Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Who at the NSA is Censoring the Lame Cherry

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is publishing the actual record of the all time traffic on this site, the monthly, the weekly and the daily, and while "where it is dawn" on the earth does affect who is reading the blog in numbers, I have been most puzzled in how some populations simply do not care about their liberty or security in having a voice championing them.

As the record reveals, I have had a steady following from Russia  and Ukraine. I have a fondness for all the Slavic Peoples, for all they have suffered, how resilient they are and simply because they are honorable and good people.

I began noticing something bizarre though about the time Mike Flynn was forced to resign, and the rhetoric of Donald Trump went anti Russian, as HR McMasters appeared and Mike Pompeo became a conduit of the communist Brennan's  former smear machine against the President, that suddenly the Russian readership disappeared.
In searches, it appears the Russians have to find the blog by the numbered address, instead of the name Lame Cherry.

As Google gets paid on the number of visitors on this site, it makes absolutely no sense for Google to be censoring this blog. As the Russians if this was bots, would have no reason to shut down traffic enhancement, they are not behind this, no more than they would be considering this blog does not attack the Russians and promoted Trump Putin peace.

That then points to the NSA CIA or FBI. I did note the last time I posted about this blog being censored inside the Americana Intelligence Community, that within days, the Russian readership picked up again, and has since vanished completely.
To go from the numbers of readers which this blog had in Russia, to zero readers is a red flag. I can tell you that French readership was for some time due to Marine Le  Penn's run, second only to American readership. About two months ago when Ms. Le Penn was looking to wing the election in France, the French readership collapsed and trends much lower and is back to pre Trump era numbers.

As a violation of my rights and as a criminal attack upon me, in interfering with my right to make a living, as this blog runs on donations, suppressing entire nations from reading this blog (I have never received a donation from Russia or Ukraine as those people are extremely poor outside the oligarchs.) is a criminal act as much a violation of my rights of the free press.
Why this blog is so much a focus of the security and intelligence communities is ridiculous. No one gets this kind of attention and it is something which needs to be made known, as someone is doing this, and as logic points to it not being Google, Russia or anyone else, and that leaves the NSA CIA FBI again, now involved in traffic suppression, it points to a problem in the over reach of those in control of the mechanisms, because this blog is for Peace, for the success of Donald Trump as President and the way for Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin to have Russia and America co exist in prosperity and peace.

Perhaps it needs to be looked into in this fake Russian hacking, just who it is that is interfering with the information flow to the world, and who gave the orders, who is responsible and in a FOIA to making a target of the Lame Cherry.

Once again, I will track the stats, and see how long it takes for a supervisor a deputy director or a wetbot who monitors this blog, to conclude, they better turn the censors off again, before someone in Congress begins investigating and making an issue of this in how much censoring is the intelligence community involved in.

Nuff Said.



Donald Trump's Tax Reform by May not after August

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry always seeks to serve and apparently since the Presidency of Donald Trump has been hijacked by Kushner liberals and Neocons, who are sabotaging President Donald Trump, and some rather incompetent Goldman Sachs advisers who literally can not follow the orders or direction of President Trump in Gary Cohn or Steve Mnuchin, the Lame Cherry therefore will show the world how easy it is to both obey and carry out the orders and promises of President Donald Trump.

First the evidence of moneychangers who have raped a fortune from Americans, but have not been able to increase the political fortunes of President Trump in doing the job which he assigned them.

The Associated Press reported that the White House had been forced to ditch its original tax reform plan, and would be starting from scratch. Congressional Republicans continue to disagree over key funding mechanisms. Gary Cohn started sending smoke signals that the project could take longer than anticipated.
On Monday, Mnuchin admitted that the jig was up. A tax overhaul by August, he told the Financial Times on Monday, was “highly aggressive to the point of not realistic.” So naturally, Donald Trump, he of literally no impulse control or forethought, had this to say on Tuesday, once again throwing his Treasury secretary under the bus:
“We’re in very good shape on tax reform. We have the concept of the plan. We're going to be announcing it very soon. But health care, we have to get the health care taken care of, and as soon as health care takes care of we are going to march very quickly.

Self explanatory, the President ordered them to do a job, and they have failed, in carrying out a simple order which the President placed on his campaign website.

My plan will reduce the current number of brackets from 7 to 3, and dramatically streamline the process. We will work with House Republicans on this plan, using the same brackets they have proposed: 12, 25 and 33 percent. For many American workers, their tax rate will be zero.

That seems quite simple, except for Goldman Sachs executives apparently. The President promised a zero tax rate in income tax, because the poor, under $50,000, already are paying numerous excise taxes from fuel to those taxes corporations pay and pass onto the poor in mass.

So based on the original 1040 form from the 1930's, the Lame Cherry produced in 15 minutes this Trump 2018 Tax Form which did not require until August or later to produce.
This form will pass, as all Mr. Trump needs to do is ask the 94% of ARMED AMERICANS to let Congress know that the 1% of billionaires and 5% of millionaires are not the ARMED AMERICAN MAJORITY.

Here is the Tax Form and you are welcome to click on it and expand it to study it.

This is really simple in President Trump does not need to hire me, pay me or give me credit. All President Trump has to do is print up this form, order Hope Hicks with his White House Legal Counsel to write this up for a bill which will be introduced in the House and Senate:

Be it know, the United States tax code is from henceforth comprised of a 3 bracket graduated tax of

12% on 50,000 to 750,000 dollars
25% on 750,001 to 5,000,000 dollars
33% on 5,000,000 to infinity

There will not be any deductions or credits, as this a fair tax and proportioned to the ability to pay.
The form will be available to file online or in printed form with payment, with one full payment due midnight April 15th of the tax year.

I would be happy to serve the President in fixing Healthcare, the Gold Standard, the Border Wall, Deportations, Russia, China, North Korea, and whatever else the President seems to be having difficulty with the people he appointed to fulfill his commands in promises to the American People.

There is absolutely not any excuse for the above being passed in a week. Therefore the fact is Americans are being lied to and manipulated again by the crony crooks working for the 1%.

Nuff Said.


Donald Trump & Paul Ryan 2018 GOP Defeat In Georgia



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Everyone should understand the absolute rout which Donald Trump suffered in the Georgia primary in the Atlanta suburb and it is time to start realizing that Paul Ryan intends to turn the House over to Democrats in 2018, to keep Obama policies in place, and begin the impeachment process for Mike Pence to be President, and Jeb Bush as Vice President.

What the Lame Cherry is going to analyze for you is the reality, and I had an inside view of this election, not by choice, but because some asshole decided to try and pimp the Lame Cherry and put me on the Donald Speed Dial List Candidates.
See my email is private, and it is for people who need help in needing prayers in being sick or their life is a shambles and they need someone to speak to. Some asshole decided to put my name on the Trump Lists for sale and I am not going to forget that violation of trust.

If you recall Donald Trump allowing the sale of internet user lists, that had nothing to do with businesses, but it had everything to do with data mining political lists which Mr. Trump has assembled for sale, as his voters never dreamed he would pimp them, and this includes Katie Walsh, her finance at the House, Big Koch and Jared Kushner.

I will explain this again so you get this point. Idiot Republicans are being told that all they need to do is buy these damned lists, and they will become elected. I can tell you that the two Georgia MALE Republicans who used that Trump list, got their asses beat by a woman, who probably did it the old fashioned way went door to door and organized.
I gave the Trump listers a chance to be placed on this blog to help them, and they never even replied. That is the kind of disrespect there pricks have for the voters.

In addition, their campaigns were BACKED BY TRUMP. That means when press reports have them having the White House on speed dial, that these male Republicans were getting full bore support, and the voters in Georgia after receiving that knowledge REJECTED THEM. The Georgia vote was a vote cast against Donald Trump and his Ivankuck Policies.

Each of you had better assess this, as this is coming to your districts, as Donald Trump has destroyed the Republican momentum by threatening Conservatives and betraying the base. It is Democrats who now have the money, the drive and the momentum. If you add up the Georgia numbers, the Democrat is going to win the run off election and that is in a Republican district, and the reason is Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump and Neocons.
The Kansas Republicans almost got wiped too and it is Donald Trump's responsibility.

For the record, the Lame Cherry is going to progress to every state to place into law to negate Mr. Trump's pimping of voters. The law would mandate that no sale of email lists or sharing of email lists will be allowed, and if any candidate violates that law in contacting voters, it will be a felony,  and that candidate will forfeit the election.
Let these  data miners have their purses taken from them in pimping the American voters.

I have been betrayed, violated and cast aside. Three times now I have had my name sold in this data mining trade and I am not going to put up with it. I will not remain silent on this issue, nor will the Lame Cherry stand around whistling in this cemetary like all is roses, because what Paul  Ryan deliberately did to the Republican Party and the 2016 victory is a crime, and President Donald Trump has rode this movement into the ground. This either gets fixed now or we cement Obama's 3rd Term and Jeb Bush is going to be President by 2020 in this intrigue.

There are millions of you out there, who worked your asses off, endangered yourselves and gave more than you should have, and what we got was lead into this ambush and abandoned.

Georgia is the same red light warning that DNC operatives were  warning the Clinton campaign over in August of last year, and Bill Clinton was complaining about in Clinton abandoned White and Poor voters, and that set up the disaster which became Hillary Clinton shattered which was Robbie Mook in those goddamn data mining shit that all these money whores have been ruining campaigns over for years.

This either is fixed by you making a point of this in disgust of the Neocons and Ivankucked disater in the White House led by Gary Kohn and Dina Powell, with the bullshit Paul Ryan is bringing all of this to ruin, or this treachery has America lose the world war we just were inserted into.



Monday's Political Orphans!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_1180/sandra-lansky-852.jpg

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For the vicious and backstabbing vendetta and intrigue from Kushner one and two, Monday revealed a most interesting development in a push back.

Vanity Fair termed Kushner a sociopath. Byron York termed Kushner a sociopath, and David Frum termed the Kushner's as intelligent as the hard boiled Easter eggs rolling around in the White House disaster there.

That is push back and that does not come from Bannon sources, even though Steve Bannon was feeding Breitbart sticky dildo stories on the Kushners in needing a PR sex rep.

What this is, is Bush fam, the ultimate Ashkenaz mafia, as you do know  it was Prescott Bush who was  running around getting Ike Eisenhower to sign off on the Grassy Knoll, with J. Edgar, and it was all Tel  Aviv over that JFK being anti nuke for the Israeli state.
Bush fam is not high rung, but being a Bush bag man for the Rothschilds is a bit higher on the rung than a Kushner  ghetto slum lord.

So  Bush fam,  gets it's operatives installed at the White House. Let's the pariahs go politicide against each other, only lose Katie Walsh in the firings, and once the Kushner duo have staged the Big Jew Coup, Bush fam walks in and starts planting smear stories about the Kushner duo in order to lessen their influence, so Bush fam operatives can sidle right in, for the much sought after forcing out of President Trump from office, which is going very well as Donald Trump has alienated his entire base, and with Mike Pence being the nuke toting President who does not listen to his Tomahawk daughter,  you have the stage set for Vice President Jeb Bush.
Odd are President Mike Pence would not get the chair too hot, before Jeb took over, but those are the facts in someone was  seeding hit pieces on the Kushners and it was not Bannon, Loyalists or Christians, as this was deep state Bush fam in operation.

Sort of how those Jews are though as Jared said, "You hurt me. I hurt you." His  old man Charles hired whores to break up his sister's marriages because they crossed him with the feds, so Bush fam going after the  lovely Jared and the handsome Ivanka is not such a stretch in the mafia going after the children or family members who violated the code.

That is about all this is going to take, as the vendetta stuff is rough, in I could see K 1 a nd K 2 hauled up on charges and turning evidence on the father in law, as it appears that the cartel has the dear leader pointed in the right direction for global war, so not like they will get him to resign over Russian hacking.

What was it Myer Lansky said?

Don't worry, don't worry. Look at the Astors and the Vanderbilts. They were the worst thieves and now look at them. It's just a matter of time.

Monday's political orphans were the Kushner's and someone very powerful has allowed them to serve the purpose in getting rid of  the Loyalists and Christians, and now Bush fam is moving in to install their own people.

You did notice that there were no Tweets defending the Kushners..........

Once upon a  time in America, the Americans had good criminals.



The Czar's Baltic Fleet

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Subject: Inquiry to the Matrix

Inquiry points to three aircraft carriers enter Sea of Japan, in Nimitz, Vinson, Reagan. Inquiry points to only one carrier leaves the Sea of Japan in the Vinson.
Inquiry states is not a reactor problem on Nimitz. Inquiry points to Reagan group in rescue operation. Contaminated. Inquiry points to Reagan scuttled.
Inquiry points to is a weapon below deck, not loaded, in process of arming.

Surface fleet removed all nuclear weapon's platforms in the surface fleet by Bush directive 1991, completed 1993.
2007 AD in the year of our Lord, Navy official comment concerning protested port call in India of the Nimitz.

Strike Group commander Rear Admiral John Terence Blake stated that: "The U.S. policy is that we do not routinely deploy nuclear weapons on board Nimitz.

Inquiry points to dates in April 19, 25, 27 as important in this time line. Deployment, arming, scuttling.

Inquiry points to satellite arming.

Inquiry points to coincides with NK missile launch.

Inquiry points to THAAD deployed and successful. Inquiry states it will be said it saved Japan.

Leader is unaware.

Battle of Tsushima


When Reason is Replaced by the Brain Stem Function

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What if as it always is, it was all rats in the maze. The powerful and the elite who thought they were more intelligent and could never be manipulated, and just like it is with those bleating sheep, they all react on cue, and end up being the predators they never thought they could be.

Reason is replaced by the brain stem function.

Trump Fired White House Deputy Chief Of Staff Katie Walsh ...

A report released in February linking White House Deputy Chief of Staff Katie Walsh with the leaks. The recent news are the consequences of that - after discovering ...

What if an uptown girl liked a girl who wore a strap on in bed as her in the flesh vibrator and daddy discovered this, and if it got out, it would cause immense  political damage, so a hush money job was provided for the strap on girl...........

Ivanka Trump Vacations With Wendi Deng in Croatia: Picture

Ivanka Trump posted a photo with Wendi Deng, who has been linked romantically with Vladimir Putin, in Croatia — see the pic

What if there were other strap on girls, who knew the uptown girl's fetishes, and that the cuck husband sometimes got to stain the sheets with the strap on taking the stage, and sometimes cuck just got to peek through the key hole as that is what cucks do...........

What if one strap on girl, was born in China, was a deep state Chicom asset, who married Americans and Australians, bedded the Prime Minister, bedded a billionarie's daughter and bedded Vladimir Putin in order to inform the Russians that someone liked strap ons and maybe that is why uptown girls hire PR firms to deal with white houses turned into soiled houses.

Why did the Kushner's Hire a PR Firm for Sexual Deviants?

Why did the Kushner's Hire a PR Firm for Sexual Deviants? As another Lame Cherry sexclusive in matter anti ... We have the Kushners hiring a sex perv PR firm.

Maybe the RNC in Cleveland in featured sodomites and a daddy going alphabet positive in LGBT, had nothing to do with having a queer eye for a straight guy, but it was like Justice Anthony Kennedy, in a real family affair to corrupt the political attitude, as family ties bind a nation to destruction.
Perhaps uptown girls scuttle daddy promises and presidencies because they love strap ons more  than daddy.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner worked to sink LGBT order ...

Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump helped lead the charge to scuttle a draft executive order that would have overturned Obama-era enforcements of LGBT rights ...

They say where uptown girls work are a west wing brothels where everyone knows the scent of others. Perhaps some defense intelligence asset actually knows more than public information about a cuck trailing around behind his duchess as she moon eyes over comrades from Ottawa like Justin Trudeau, but actually saw the files of the uptown girl in a dossier which was handed over in what the Russians had been informed of..........

Steve Bannon Calls Jared Kushner a 'Cuck' and 'Globalist ...

Steve Bannon Calls Jared Kushner a 'Cuck' and 'Globalist' Behind His Back. ... Steve Bannon: Kushner Is a 'Cuck ...

Why is it that the uptown girl was never unmasked by Susan Rice nor the husband. It is almost as if they were protected and insiders, who were the very couple they were working through to overthrow daddy's rule.

Russian banker who met Jared Kushner has ties to Putin ...

Russian banker who met with Jared Kushner has ties to Putin

What if World War IV, started because of a strap on shoved up a woman's vagina, and a daddy eating beautiful chocolate cake, after he was so enraged after reading fake intelligence which state the Russians were going to use the strap on information to blackmail or bring down a powerful presidency.

......and what if it was all fake intelligence to get daddy to turn on the Russians, and trigger him to start the war that Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton sold their souls to accomplish, and some people in power just need a little prodding to do.

What if while everyone was distracted with 100 Days in 2016 and 100 Days in 2017, if the cartel in Tavistock and Stanford, slipped through with another genius manipulation to make a powerful person react at their base level in order to bring about the exact series of events with fake intelligence in the strap on was real, but Vladimir Putin was never going to use it.


Making Trump Great Again

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Coke and coal
Out of the black hole
For China the profits will be
Not for the butcher, not for the baker, not for the candlestick maker
Just for China, Wall Street, but not me

In the wonderful and delicous chocolate cake policy of President Donald Trump, we were entertained to discover that in his negotiations to get China to get America blamed for starting nuclear war with Russia or getting America blamed for so making North Korea suffer that it makes an nuclear strike, that China is working with America in this according to the the President offered to give China full carte blanche in bulldozing Christian Churches, annexing Tibet (the Crimea of Asia) and not caring China is arresting Chinese wholesale as political China gets to buy up America to fund Donald Trump's "make Wall Street richer" policies as that is where this is going with Gary Kohn's Bleed America First policies in championing the Fed, talking down the Dollar and pushing the new dirivative scheme of "carbon taxes"

In this expose' on the Trump .........what is it sunprancer over at CONservative Treehouse was chimping for Kushner........"You glorious bastard we read your damn book!!!" Never mind that the quote is from George S. Patton in North Africa, and the glorious bastard that Patton referred to was Nazi General Field Marshall Rommell, in the sunprancer is comparing Donald Trump to a Nazi, but this is Jared Kushner doing the scripting, so if Jared Kushner wants to call his father in law a Nazi, that is just something a Jew gets away with you as you can not fire a family in law, and most importantly, in the pecking order, Donald Trump is way below what Ashkenaz Jew Ivanka and Jared say about Donald Trump.....after all Mr. Drumpf is German, so you can see why Kushner media is linking President Trump and the Nazi's.

But it is about the chocolate cake, wonderful chocolate cake negotiating of the President with the dictator of China, who is less freely elected than President Assad of Syria, that it is noted that in all of this negotiating, that Donald Trump got China to drop low grade North Korean coke for steel manufacture, and will instead have China buying cheap American coke for Chicom steel manufacture to flood the world market and American markets with Chinese inferior steel..........the kind that Hillary Clinton stated that Donald Trump puts into his beautiful and wonderful construction projects, and will of course destroy the US Steel industry after Mr. Trump promised he would use American Steel.

I realize that this is all sort of complicated in the pecking order but let us sort this out as the basis of this is the violation of everything America fought against in 1776 when Americans were forced to buy manufactured goods from England while England only bought American raw material.

So here is the analysis.

China buys cheap American coke.
China sells expensive Chicom steel to America.
Americans lose jobs in the coal industry, because US Steel is not making steel.
Americans lose jobs in the coal industry, because China keeps buying North Korean coke.

That should explain this wonderful and wonderful chocolate cake policy of the negotiating President Donald Trump, as what we have is China taking cheap American raw goods and then dumping their inferior marked up steel into America, while American steel collapses and all of us are in worse shape, because steel workers are not buying anything without jobs.

This is the Kushner's favorite Goldman Sachs guru in Gary Cohn economic policy. Start world wars with Russia for profit and the American oligarchs make money in their investments in Chinese slave labor, as Americans are economically raped again.

That is President Donald Trump's wonderful coke and coal policy with the wonderful Peking communists who are stoking the nuclear fire smelters with America tossed into the pot.

Now I never went to any fancy pants business school like Donald and Ivanka, nor did my daddy spend 2 million dollars to get me into college as the Kushner boys were. I just sort of had to read books and policy papers, by the greatest American economists in Benjamin Franklin's memoirs and Milton Friedman. So I sort of pay attention to raw materials and manufactured goods. The President in 2016 used to understand all of these things too, but since the Kushner's have flooded 1600 Kushner Avenue with Goldman Sachs nation rapists, and froze out Americans like Lawrence Kudlow, Mr. Trump has repeatedly stopped being populist and instead become a Barack Obama Wall Street scoundrel.

The correct policy is to arm Japan and North Korea with neutron and cobalt bombs, raise hell in the UN about Chinese human rights, and for American coke to fire American steel factories to employ Americans and convert American raw resources into expensive manufactured goods for sale to China as President Trump call for a new Global Better Business Bureau exposing inferior Chinese manufacture which ends their shoddy cheap undercutting of South Korean, German, Japanese and American manufacture.

Maybe Donald Trump could adopt me, that way the kinder could not be getting rid of me.......but the why not adopt all the Gold Standard, Christians and Loyalists into the Trump household as they will make Donald Trump Great again.

Nuff Said
