Monday, May 1, 2017

Please Mr. President Tax Us Some More

Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters not to jump to conclusions as Trump was merely citing the position of the truckers, not committing to a gas take hikeĀ 

I don't know what the hell the President is talking about
but I am lying for him right now, again


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There just does not seem to be enough reasons to celebrate, cheer and beg for more Donald Trump policy as his spending 1 trillion dollars more in 2017 is followed up with his contemplating he is going to raise fuel taxes on all of us, as we are just dripping with money to tax after the Income Tax rape everyone has gone through on April 15th, 95 million people out of work, jobless claims rising again, housing starts tanking, and more of Donald's replacement Americans pouring in on green why not raise gas taxes as two and a half bucks at the pump is not enough.

The taxes on retail gasoline and diesel fuel, in cents per gallon, as of January 1, 2017:
Average of all states27.3027.94

Why doesn't President Trump just seize everything Americans have.........I mean seize everything Americans have who are not being paid 6 figures, work at Goldman Sachs and named Trump or Kushner, as that way Donald Trump will have enough for one budget before he spends more money like Obama.

This all stems from Donald Trump expressing that his truckers are wanting hire gas  truckers burn diesel and not gas in trucks to fix America's roads.

Trump might raise the gasoline tax to fund highway projects - but Spicer says there's 'no endorsement of it' yet

  • President Trump said he would 'certainly consider' raising the gas tax, noting in an interview with Bloomberg that it's something truckers support 
  • The president explained that the truckers wanted the money specifically to go toward fixing the roads 
  • Press Secretary Sean Spicer said at Monday's press briefing that Trump was merely commenting on the truckers' position and not endorsing the hike

The Lame Cherry will translate this in this is NOT independent truckers, as they do not have the ability to raise rates to cover their costs in set prices. This is about organized trucking companies, who employ Mexicans in dangerous trucks and can pass on all these new costs in transporting your Cheerios to the market so you can pay all those additional gas taxes in EXCISE TAXES.

Odd how Donald Trump as President suffers from Forgetting Americans Syndrome. I think it is air borne as it seems to afflict him whenever he is around Gary Cohn and the trolls from Goldman Sachs.

It is coming to the point in Trump America, that his voters are just hoping for one day a week when President Donald Trump's first thought was not finding a new way to break a promise from 2016 AD in the year of the Lord.

Here is a novel fix Mr. President. Seize control over the monopoly railroads of Warren Buffett, and ship everything by rail, and put a surtax on that, and let truckers all be local, so they can be with their families at night and not six days on the road or the dangerous Mexican trucks running over that case, it will save American roads being pounded to shit by all of that truck traffic.

Ta Dah!!!

Does President Trump have one American advising him, or does Mr. President eat sleep and toilet Goldman Sachs.

Mexican monster truck wreck kills 8, hurts dozens - USA Today

Mexican monster truck wreck kills 8, hurts dozens. A child and 5 adults killed and at least 40 hurt when truck lunged into crowd of spectators.


That Lil Nuclear Recycler Donald Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Last week, David John Oates in Reverse Speech found a reversal on Trump NSA advisor, HR McMasters which stated that we needed a war, and that even if it was ridiculous, it was "expletive"  do it any way.

There is a question in this, that in pattern, the President has shown he will use everything as a negotiating point from human rights, to his word, to allies, to the mendetta of creating enemies  of friends and friends of enemies, for Donald Trump is the command module upon Saturn V's and all is expendable as all that matters is his splash down.
(You may have to research NASA archives based on the German scientists who put Americans on the moon to understand the Apollo, in the man was the space capsule brought back to earth to understand the mendetta of this.)

Are you aware of two interesting ideologies in American conglomerate police state? One states America has expensive old B 52's and Minutemen missiles of high quality which are supposed to last 100 years,  and another is busy spending 1 trillion dollars in the conglomerates in updating new generations of nuclear weapons and platforms.

The World is at a dangerous crossroads. A new arms race has been launched. It’s planning horizon is thirty years. The money allocated by the US federal government to the development of America’s pre-emptive nuclear war arsenal is of the order of one trillion dollars, that is the preliminary estimate, an astronomical amount (which could be increased):
“Today, our stockpile is the oldest it’s ever been, with the average age of a (nuclear) warhead at 27 years and growing,” he said.
The nation’s national security labs – like Sandia, Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore – are key to ensuring the viability of the nuclear arsenal.
Despite the challenges, Haney said, “U.S. Strategic Command is a ready force capable of delivering comprehensive war-fighting solutions.”
In  response to this venue, the Los Alamos Study Group (LASG) organized a counter-event symposium on June 20-21. The LASG referred to the  Strategic Deterrent Coalition’s Symposium as the “Doomsday Forum”.

Are you aware that the Eurasians, from Russia to China, all have concluded that every Missile Defense, and every American deployment is designed for a first strike on Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, to such a devastation, that they in response would have their ICBM's neutralized, that they would be so incinerated by America First Strike that they would not be able to respond in kind.
Eurasia Checkmate.

Lt. Gen. Viktor Poznikhir, Deputy Head of Operations of the Russian General Staff has concluded that Washington in pursuit of global hegemony is implementing an anti-ballistic missile system that Washington believes can prevent a Russian nuclear response to a US pre-emptive attack.
Careful studies have convinced the Russians that Washington is investing in and arranging components that have no other function than to devastate Russia and cripple the country’s retaliatory capability. In short, Washington is preparing to launch a nuclear war.

When President Trump begins blackmailing South Korea over paying 1 billion dollars for the THAAD missile defense, it has nothing to do with South Korea being protected. It is a forward staging base to neutralize Peking, Pyongyang and Vladivostock ICBM's aimed at America.

U.S. moves THAAD to S.Korean site as N.Korea boasts fire power

The U.S. military started moving parts of the controversial THAAD anti-missile defense system to a deployment site in South Korea on Wednesday amid high…

Return now to the genesis of all of this trouble in Ivanka Trump crying over chemical weapons in Syria, which were from John McCain's terrorists there, but blamed on President Assad, and the US now preventing a full investigation of the entire scenario in searching for evidence.

Do you remember how horrid the American missiles were and do you remember they were old missiles, so the Ivanka salvo was more about ridding the Navy of old missiles so it would not cost more money to salvage them, as no one wants to buy old missiles which do not work.

The Tomahawk missiles that struck Syria are actually old ...

The Tomahawk missile was an appropriate weapon for the Syria mission, but it's actually old ... Tomahawk missile ... were at war, as Syria is, such a ...

I realize the above looses a great deal of luster in the US was like at Pearl  Harbor sacrificing old things in order to make a big war for profit and domination of the cartels and not about dead babies, but as you begin to realize how fake all of this is, the Lame Cherry is going to slip something exclusive on you so very fast that you are going to have to deal with a heavy thought in your light brains, and it is, what if instead of dealing with old nuclear weapons and platforms, the intention is a war to deposit them in Eurasia for detonation or non detonation like depleted uranium, as long as the oligarch's "win" this nuclear war, and then in the confiscation of Russian and Chinese gold,  that 1 trillion dollars will be used to make a whole new arsenal of new ordnance to make these same oligarchs running the world richer and in control of the planet.

That is what you can now ponder, as the President will drop old missiles to get rid of them to start a global war, what is not to be expected in getting rid of old American inventory in Eurasia as it would be good for business or Trump Brand.

I personally think that Mike Cernovich and Jim Hoft sold out way too cheap for a White House press pass. Then again Cernovich has a wife hotter than Tai peppers, but I would think she would like nice things too.

One does not have to explode every nuclear weapon. One can simply bury them in Eurasia during a launch strike and pretend it was part of the war, and not getting rid of old inventory. Then replace it all for profit.

- Lame Cherry

Let The Carpet Bombing Begin: U.S. Deploys B-52s In Fight ...

Let The Carpet Bombing Begin: U.S. Deploys B-52s In ... "We are the United States of ... This is all outdated crap the MIC wants an excuse to get rid of ...


and then, OK

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For most people reading this, they will have absolutely no idea of W P.

That would be White Power and that mysterious Alt Right of cleverness, in the gift which keeps on giving.

Why would the Alt Left be so interested in a hand sign, proving their worst prejudices and biases. Why would it matter as these intellectuals on the left are always right in their judgments and condemnations.

Same podium, same signs being flashed.........Russians, and Jews, and Gays oh my. Almost like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz being told to follow the Yellow Brick Road.

White Nationalists or White Supremacists, a movement overflowing with Tequila and Jews.

More Jews.


More sodomites.


More Jews.

 More of those Trump supporters.

and the perpetual WWE grandmaster of arena theater.

And who do they have in common in the background in this Russian enigma.

Then again, what do Russians, Muslims, Alt Right, Jews, Sodomites, Media and the President have in common.

We, the Judeo-Christian West, really have to look at what [Putin] is talking about as far as traditionalism goes, particularly the sense of where it supports the underpinnings of nationalism,” Bannon said at a Vatican-organized conference in 2014. “When you really look at some of the underpinnings of some of [Putin’s] beliefs today, a lot of those come from what I call Eurasianism.” 

You do get it right.

Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Foreigner - Head Games - YouTube

Foreigner - Head Games Check out Foreigner's website here: All music belongs to it's respectful owners and companies.

Brother can you spare an Obama budget for Doncare 3.0

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So you get this, Donald Trump used your money at 1 trillion dollars in another Obama budget for aborticide, breaking more Trump promises, record debt spending, in order to BRIBE key Cucks in Congress to vote for Doncare 3.0.

See the Obama budget gets passed and suddenly the story leaks that Ryan's Cucks are voting on Doncare 3.0 tonight......that is more bribery and corruption in the Trump Brand.

That is the scam which has just taken place and is behind the headlines.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, as no one else is going to ask the questions with their White House press passes and no one else is going to report the story behind the propaganda you are Sean Spicer fed.

Like that art of the deal in you being dealt the dead man's hand and out of the game again.

Nuff Said

Waiting on Christ

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I share the assaults that happen on us here to let you know that things are not a walk in the park, just because God moves me for this blog. The fact is the more Christ is in you and you in Christ, you are His Light in this dark world and evil is drawn to it and attacks it.

It grieves me when bad things happen to the good people of this blog, but it is the evil wave coming on the world now. I get to the point that I watch everything I say as satan exploits everything, from just mentioning that bad things come in three's or what has been on my tongue in "just another thing".

I received this letter and wanted to reply to it to address things about pets.

 This week we had to put my Wookie to sleep. She was 14, and had arthritis. I went to the mailbox on Monday and saw that she was in the field and couldn't get up. (She's 80 lbs-a german shepherd akita ). I got a sheet and made a sling-when she gets down I can lift her mid section with the sheet wrapped around her and take the weight off her back end where she's lame . I did this and helped her back to the garage. She'd been in the creek,  so I dried her with the hair dryer, she began to move around the garage like she was in pain, within 15 minutes it was clear she was hurting. Chad came home and we loaded her up and rushed her to the vet. Xray showed she had bloat, surgery only option, 50/50 chance, $2000, the vet said that she wouldn't operate if were her dog, chad didn't want to. I was crying -trying to decide, then Wookie took a turn for the worse and the vet put her to sleep. I've not been able to eat much or sleep this week. I prayed for the Lord to speak to me-I know she was not a person,  but she was not" just a dog". To me, dogs are nearly perfect - they love us unconditionally,  and are so innocent.
 Wookie was always at my feet . she'd drag her lame self out to sit under me in the swing anytime I went outside...I can still  feel her big soft head as i petted her.
I always said that she was mine, but that's not the way it was. I was HERS.
I hope that I'll see her in heaven.Surely, such sweet spirits as our dogs and pets go on to heaven. Do you think they do LC?

I know that pets go to Heaven and I know that some pets come and check on you after they left their bodies.  I know that the Spirit of God in you in goodness, imparts a greater life force into the "soul" of animals, which transcends to Heaven. God does not waste life. He created it all, and when you have a good pet, they are going to be with you in Heaven.
My Ruby and TL's Vashti was around here quite a bit for a few years. One night I jerked my hand from the back of the chair as I always watched television which was behind me in writing, by draping my hand over the back of the chair. I jerked it because when Ruby was alive, she always stuck her nose on that hand and I would jump.
I felt her do that and she was there in spirit.
She used to come around a great deal, especially before trouble. She helped heal the wounds of interactions with other animals I had had in the years past. She is a most interesting dog in all she was about and doing after death.

I have read of people with near death experiences seeing other people's horses and dogs waiting for them. I know my animals have been around here, and it was not a psychic imprint, but them. So yes good animals go to Heaven like good people do who trust in Christ.

The other day, we stopped at a cemetery looking for the grave of my wicked uncle. We found it as he died this past winter, and TL felt it  too........just a big dumb presence there, quite vacuous. I know he is in hell, so it must have been a psychic imprint on his ashes. Odd zombie experience in nothing was malevolent at all, but it was just a stupid troubling presence.

I do have an impression that a winnowing is taking place in things or living creatures, so you will not have to suffer with their suffering later. I know how hard it is to decide to put an animal down. I had to be the one to tell the vet it was time for that cow that had a calf which was rotten in her, in another of these freak evil situations which should never appear, and here the horses were, a turkey was this things just attacked in this evil wave.

Please know that your pet is safe, is happy, and doing all the wonderful things they did when young, and someday you will be sitting with them on a porch in Heaven enjoying a forever spring day.

It is though to a point that I do not think I am going to be acquiring any more pets until all of this passes, as I can not deal with the bombardment of the suffering.

For those who share their sad things, that is a good thing. You need to unload the emotions and share with those who care. I do care and I have experienced those things, and Christ has experienced all of the sorrows we have or ever will have.

I know things happen as Christ said in that tower falling on people, but I also know a few times is chance, but constant is evil design, and I also know that praying to keep this corrupt world from doing the implosion it is involved in, is like trying to stop a car crash while in motion. I am not lecturing in this, but what I pray is that the time be shortened and Christ returns more quickly, as that is the only way these sorrows are going to end for the good people waiting on Christ.


Trump Pot Dome

Editor's Note: Due to the seriousness of the content, this is a stand alone post!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/eric-trump-donald-trump-jr-donald-trump-ivanka-trump-washington.jpg

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

A few days ago, Inspiration from God asked me a question, which the Trump press has been covering up in Russian hacking, in if there was a reason Donald Trump suddenly became the ally of the terrorists of Peking, and it had to do with Trump Brand, meaning Don and Eric Trump running the Trump holdings and President Trump causing the United States Government to benefit foreign policy for the Trump family.

All are aware of the Kushner mafia, and their prostituting Ivanka Trump for influence with a 400 million dollar bribe to the Kushners.

Kushners May Get $400 Million From Chinese on Tower - Bloomberg

A company owned by the family of Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser, stands to receive more than $400 million from a ...

This is nothing new with Trump Brand as Angela Merkel of Germany sought the same quid pro quo of befriending Ivanka in order to gain influence with President Trump.

Ivanka Trump Goes to Berlin as Merkel Seeks a White House ...

... Merkel and Ivanka Trump don't have a lot in common, Germany's chancellor is seeking out President Donald Trump's daughter ... for influence, ...

It is much worse though than the Ivanka Trump connection in influence pedaling in the Trump White House, and the following is more than Ivanka nepotism, but is a pattern of felony violations in the Trump Brand which is not by accident, but by design, as the evidence points to Donald, Eric Trump with Ivanka and Jared Kushner are persons of interest in being the recipients of influence pedaling, and that influence moved President Donald Trump to change United States policy in quid pro quo to reward Chinese communists for their benefits to the Donald Trump brands.

The following is evidence, and if Attorney General Jeff Sessions directed a US Attorney to present it before a Grand Jury, Donald Trump, Jared and Ivanka Kusher, and Don and Eric Trump would all be indicted, and if this evidence was presented before a Jury, they would convict the Trumps.

This sickens me to my stomach to have discovered this, as I had such hopes for this only candidate in 2016 who could give America a chance, and now to find an evidence trail of the same corruption of Tea Pot Dome so blatantly carried out again, with disregard to the best illusions of what Americans believe they are.

This is TRUMP POT DOME and as Watergate was described as a cancer upon the Presidency of the United States, Trump Pot Dome is the politicide of American politics, as after the lawlessness of the Obama regime, there is nothing left of upholding the law in the United States.


2016 revealed a Donald Trump excoriating China in the worst of possible ways in rhetoric. This continued on to the Trump Inauguration as the link proves in January 24th, 2017 AD in the year of our Lord.

Donald Trump Vows to Rip Up Trade Deals and Confront China ...

... Mr. Trump has knocked trade deals with China as unfair to the American worker so ... Experts Warn of Backlash in Donald Trump's China Trade ...


Then on February 17th, 2017 AD in the year of our Lord and  March 3rd, 2017 AD in the year of our Lord, a few weeks after Donald Trump was sworn in to uphold the laws of the United States, the Chinese communists suddenly awarded Trump Brand exclusive trademarks.

China grants Trump dozens of new trademarks - Mar. 8, 2017

China has granted preliminary approval for 35 Trump-related trademarks in businesses ranging from mining and construction to hotels and golf courses.

China Approves 38 New Trump Trademarks for His Businesses ...

SHANGHAI — China has granted preliminary approval for 38 new Trump trademarks, paving the way for President Donald Trump and his family to develop a host of branded ...

China grants Trump a trademark he's been seeking for a decade ...

China's trademark review board announced in September it had invalidated a rival claim for the Trump trademark, clearing the way for Trump to move in.


Just one month later after the Chinese communists awarded the Trump Brand exclusive trademarks for business there, along with 400 million dollars offered to the Kushner mafia, Donald Trump announces that a surprise meeting has been scheduled with the dictator of China at Mar Largo, where White House surveillance would not record the meetings which were supposed to be short, and instead ran for hours over two days.

Trump planning to host Chinese president at Mar-a-Lago ...

President Donald Trump is planning to host Chinese President Xi Jinping for a summit next month at his Mar-a ... whom Trump hosted at Mar-a-Lago last ...


After that meeting with the dictator of China, there was a quid pro quo investement deal reached where American companies would investing in the Peking built One Road, One Belt, to turn Eurasia into a MAGNA SUPERPOWER STATE from Peking to Berlin, dwarfing the United States like a whale to a shrimp.
This deal would benefit the Trump Brands of leisure and luxury and in a legal reality, what was unfair trade in Trump's definition for America, was transformed into Chicom partnership and selling out America, after the Chicoms offered hard assets to the Trump family.

Sealing investment deal 'within reach' at Trump-Xi talks ...

... US President Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping could be a road map for a bilateral investment treaty, ... Sealing investment deal 'within ...

It has begun appearing as of Friday as I was conducting a search, that the Trump's are described as Grifters, it is all words though, without the meaning unless the term swindlers are attached to the legal terms of fraud, influence pedaling and bribes.

On the above evidence, Donald Trump when found guilty can be impeached, and when this becomes a matter of the courts, Donald Trump and his 3 eldest children can be arraigned on charges from treason to fraud. These are not white collar crimes. These are High Crimes against the State.

White House of Grifters

This is the most serious of matters.

Trump Pot Dome, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

