Thursday, June 1, 2017

President Donald Trump shakes the world for their Paris Accords

President of the Free World and not President of the Paris Accord


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Let us just be honest in this, that the Paris Climate Accord which President Donald Trump KEPT HIS PROMISE in removing the United States from was as he stated, a transfer again of massive amounts of American wealth to polluters, who are taking American jobs, and in the case of China, China had no limits placed on it, in the case of India, they received trillions in technology upgrades from the West, and in Europe, they got to build coal plants while America did not.

There were two nations who were screwed in this, the biggest was America in being drained of economic life, and the second is England in having all of their coal mines shut down which is their life energy.

I congratulate, celebrate and cheer President Donald Trump for finally keeping his campaign promise after he shattered so many in Ivanka's DACA and Ivanka's bombing of Syria.

For the reality, the reason the globalist corporations are in favor of this rapine of America, is it would destroy all competition for them inside America, bankrupting everyone, and as their "joint investments" in slave labor in Eurasia made them fortunes, they would then then foreclose on America as their pennies on the trillions of dollars ill gotten gain.

It should be noted that President Trump's statement on the withdrawal WAS NOT ONLINE, but within moments image Obama's propaganda of lies was published in the foreign press.

I did find the Trump Campaign promise and republish it here as this is what Donald Trump stated in the Rose Garden.

'Politicians like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton continue to make bad deals that undermine the interests of the American people. The Paris Accord is just the latest example. Hillary Clinton and other supporters of this global political agreement ignore the reality that it will cost the American economy trillions of dollars. It will also impose enormous costs on American households through higher electricity prices and higher taxes. More of our coal miners will be forced out of work and it will penalize workers in states with abundant shale energy resources, too.
'As troubling, this deal allows China--the world's largest polluter--to increase emissions for more than a dozen years, while the U.S. makes drastic cuts beginning right now. The President of the United States should be fighting for the best interests of American workers, not giving China another unfair, competitive advantage. And if President Obama and Hillary Clinton believe this global climate deal is so significant and historic, then they shouldn't continue to avoid submitting it for a vote to the United States Senate, as the Constitution requires.
'Unlike President Obama and Hillary Clinton, the Trump-Pence Administration will work with Congress and the States to achieve shared environmental goals. We will take immediate steps to refocus EPA on its core mission: clean air and clean water for all Americans, regardless of race or income. We will invest in our drinking water infrastructure to prevent tragedies like what took place in Flint, Michigan. We will also work with Congress, the States, and the private sector to take prudent steps that will have a positive emissions reduction impact, while also making America stronger and more prosperous.
'As our nation considers these issues, Mr. Trump and Gov. Pence appreciate that many scientists are concerned about greenhouse gas emissions. We need America's scientists to continue studying the scientific issues but without political agendas getting in the way. We also need to be vigilant to defend the interests of the American people in any efforts taken on this front.'

Here is the Obama screed of "more new jobs" when it has been proven the Obama embezzlement for green industry which is ALL bankrupt and only is producing anything due to tax payer subsidies driving up all of our energy prices, which was featured in the world with image Obama against the United States.

A year and a half ago, the world came together in Paris around the first-ever global agreement to set the world on a low-carbon course and protect the world we leave to our children.
It was steady, principled American leadership on the world stage that made that achievement possible. It was bold American ambition that encouraged dozens of other nations to set their sights higher as well. And what made that leadership and ambition possible was America’s private innovation and public investment in growing industries like wind and solar – industries that created some of the fastest new streams of good-paying jobs in recent years, and contributed to the longest streak of job creation in our history.
Simply put, the private sector already chose a low-carbon future. And for the nations that committed themselves to that future, the Paris Agreement opened the floodgates for businesses, scientists, and engineers to unleash high-tech, low-carbon investment and innovation on an unprecedented scale.
The nations that remain in the Paris Agreement will be the nations that reap the benefits in jobs and industries created. I believe the United States of America should be at the front of the pack. But even in the absence of American leadership; even as this Administration joins a small handful of nations that reject the future; I’m confident that our states, cities, and businesses will step up and do even more to lead the way, and help protect for future generations the one planet we’ve got.

The street slang in this is President Donald Trump saved America from being fucked over some more by the economic rape of Barack Obama, and this Paris Accord would have been certain under President Hillary Clinton and President Jeb Bush.
The Obama Abyss just sealed up again as President Donald Trump has now resurrected America from the globalist tomb.

Great job President Donald Trump. God bless you!!!!!!




As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am completely disappointed in President Donald Trump and his family over the Kathy Griffith terrorism incident, in which she cut off the head of the President and posed with the dripping head. The disappointment comes from the President going on Twitter and tweeting about it, along with his family, instead of making this a teaching example for all Americans, in how Americans are supposed to turn to law enforcement to report crimes and trust in the Justice System which Mr. Trump says is there for all of us and he cheers non stop.

First Donald Trump Jr. tweet-raged...
And this morning the President himself reacted...

 This is serious in Barron Trump was exposed to this, and he was traumatized by this sick terrorist display of the American left. It falls on Melania Trump to report this as she is in New York and her son was assaulted by Kathy Griffith terrorism, in complete violation of the Patriot Act and US Criminal Code which states no one can engage in the the type of assault upon the President which Griffith did.

I have taken the time to post the addresses on which the PDF form can be filled out by the First Lady. Honestly a woman who takes the time to pray to Virgin Mary statues for Italian boys needing hearts, has a greater responsibility to file a crime report in New York and demand the US Attorney file charges against Kathy Griffith, her photographer, and an investigation into Twitter to inquire why they were involved in leaving all of these terroristic threats against the Trump family on their site.

Update 1: First Lady Melania Trump has spoken out against Kathy Griffin's actions, questioning her "mental health."
“As a mother, a wife, and a human being, that photo is very disturbing,” the first lady said in a Wednesday statement, according to reports.

“When you consider some of the atrocities in the world today, a photo opportunity like this is simply wrong and makes you wonder about the mental health of the person who did it,” Melania Trump said.

Melania Trump is correct in Kathy Griffith is mentally ill to engage in this type of roll playing. Griffith is not the only one engaged in this unbalanced misbehavior, with a wide array from Rosie O'Donnell stalking Barron Trump to the latest perverted rant by Stephen Colbert, requiring these persons of interest to be brought before a Grand Jury and a Federal Judge to order a psychological examination of all of these incendiary leftists who are in obsession with Donald Trump, and that includes politicians like Rep. Maxine Waters, and as of late the strange proclamations of Hillary Clinton that there were now 1000 Russian agents working against her, this on top of the vast right wing conspiracy and other unbalanced actions as in barking like a dog, demand that the US Attorney investigate all of these people and be tried in court.

Southern District of New York

Those in the Trump family are responsible for this in pressing Law Enforcement to investigate and prosecute all of these incessant attacks upon the Trump family, which is not only endangering them, but every American as this destabilizes the world to nuclear war.

The insanity of this now has the FBI investigating British politicians Nigel Farage as a person of interest in Russian hacking. Nom de Deus, then John McCain and Hillary Clinton are to be investigated too, as that is what politicians do, is make contact with all people as that is their job.

The Trump family can file a crime report with the FBI also as that agency now free from James Comey is certain to become a law enforcement group which Americans can trust.

Contact Us — FBI

Please contact your local FBI office to submit a tip or report a crime. Use our online form to file ... FBI office to submit a tip or report ... Contact Us; FBI ...

Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) | File a Complaint

File a Complaint. Prior to filing a complaint with the IC3, please read the following information regarding terms and conditions. ... Annual Report. 2015 IC3 Annual ...

This is a wonderful teaching opportunity for President Trump to re establish the mistrust Americans have in law enforcement from the Age of Obama in LaVoy Finicum to Ferguson Missouri. The President should go on Sean Hannity life, and with his wife and children take America through the process of filing a criminal complaint, and then Americans can watch as the justice system actually does work and rebuild trust in them.
There are thousands of Americans who are afraid of bullies and thugs in their communities, and law enforcement is not helping them. They do not know what to do, and they need the President to be the example in leading them.

Kathy Griffith committed felonies. There is not any retraction from this no more than John Hinkley or Lee Harvey Oswald as involvement and actions are crimes. This is not about intent. This is about criminal action and Kathy Griffith posed in image as some of the most heinous Muslim terrorists on the planet.

It was not funny when Daniel Pearl was beheaded in Pakistan, and it is not funny when Kathy Griffith acts out beheading Donald Trump. Condemnation is not enough. Kathy Griffith and these liberals belong before Grand Juries, indicted and in prison when convicted for their crimes.


WATCH The Daniel Pearl Beheading | Best Shockers

On January 23, 2002 Daniel Pearl was kidnapped by a militant group calling itself "The National Movement for the Restoration of Pakistani Sovereignty".

The Trump family must file charges.

Nuff Said


Blessed are the Trump makers for they shall inherit Peace

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am calling this a Trump White Paper, not to help President Donald Trump who has been betraying his promises, but to help all of us so that we do not end up nuclear fodder in a Great Eurasian War with Russia.

That is something which each of us can agree upon, and is more than Corey Lewandowski sticking the GOP which needs a stick and is more than democrats sitting back in Congress watching America burn down from coup plotters or these Ivanka types like Gary Cohen, Goldman Sacking of the world and influencing President Trump to his great hurt.

The Lame Cherry begins this Trump White Paper by advocating that President  Trump go before the American People as President John Kennedy did in explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis, as no one is explaining Ukraine, as all we get are John McCain diatribes for punishing Russia.
The President needs to add to his image in governing, beyond handshakes in the Mideast and Europe, but in educating the American public that he is sincere, has a plan for peace according to American ideals.

As most of you have not paid any attention to Ukraine, we sit with Russian sanctions and the Minsk Accords at Belarussia, which was calling for a ceasefire in the Civil War in Ukraine and working toward autonomous regions in Ukraine. Russia agreed to this Obama peace agenda, and this is where we are at as President Trump attempts to warm relations with Russia, after the coup plotters for war and profit, have caused great harm to world stability in the fake Russian hacking story and witch hunt.

The Lame Cherry is going to provide a series of maps which the President could do on public and cable television, and then have it posted on the internet, as his Sec. of State and new envoy to Russia, explain this to the American Public as a front burner issue that all can understand and get behind.

The first map is what Ukraine is currently in protests and the eastern Russian region of Donbas which is where the civil war front is in stalemate.

One can witness by the above, that almost 1/2 of Ukraine is protesting their current situation and part is in secession.  Crimean already voted as a Peninsula in the Black Sea to join mother Russia and has joined Russia now.
For numbers of Americans in the Midwest in Minnesota, Nebraska, Colorado, there is a fact that numbers of German Russian settlers came to America from the Crimea in the 1880's when the Czar attempted to conscript them into the military, after moving from Germany to develop that region.

The next map shows the linguistics of Ukraine in the region in upheaval is Russian by ancestry.

The next map sheds a great deal of light on the Ukraine situation, as the Ukraine was "created" as much of the Mideast was drawn by allied powers who won the wars, and had nothing to do with ethnic groups, as Turkey has a great deal of Armenian and Kurdish peoples in it's borders, and that is why the Mideast and other areas are having problems, is because peoples who are differing religions or ethnicity are locked in to nations with other religions or ethnicity and are being mistreated.
It would be like Texas and California being annexed by Mexico by some London scholar and the Americans there being abused and driven out, in the exact way Europeans were removed from Rhodesia, Kenya and South Africa by black Africans.

This is the damning map of the entire situation in Ukraine as in 1564 Ukraine was 3 small provinces. As the Polish empire diminished in Catholicism, Ukraine grew in the Ukrainian People rightly became greater Ukraine as an autonomous people.
The problem began after world War I, in 1922 Russian speaking areas were added to Ukraine.

In addition, Adolf Hilter rightly added the liberated western greater Ukraine in support of the Ukrainian People there. A few problems occurred in this in some Belarussian, Romanian, Hungarian and Polish enclaves on the borders were annexed into Ukraine violating their rights to be joined to their peoples.

This was compounded in 1954 when Ukraine had annexed to it's administration the recently liberated Crimea.

The President if he explains all of this and lays out a vision based on the Minsk Accords would bring a resolution to Ukraine, for peace and satisfaction of all parties.

The Lame Cherry offers this solution for the President to expand or detract from.

Ukraine must be offered economic incentives in polite company, and in impolite company bribes in order to entice them to solution as that is how all treaties are reached in what it will do for you in exchange for what you will give up.

The Lame Cherry terms this the 1922 Restoration, in Ukraine returns to the 1921 sovereignty it had for all Ukrainian People.  The additional provinces and enclaves in Polish, Hungarian, Russian, Belarussian and Romanian would each vote for their autonomous self governance, as States in the United States are sovereign, and if these autonomous regions would affiliated with Ukraine, Poland, Belarussia, Romania, Russia or Hungary.

This is the Solomon or Democratic solution as there can not be any argument in a fair election where the majority of the population rectifies what politicians abused the peoples with and have caused this current schism being exploited by the Soros interests.

There can not be any questioning the right of the vote to all people to decide their destiny and affiliation. That is the great mantra chant of democracy which is used against peoples to subject them, so let it this time be employed to save the world in ballots dropped instead of bombs.

Enact that these regions are demilitarized  by the existing nations, and that the peoples voting there defend themselves as the Cantons in National Guard in Swiss example and the conflict ceases.
Ukraine is not a NATO front against Russia, and in the future could become part of a Slavic or Baltic security alliance as a buffer between Russia and the West.

This falls to Professor Donald Trump, to expand his imprint as a leader, with a noble solution not of bombs, but of books. This cements the image of Donald Trump as a peacemaker of good intentions as an honest broker, which step by step rebuilds the shattered image of the President by his detractors.

Nuff Said


The North Korean Sound Affect

Adds Urgency for USA to Fix Defense Flaws...
Pentagon chief: War would be catastrophic...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The responses of President Donald Trump and his advisers have produced a pattern which is one where Mr. Trumps how hard China is trying in failing to stop North Korean missile launches while Mr. Trump sails toward looking feckless or murderous in not using or using US Naval power.

  1. North Korea has shown great disrespect for their neighbor, China, by shooting off yet another ballistic missile...but China is trying hard!

US Deploys Third Aircraft Carrier Toward North Korea

The United States is sending a third aircraft carrier strike force to the western Pacific region in an apparent warning to North Korea to deter its ballistic missile ...

If I were to advise the President in order to stop this "me too china" weakness, I would suggest the next missile launch by North Korea be followed by a 3 AM wake up call for Pyongyang. The alarm bell would be a sonic boom.
I would advise the FALCON series of DARPA be enlisted to send a psychological message that American technology is superior and the North can do nothing about it.

The rattling of the windows of North Korea should give the population something to think of, as much as the military and if Kim is above surface, something for him to run from.

The United States of course will know absolutely nothing about this event.

If there would be a North Korean response, the United States can respond in any measure of force. It would be deemed appropriate that South Korea would shell designated targets if targeted and if America proper is the target then a massive bunker strike ending the nuclear production of North Korea would be engaged in.

The Americans will be the innocent in this in a non lethal response to North Korea missiles. The President has moved himself to a position of weakness. His thought process is placing responsibility on China, but the public or world is not listening as this is Donald Trump's tarbaby now and always has been, once he started making this an issue and dragging Japan along for this  'sell your soul to China for Trump Brand' policy.

This is not a permanent nor long term strategy, but it is an answer of  dindu which has engulfed this Presidency.
Base the FALCON in Okinawa and Guam to introduce the message of superior technology, and once again fall back to the non American response of nuclear armed South Korea and Japan, for China and Russia to deal with.

Fully understand that President Trump must initiate the Trump Doctrine to lay the groundwork for a massive first strike against WMD nations.
The President made this an over issue and now it will either start world war, bring a first nuclear strike hidden in terrorism against the United States or produce a humiliating disaster for this President.

Lame Cherry: Trump Doctrine

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. As the Lame Cherry first postulated in the mid 1990's that the United States will respond with ...


Dah bomb of Wee Baby Incubator Seeds

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

First I have to apologize in I wasted $2.50 on a purchase at the junk store. I could not wait, as I needed a sprouting container as I do not know what happened to mine from last year, and the one I was led to was just dah bomb of sprouters.

I thought it was a bread loaf thing from Tupperware, but Mom said it is a celery crisper. She has one as all women buy these things thinking they will use them, and they end up packed away in some cupboard never to be seen again, but now that I have discovered what their real purpose in life is as a heavy duty seed sprouter, I am sure they will all disappear again.

See with seeds, you need to keep the moisture consistent, and that requires a lid. If you try plastic wrap you end up sticking things to everything and if you used plastic containers from Walmart for storage they usually break. Tupperware though is something that is built for the job, and no one is ever going to admit they invest a lifetime of fridge space on celery. Celery, I mean is like the Obama's of the hors d'oeurve world in they are always at your table and no body knows what the hell to do with them.

So I wasted 2.50.......and it gets worse as TL got some quarter pants, and the woman rung them up at 3 dollars, and the other woman says, "Well just give them the Tupperware.", and they did that, but the pants at a quarter plus 2.50, means I got charged 3 bucks for 2.75 cost. I mean I went to the same school as these women and I can do math better than that. That is like monkey in the zoo addition.

But I got some too duffy dry potting soil, and have the wee baby apple seedlings in there.......helped birth a few in getting rid of the seed hulls......forget now what I was going to call them.......probably have to look it up.

Sugar could I forget a name for an Apple Tree like that. Might have to have a whole line of apples in the Sugar Tit line, as it is such a good name like George Foreman, I might as well keep the name going.

Anyway, gave them some light on the window sill which the clear plastic top helps, and have them warming in the oven pilot light now, and will return them to the sun energy tomorrow and pray that they pop like all good wee baby apple seeds do. Think God blessed me with like 80% germination. Will see if it bothers them in this not planned experiment of leaving them too long in the fridge, as they were turning green. Maybe the light does stay on in the fridge when wee little Leprechauns show up and do whatever they do in fridges.

So, that is the deal, most of you have one of those worthless celery crispers, and you could put it to use as you are never going to use it in being a nice incubator for wee baby seeds.

That is about it for this update, as by the time you read this, I will have more wee baby seeds sprouted and this time I am not going to lose this 2.50 thing, as I could see like 25 cents, but not that much for something a Mexican is never going to buy.

Oh additional note, I can fit 3 of those plastic planters that you get like flower transplants in......not the 6 packs, but the bigger ones. I think I can get 4 of the six packs in there if need be, which I will not as I do not need to, as the 6 packs come after sprouting in transplants.

Think I should have 4 of these crispers and that would be about right for most things.

Nuff Said
