IS TO MEET EVERY UNITED STATES OFFICIAL IN REPRESENTING THE KREMLIN, because we now know from the #NeverTrump Wall Street Journal of Rupert Murdoch and the #NeverTrump New York Times of Carlos Slim, the following information on Jeff Sessions.

The Justice Department said late Wednesday that one of the discussions between Sessions and Sergey Kislyak was an office visit that occurred in Sessions' capacity as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. The second conversation took place in a group setting with other ambassadors following a Heritage Foundation speech.

One can see how this is damning to Al Franken who has been smearing President Trump in stating the President is insane.......which the State of the Union proved was another fake news lie, because we now know for certain that:

Jeff Sessions met with the Ambassador IN HIS CAPACITY AS PART OF THE ARMED SERVICES IN THE SENATE in a meeting which was so one minute stop that nothing was said.

Jeff Sessions was in a building with hundreds of other people and the Russian ambassador happened to be there too.

By this we know that Donald Trump is a Rusian agent, because Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin saw the same sun rise on the horizon.

On the Franken Evidence, Al Franken is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, because he met with DNC co chair Keith Ellison.

The reason that Senator Sessions did not think that a spot meeting with the Russian Ambassador was of no consequence, it is because Jeff Sessions is an honest man, and he never discussed anything in the meeting.
Furthemore, for the FBI to be pointing a meeting where hundreds of people were there at Heritage, then the fact is everyone at Heritage is then a Russian agent too, and not people who do not want to start nuclear world war with Russia.

This is beyond sedition now and treason, as what Obama, the Democrats and Bush fam #NeverTrumpers are engaged in is unsettling the world and in prelude to world war.

It does not matter if it is Darrell Issa to Al Franken, the Times or the Journal, these fake news stories are placing all of us in jeopardy. For the shortsighted in the left who think that getting President Trump or Jeff Sessions will be the pounds of flesh to make up for their wasted lives, the reality is 8 years of Obama turned you into this, and starting a nuclear world war is not going to make you feel any better about yourselves.

The real story in this is the fact that surveillance by Homeland has been exposed repeatedly in this fake news. We now know that there is a permanent surveillance on the Russian Ambassador and that there are absolutely no protections for Americans, which is mandated under law, as Americans are being photographed, eavesdropped on in their conversations recorded, and that there are files on United States Senators at FBI which is against the law.

That is the story in this, and as the Lame Cherry warned before President Trump was sworn in, that he had to get in front of this, but his worthless staff has been stabbing Christians and Loyalists in the back instead, the reality is again, that Attorney General Jeff Sessions needs to immediately convene Grand Juries, and when indictments are issued by the end of the day, that starting with Al Franken and those known leakers with their assets in the fake news, be arrested, held under Patriot Act and begin with the reality of either these conspirators put someone elses neck into the noose or they will hang in a military court by the end of the month.
....and when the push back comes, then legally the Department of Justice crushes this Obama insurrection.

No one is  apparently serving the President. As he complains that the FBI can not find the leakers, then hire 1000 new US Marshals from Trump Loyalists andChristians, give them immediate security coverage and in one week, this group will have 90% of this ilk indicted as the information is all there.

The Obama FBI has absolutely violated the privacy of Director Mike Flynn, and now we witness a collusion with democrats in the Senate in having information leaked to them. Sean Hannity talking about this is not going to stop it nor protect the President. It is time to protect the President and with a police force branch authorized to crush this insurrection in the US military courts....and if the Obama courts attempt to get involved, then indict them and those lawyers too for trial.

Either the President and the AG gets this fixed or the next move is on Stephen Miller who worked for Sessions and is now posing with Steve Bannon as a chief adviser to the President, being hauled before Franken and Leahy for summer interrogations.

Nuff Said


The GOP Emailgate of June 2016 to deny Candidate Trump the Nomination

Editor's Note: This is a stand alone post due to the importance of the content.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

There is a fact that it was not the Russians who hacked the United States in 2016 in the Presidential elections for Donald Trump, but instead the Trump campaign computers were hijacked from the inside, and the proof of this is the fact that a certain mass email appeared on cue, just as Donald Trump was arriving in Scotland to celebrate the Brexit vote.
The mass mailing was illegal in it was soliciting money from foreigners, in members of Parliament in London. Whoever was behind this knew when Donald Trump was to arrive in foreknowledge, knew to mail the foreigners, and enough of them including leftists in Iceland so this would throw up red flags, and to accomplish all of this just before the Republican National Convention in Ohio, all to complete the 100 Days #NeverTrumper plan to deny President Trump the nomination for the Republican Party.

What follows is an investigation of the events, those with connections and opportunity, to have coordinated this event. At the time Rex Elsass, who had been working for Rand Paul and John Kasich, was working  for the Trump team as a media push in this period of the mailings in order to appeal for donations, as you will recall this was the period that Katie Walsh and her fiance were denying candidate Trump donations in soaking them all up for down ticket #NeverTrumpers.
Do not forget in this that Katie Walsh was bragging about her data mining, and that she is the one who was bawling in despair on election eve at Trump headquarters when Hillary Clinton lost.

A scandal of this sort was designed to be a criminal investigation and to deny Mr. Trump the nomination, meaning if you recall the push was for by Bill Kristol and others to nominate anyone other than Mr. Trump, including appeals for it to be Mike Pence, the intrigue of Jeb Bush as the uniter, and you do remember that Ted Cruz was the one who blew up the Republican Convention in that disgusting convention speech.

There were three parts to this move against President Trump and are listed as follows.

  1. Mailings sent to British Conservatives in Parliament, including Green Party member in Iceland to make certain it red flagged for the press.
  2. Changed the server domain so emails would not deliver to inbox and flagged as spam.
  3. Snail mail, push mail to get seniors to donate in being delinquent in not donating. This same mailing appeared in September and was not reported on after the RNC took over the mailings.

After these events, Rex Elsass, who did not fall out of favor with the Trump campaign, as he appeared as an  advisor again in September, appears to have been replaced by the Republican National Committee which was in charge of the mailings with their lists from this point on.

Elsass was a Rand Paul and John Kasich supporter, but in reviewing this, the Trump campaign trusted him, so that being the case, we progress this to a new examination.

Sen. Rand Paul and his wife Kelley Paul are pictured. | AP Photo

Rand Paul, for one, will be sparring with a Trump stand-in, adviser Rex Elsass, who is playing the billionaire in a practice session this week. (Year 2015)

It now fast forwards to the year 2016, as new positions are taken and backing shifts to Donald Trump and his campaign.
The lists in this are key as Rex Elsass was uploading lists at this time from Chris Christie who was a client for expanded mailings. Elsass  though does not appear the source of the foreign emails as he does not appear to be a foreign connected political operation, as other operations are. It would not make sense if Elsass was the source, as it harmed his control in the campaign over media. The group which benefited in Elsass losing control, would be the RNC.
That points to the #NeverTrumpers in the RNC who as Katie Walsh bragged had control over the data lists, and if one examines the reality of her finance, the man whose job she inherited by Reince Priebus, Mike Shields was connected at the hip overseas, was in charge of the #NeverTrumpers in Congress in Ryan and Boehner connected, and he would have the list which appears to have been uploaded to the mailing lists, which infuriated British Conservatives and had enough leftist mailings to other political operatives who were pro Hillary Clinton, that the Washington Post would have this  then as a push story, which was intended to criminalize the campaign of Donald Trump in FEC violations.

The emails included those in Green leftists in Iceland which the Washington Post was in contact with, which would make these a huge political issue sure to be a story to attack candidate Trump on.

In Iceland, Katrin Jakobsdottir, the chairwoman of the Left-Green Movement, a democratic socialist party that focuses on feminist and environmental issues, said she unexpectedly received a Trump campaign email and has “no idea” how she got on his list.

It is vital to review the evidence at this point, in it appears that Elsass had control, and someone gained access to that computer terminal. Consider that someone appears to have sabotaged the mailings so to not reach donors in having changed servers.
It appears someone hacked from the inside, and while the campaign was acquiring the lists of friendlies like Chris Christie, someone jacked using a flash drive a list of foreign names which basically spam bombed the British Parliament who were furious, and it was all coordinated for the announced trip by Mr. Trump to Scotland.

This was the latter part of June 2016 and of interest in this, Corey Lewandowski was being sidelined and removed, and Paul Manafort was securing power, but within a few weeks a coup against Manafort removed him from the Trump campaign, and it was then that Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway arrived, with Reince Priebus seizing control, with Mike Pence.

There were three new hires in this period, and within a week all three were fired.

 There were three operatives hired during this period of the emails, Kevin  Kellems, Erica Freeman and Vincent Harris. Ms. Freeman was fired over the Trump University surrogate coordination as Mr. Trump stated he did not know the woman. Kellems who was hired for the surrogate coordination too, but cited the chaos in the campaign, and Harris who operates a media marketing group termed his termination as a "contract fulfilled".

Whoever was behind this, had to have data access in foreign connections, and connections inside the GOP in the data ranks, and that points to Katie Walsh again. Of the two known data experts, Vincent Harris and Mike Shields are suspect in it might have been their lists. Harris was UKIP connected which was not the Conservative Party which was spammed, but Shields was well connected to this group of Conservatives.

Both Harris and Shields were connected to the Cruz campaign though, and that is vital in this, in Shields was an intimate of Amanda Carpenter, the instigator of the Ben Carson false email of getting out of the Iowa race, and Harris assisted media for the Cruz operation.


This is where the history of Ted Cruz matters, as he was part of the Melania Trump model photos, in a strange SuperPac which was comprised of Cruz and Hillary Clinton donors, which reveals as what has been a collusion in this which is still in process in insurrection against President Trump in his Administration.
Cruz and Clinton backed Photogate. Paul Ryan was behind Pussygrab and in the turmoil of a Republican convention, who would benefit but Ted Cruz and Mike Pence in seizing the nomination from Donald Trump, and who would assist in that but Hillary Clinton as her fingers were all over this in it was DEMOCRACY 21 with Paul S. Ryan filing the FEC complaint against the Trump campaign.

The coordination did not stop there, as the Clinton Bush media which pushed this story at the Washington Post which has been dumping nothing but CIA smear stories against the President.

We glean from the Post though that the RNC contractors had been monitoring the Trump campaign emails, and knew exactly the flow and that new influxes of lists had been uploaded.

Washington Post
Tom Sather, senior director of research at Return Path, a data firm that performs email studies, said he noticed that Trump’s campaign switched domain names when he sent his first email out, causing many email services to flag it as spam and not recognize that it was coming from a familiar source.
Republican National Committee spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said Return Path works with the RNC. David Wendland, a spokesman for the company, said the RNC “is not yet a direct customer of Return Path. It is possible that might change, though, as Return Path is in talks with the RNC to determine how it can help them with their email program this election season.”
Sather said he and his company also noticed a big jump in the size of Trump’s distribution list on June 21, signaling that the campaign may have added another list or lists to its existing file.

Again it is the Post which reveals a hint in the legal list being uploaded was from Chris Christie as he joined the Team Trump. It was in this period of time that someone moved under this cover of lists being uploaded, to upload a list of foreigners, and the red flag of communists in Iceland, which the Post naturally was emailing as a source, as they seem to have known who was being emailed before they were emailed.

Washington Post
Renting email lists from former candidates is common practice in politics, and there is evidence suggesting Trump is doing that now. A Trump fundraising email sent out Wednesday afternoon came from “info@” Christie, a former presidential candidate and the Republican governor of New Jersey, supports Trump.

Those that passed through this Emailgate hack were the trusted advisers to withstand the withering attacks upon Donald Trump.

Trump’s advertising campaign has been led by Jamestown, a prominent political consulting firm with an anti-establishment edge. Two Jamestown employees, Jason Miller and Larry Weitzner, have taken senior roles in the campaign. Also helping to lead the Trump ad effort is Rick Reed, a veteran GOP strategist who assisted the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth campaign against John Kerry in 2004.

It was this push which brought this full circle, but this time the Republican National  Committee was in full control of not giving money to the Trump campaign, and had control over the mailings, and a great deal of the control over the rats in the maze GPS locations to get out or suppress the vote.

On Sept. 12, Smart Media Group, a media buying firm that works with the Republican National Committee, detailed in an email to Trump campaign officials how Clinton was outspending the Republican nominee on TV by an astonishing seven-to-one margin. With polling in many battlegrounds suggesting the race is tight, many Republican strategists are concerned that Trump’s lack of commercial spending could pose problems as the contest enters its final seven weeks.
The Ohio-based GOP operative has a long history in Republican politics, having worked for a number of presidential candidates over the years. During this year’s primary season, Elsass advised Rand Paul and, following Paul’s departure from the race, John Kasich. In 2012, he worked for Michele Bachmann and Newt Gingrich.

All of this vanished even with a Clinton FEC filed complaint. In hindsight, the trail of this looks exactly like a coup against Candidate Donald Trump and looks like a coup against President Trump. In a criminal investigation it is motive, opportunity and who would benefit.
Some group in the #NeverTrumpers were coordinating with the Clinton campaign to deny President Trump the nomination. That would leave the #NeverTrumpers choices of Ted Cruz, who fire bombed the RNC to try to defeat Donald Trump, John Kasich who refused to attend the convention, Jeb Bush who might be a candidate and is now being pushed for Vice President by the Bush fam, and Mike Pence to seize the nomination from the President..........all which would have elected Hillary Clinton.

As Darrell Issa who lied to Americans about getting Birther Hussein out of the White House is now engaged in trying to smear President Trump in Russian investigations, and is moving to deny Attorney General Jeff Sessions his position of oversight of the investigation, along with these other Bush praised Senator Burr of North Carolina trying to impeach the President in this fraud investigation of the #NeverTrumpers, there is an investigation which must be conducted and it is who in this group ran a criminal operation against Donald Trump the Republican candidate for President, as the evidence points to that crime.
The same conspirators now attempting to "investigate" President Trump in fake news Russian connections are the likely group who were behind this GOP Emailgate of 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.

This requires an investigation as the list alone uploaded could have been a mistake, but when it was coordinated to spam the British and others to red flag this, as Mr. Trump was in Scotland for Brexit, and the Washington Post had foreknowledge, and Ted Cruz was on a mission with the #NeverTrumpers and Mike Shields was stating this was a warm up for Cruz 2020, this points to a criminal conspiracy.

It is time for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate this with the full weight of the Justice Department, and it appears that the coup plotters then are the same coup plotters now engaged in this insurrection against President Trump.
