Monday, October 23, 2017

Some of us get Excited about Tax Cuts

...and I can tell you Ivanka is really into tax cuts

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Not a great deal of comment necessary about this one, in Ivanka Kushner talking about Tax Cuts for herself and Wall Street, as this photo appeared on Drudge Report.

Ivanka and her tax aroused nipple

Those silicon implants sure make the big tri mommy nipples protrude, especially when tax cuts are being talked about. No pics of the nips protruding around Jusin Trudeau.

Close up of Ivanka Tax Nip

Here is a close up that Jared gets to see from across  the room and strap on gals get to see up close.

This is the Jared and Ivanka who dated looking at property as courtship. What else could be the foreplay than tax returns in refunds!!!!

The distractions are the President Tweeting one  day in the cat and mouse democrats following the laser pointer as his Kushner media now propagandizes and the next it is Ivanka protruding out the D cups to win one for the groper.

 Yeah I was in the front row too close to Ivanka Trump


Why Did Donald Trump Steal the Cherry Wall?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am thinking about suing Homeland Security and the Trump Wall Builders, as the Lame Cherry first published using concrete panels to construct the Trump Border Wall, and now without any credit or monetary compensation.

 Is it that hard to say, Great idea La'me, here is a 10 million dollar book deal where we republish your blog, and after 45% taxes you get 6 million, with enough for a property with a creek in it, an underground home, and time to fish and ride a pony, and you will just be posting Christian and adventure things, as you have solved all the world's problems".

Nuff Said


Vaginal Mob Cowardice of Women on Vendetta

 It's only ok to pedal the school girl whore stuff on Kimmel

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the 1950's women used to accuse their husbands of being faggots in divorce hearings to get the cash. There is now in Hollywood a trend to get men for being men, and without evidence we are supposed to believe everything a woman says, because she is a woman.

What started with Harvey Weinstein, because Weinstein apparently didn't want some powerful woman's snatch and she is now retaliating, has now steamrolled past the pedophiles who raped Corey Haim and Corey Feldman, and liberals are now after the men who support Vladimir Putin.

The newest is Steven Seagal, who is being tampon assaulted for a 19 year old audio recording, where he never touched a woman, never raped a woman, but instead told liberal women that the worst trouble he ever had in interviews was with women, because in fact liberal women like castrating powerful men.
Donald Trump sound familiar in the way women are ragging on him for doing nothing.

'When somebody is on tour, a promotional tour, he's there to talk about his film, not about who he's fucked or who he would like to fuck or who his wife was with ten years ago.
'They should go into pornography or something else instead of journalism if they want to hear that shit. They're a bunch of assholes.' 

I won't even dare tell you what I think it is. One time, I'm sure that's what it was and another time it was just some dumb cunt that is a liar and wanted to be sensational."

Steven Seagal

And Steven Seagal is absolutely right.

Anyway the focus on this is how extreme this is in Steven Seagal is now being called a groper of a 16 year old actress, and Katherine Heigel, who I will never watch or support again, told Jimmy Kimmel "that she blocked it out".
Blocked it out?  This photo was in PUBLIC and Steven Seagal is bright enough to know not to grope children in public, even  if Jerry Seinfeld was DATING A TEENAGER during the Seinfeld years and the entire left wing press was gushing over that.


You can see by this photo that Heigel knows Seagal is not touching her sexually. You can see Seagal's expression is one of protecting her, in he has a brotherly protection of her.


As for the adult females, there is no crime in answering a door in a bathrobe and no crime in sitting down and a woman looking up your crotch, or you can review everyone from Joan Lunden on Good Morning America to Marisa Tomei on David Letterman showing you all the way to Tennessee for ratings.

We now live in an age where men are being E lynched for things they did not do, things without any evidence, and things they have done in supporting Vladimir Putin.

Liberal Jerry Seinfeld back in his teenager romper room dating days


That is not Justice. That is Vaginal Mob Cowardice of women on vendetta. It is always what her ass meant, and as long it is liberal television a liberal woman's ass always means yes, but when it is a higher bidder, it changes to NO.

But this is what liberal women casting the first stones


You don't suppose this is Las Vegas Massacre Connected?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

A popular girl mentioned this before anyone else, connecting it the fires of 2009 and 2017, with Hezbollah and Iran in South America, and the Bush Cheney scorched earth against FARC.
Gun Runner.........and Stephen Paddock is running guns. Looks like the same deep state pattern, just like in 2009 in the California wild fires was Mexican Mafia and Iranian money.

Sessions unleashes on MS-13...

Border agents welcome prototype 'momentum'...

You rich people still claiming to be poor in not donating or do you just like being led around as fools by all the other Mockingbird who are paid to not connect the dots. I appear by your non donations to be not paid to connect the dots to save your lily accounts.


La David Johnson was a Sleeper of the Red Tie Resistance

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When the Lame Cherry broke the story of the RED TIE RESISTANCE  against Donald Trump, in Frederica Wilson is leading an Obama pushed program in Florida to change 5000 NOT WHITE children into Obama zombie for political gain in Florida as a test program for the Obama Library in Chicago which is costing billions and will be headquarters of the Obama led Manchurians of America to overthrow this nation completely, there is something in this treachery which these conspirators have once again harmed American again in, as the Obama Clinton Resistance goes scorched earth.

The Red Tie Resistance Against Donald Trump

 The KKK had their sheets and the Resistance have their Red Ties

President Trump early Monday disputed the account of his phone call with a Gold Star widow, who provided a description of the call earlier that morning in an interview.
“I had a very respectful conversation with the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, and spoke his name from beginning, without hesitation!” Trump wrote on Twitter, referencing one of the Green Berets killed earlier this month in an ambush in Niger.

Those in the RED TIE RESISTANCE are liars as all anarchists are. They will use the dead as La David Johnson, will use Children in the way the Clinton's did, and will use  any crisis the way Obama manufactured them to gain a political jihad victory.

What is harmed in this are the families of American Service  KIA and WIA. No more can they expect a phone call from the President, giving closure to them, after what Myesha La David degraded this all to with the media. It will now all be a military notification and a letter for families who looked forward to hearing from President Trump thanks to Myesha Johnson, her mother in law and Congresswoman Fredrerica Wilson.
What is lost in this is Hillary Clinton voter and Barack Obama officer, John Kelly who works as Chief of Staff for President Trump, stated in a press conference that he did not want the President to make this call. Now why would John Kelly know there was trouble brewing over La David Johnson, unless someone in the Obama Resistance informed him there was going to be trouble. Then it was Kelly's exact words which got President Trump into this trouble.


There is a resistance out there and it is the RED TIE and it is coming from the Obama Library into all 50 states with more of this conspiracy of the left to attack every American institution, to turn cowards who run away into the jungle as heroes like Obama and Eric Holder tried to accomplish with attempted murderer Treyvon Martin. It is targeting children in this Frederica Wilson POLITICAL PEDOPHILIA which now has stooped to POLITICAL NECROMANCY.

Once again, the Lame Cherry is exclusive matter anti matter, breaking the story which no one else saw and informing the public to the facts as no one else will.

Donate up you rich readers as I just saved your President's butt again, because all of your tidbits are not Inspired by God to do the job. All Mr. Trump has is Ivanka on Sean Homo Hannity selling her wares again for 30 pieces of silver.
The Lame Cherry gets the job done in one post and the problem is most of you were too ignorant to understand the enormity of what this blog did again.


The Red Tie Resistance Against Donald Trump

 The KKK had their sheets and the Resistance have their Red Ties

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Myesha Johnson the wife of Sgt. La David Johnson, took the time out of her mourning to appear on ABC with Clinton appointee George Stephanopolous to run her mouth off as a political whore of the democratic party.
There is one fact in this, and it is Myesha Johnson has been looking for something on Donald Trump to bitch about and she found every windmill she could imagine. There are no Sean Homo Hannity excuses in grief in this as what Myesha Johnson engaged in was planned and deliberate.

The widow of fallen American soldier Sgt. La David T. Johnson appeared on Good Morning America Monday to discuss the death of her husband as well as the now-notorious call she received from President Donald Trump.
Myeshia Johnson first told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that she has yet to receive full details about the death of her husband — — a soldier who was killed in an ambush in Niger by ISIS-affiliated militants — and has a number of questions over what led to his death.
The consolation call Myeshia received from Trump has become a point of controversy this week, after Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson, who is close to the Johnson family and was present for the call, said the president made flippant comments about La David’s death.
Though the White House has contested (-ish) Wilson’s characterization, and Chief of Staff John Kelly slammed the congresswoman before the press corps, Myeshia confirmed her account of the call in her interview on GMA, claiming Trump’s comments made her cry.
Myeshia explained that she had the phone on speaker when Trump called so that her family could hear, and that the president said that her husband “knew what he signed up for, but it hurts anyways.”
“It made me cry, because I was very angry at the tone in his voice and how he said it,” she continued, before claiming the president did not know her husband’s name.
“The only way he remembered my husband’s name is because he told me he had my husband’s report in front of him,” Mysehia said. “And that’s what hurt me the most, because if my husband is out here fighting his life for our country, and he risked his life for our country, why can’t you remember his name?”
Mysehia said that when she got off the phone with Trump, she was “very upset and hurt,” by the comments – “it made me cry even worse,” she said.
On the White House’s rejection of Rep. Wilson’s comments, Myeshia contended “whatever Mrs. Wilson said was not fabricated. What she said was 100% correct.”
When Stephanopoulos asked if Mysehia had anything to say to the president, she replied “I don’t have nothing to say to him.”

It is time for Junta Kelly and the Pentagon to take off the gloves and give Myesha Johnson the facts of her husband's death, because he died AWAY from his unit. No one dragged him away. Johnson was not trying to flank terrorists through the jungle on his own. That leaves one reality in  La David  Johnson ran, abandoned his unit, was a coward, and when there is only 12 men in a unit, losing 1 because he has been hit, and ran off for cover so he would not get killed, is thee worst kind of betrayal to the unit, the Army and the United States.

In that, the Pentagon needs to court martial La David Johnson. Needs on evidence to deny all honors and death benefits, and invoke a dishonorable discharge, including removing the flag which was present to the Johnsons as it all besmirched the honor of the dead who did lay down their lives serving their country.

Myesha Johnson, chose to become a public and political tool, in a resistance against Donald Trump to bring down this government. This is not the tears of a widow in grief, this is a woman on a tear for the democratic party.

It is time for the Pentagon to release all of the video footage. It is time to release the audio. It is time for the world to see just why La David Johnson was away from his post, was off in the jungle so deep that no one could find him on search missions for two days and what kind of contact, correspondence and advice which La David Johnson was counseled in from the Obama regime, the democratic party, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Frederica Wilson.
Just how did this Walmart employee get fast tracked to the Green Berets, made a Sgt. over other deserving Soldiers and put into a situation that he was clearly not capable of handling.

Let the facts all come out, and make certain it is all the facts, that it was Africans who delayed Americans, it was African Muslims who ambushed Americans, and the only person who was not where he was supposed to be, was La David Johnson.

Instead of protecting this family as the Pentagon attempted, instead of creating a fiction as President Trump attempted, let the history books be filled with the facts of this, so everyone will know, and now this black family will have children growing up knowing those facts, instead of the lie in which La David Johnson was a hero.

On behalf of the 5000 Role Models of Excellence Project, it is with a heavy heart that we announce the death of our Role Model Son and American Hero, Army Sergeant La David T. Johnson.  This Sergeant, 25, of Miami Gardens, Fla., was ambushed in Niger while providing training and security assistance to the Nigeriens Armed Forces in the region overwhelmed by Boko Haram.  What a tragedy!  Role Model Sgt. Johnson leaves behind two children, ages 2 and 6, along with his beloved wife and soulmate Mrs. Myeshia Johnson.  Mrs. Johnson is currently pregnant with their third child. The 5000 Role Models of Excellence Project, is establishing a Role Model Army Sgt. La David T. Johnson Scholarship to benefit his children by providing money towards their college education. We are asking you to donate to this worthy cause. 
Please, donate generously today.

 And who is behind the 5000 Role Models whoring a dead soldier for money?

Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson's 5000 Role Models of ...

Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson's 5000 Role Models of Excellence Project at the Center of a Roundtable Discussion with U.S. Department of Education

Junta Kelly was wrong. Fred Wilson is not an empty barrel. She is fully loaded and this has all been a political set up by the Obama resistance from day one.
Follow the Money.

Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson (FL-24), the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans, the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics and the White House Initiative on American Indian and Alaska Native Education will host a roundtable discussion, Mentorship
Miami, FL – Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson (FL-24), the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans, the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics and the White House Initiative on American Indian and Alaska Native Education will host a roundtable discussion, Mentorship: Supporting the Holistic Development of Boys and Men of Color: A 5000 Role Models of Excellence Case Study. The event will take place Thursday, May 15th at 8:30 a.m. to noon, at Miami Dolphins, Sun Life Stadium located at 2269 NW 199th Street, Miami Gardens, FL.


The Red Tie Resistance

Nuff Said



Cancer Brain made a Republican of Jimmy Carter

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I don't quite have this cancer head thing figured out, because while cancer of the brain agrees with John McCain is he is livelier than ever and Jimmy Carter is looking like he could take second wife to pleasure, the thing is McCain is a worst treacherous Republican after enjoying brain cancer, but that Jimmy Carter is the best Republican ever with his brain cancer.

These are the best latest observations of Jimmy Carter:

Russians Didn't Alter Election

 "I don’t think there’s any evidence that what the Russians did changed enough votes — or any votes,"


Obama Didn't Deliver

 He didn't. In fact, he made it worse.


We Didn't Vote For Hillary

Rosalynn then said, “The drip-drip-drip about Hillary.”
Which prompted Carter to note that during the primary, they didn't vote for Hillary Clinton. "We voted for Sanders.”

Media Harder on Trump than any President

"I think the media have been harder on Trump than any other president certainly that I've known about,"

NFL players should "stand during the American anthem."

"I think they ought to find a different way to object, to demonstrate," he said. " I would rather see all the players stand during the American anthem."

With George W. Bush joining the resistance with Obama's image against America and Donald Trump, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell sounding like Nancy Pelosi, it is refreshing in it only took 90 years and brain cancer for Jimmy Carter to sound like an American President.

I think that Donald Trump needs to promise that Jimmy Carter gets to lay in state at the White House when Carter croaks from old age, as cancer ain't gonna get him. Ivanka can roll around on top of the coffin wailing Jew things and that girl of her's who sings Chinaman songs, could sing Dixie or something.

Who would have thunk it. The entire GOP abandons Trump and it is Jimmy Carter who mans up so Donald owes him a great eulogy. Hell Jimmy should get Air Force One to fly around in and President Trump can order the toilets flushed over Bill and Hillary Clinton as a fly by.

Brain cancer don't seem to put the fear of God into Republicans, but it sure works on democrats. Maybe Maxine Waters and Frederica Wilson should try a little. They be frying up chicken and slicing juicy watermelon for Donald at his next rallies for White Privilege.


The Cum Drunk Repubican

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not know what a Matthew Dowd is. I suspect what he is, is why he is on ABC spewing this:

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” while discussing President George W. Bush’s comments last week, former chief strategist for the Bush-Cheney 2004 presidential campaign and ABC News political analyst Matthew Dowd said the Republican Party as it was before President Donald Trump was “gone.”
Dowd said, “George W. Bush is someone who disappeared for eight years during Barack Obama’s term. He went back to Texas, went about his business, never said a word. Those words said would not have been said if not for Donald Trump and what has been happening in the campaign and Steve Bannon. What has to be recognized by Republicans and many conservatives who have resisted Donald Trump is that the Republican party as they know it is gone. This is a party that would never nominate Lincoln again, never nominate Teddy Roosevelt. They certainly wouldn’t nominate Ronald Reagan. That party is gone.”

So this Dowd was the chief strategist who almost lost to the corpse of John Kerry and turned the GOP into the Gay O Pee, which explains why this epitaph of the Trump GOP has absolutely not any idea what it is talking about, because this ilk believes that they are the torch bearers for Teddy Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan.

Let us examine George W. Bush in the GOP. Bush43 was the polar opposite of Teddy Roosevelt in Bush43 bombed softly and carried a big stick. No one since Obama has been in the White House who liked smashing countries and loving Muslims more than W. Bush.
Abraham Lincoln had an affinity for starting civil wars, going scorched earth on American States and not obeying the Constitution. Not exactly a thing a President should be involved with, but Bush43 went on a destroy Conservatives spree so Jeb would get the nomination in 2016, which is what created Donald Trump.
Ronald Reagan was about cutting government spending and the targeted use of American power. Bush43 as stated never found a nation he did not want to experiment on or a spending program he could not increase funds for.

The reality is the Bush family has been the antithesis of the GOP. The Bush family has been the old Whig party of eastern patricians who liked being democrats and ruling away from the will of the people, just like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell have been engaged in.

The reason Republicans nominated and voted for Donald Trump is because Republicans believed that he was a strong leader like Abraham Lincoln who would disregard laws to Make America Great Again, be like Teddy Roosevelt in being progressive in taking care of Americans first and be like Ronald Reagan in liberating the American People from rationed death and these goddamn endless Bush wars.

Americans desire, long for, yearn, lust, beg for Republicans in Lincoln, Roosevelt and Reagan. That is who they believed Donald Trump was because he promised them that. If you recall, the 300 GOPEliters who ran against Donald Trump, were all Bush low energy and thee entire country rejected that liberal, leftist, kinder gentler, globalist faggery. Republicans DO NOT WANT this Rockefeller, Bush, Neocon goddamn Hillary Clinton serving as Obama's 3rd term in any branch of government.
Americans want what Donald Trump promised as that is what Lincoln, Roosevelt and Reagan delivered on.

It is the Republican party which has abandoned and rejected the Republican base. Remember it was Jeb Bush and Rand Paul parroting that adviser base which said they could win the nomination without the base, and the GOP needed to be Obama in order to win. Donald Trump by God's Grace proved that wrong, and the reason Donald Trump is in trouble with Americans is because he looks like Jeb Bush's faggot twin brother Joey Bush.

I know that all of this screed is  about telling the GOP to lose heart that Roy Moore won't win, so that all of these liberal Republican traitors will get the power and genocide Americans. It is the same with this nonsense of the Republican party would not nominate Lincoln, Roosevelt or Reagan. That may be true if one understands that Jeb Bush would not nominate those leaders, because the elite have been doing their worst to destroy all Conservatives and erase these leaders as they tell us that Bushism and Obamazism is what America needs to be.

Until Donald Trump keeps his promises, without compromise, I am not about to support him for nomination again, as he is not any different than the traitors like George W. Bush who did not secure the borders, opened the floodgates for invasion, coddled Muslim terrorists for oil money and spent America into oblivion.

There are Republicans and those are the Americans who God used to elect Donald Trump. Then there is this nefarious minority of Cum Drunk Repubicans who are sodom and oligarch, who keep spreading Mockingbird brainwash to make the Citizen doubt. There is little wrong with the Republican voter, beside being so exposed to goddamn perversion that they have forgotten to rise up and reject sin with a vehemence, instead of sipping the cum of these whores of swampland.

All I want is Ronald Reagan as President. All I want is Abraham Lincoln as President. All I want is Teddy Roosevelt as President, because all I want is an American as President who looks out for Americans first.

Does that sound familiar Mr. President, or are you cum drunk too.

Nuff Said


The Bloody Prints on Stephen Paddock's Suicide Revolver

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

On October 5th, 2017 AD in the yea of our Lord, Jeff Rense presented a series of photographs from the Stephen Paddock crime scene, and as a forensic analyst something about one just registered itself in my mind as something to re examine, and it was not until Tuesday October 17th did I get around to looking at it.

It is the 357 magnum revolver which was over 3 feet to the head of Stephen Paddock, and the official suicide weapon.  This is the enhanced photo, which was run through red filter it appears to bring out the blood splatter.


The Blood Smear and not Splatter on the Revolver Cylinder

The thing that captured my attention was the blood smear on the cylinder, of this hammerless revolver. Understand in this that many things are amiss. One being the powder burn at the bottom right jaw of Stephen Paddock, but there is not a bullet entry hole. Then again in interesting staged photos, perhaps this is supposed to be dried blood, while the rest of the blood is not this color.

Position of the Bloody Revolver

In any reality, this is about the blood on the revolver. In this photograph, it means that Stephen Paddock had to stick the barrel in his mouth, and pull the trigger, without damage to his lips or teeth,  which did not take place, nor burning on his upper lip from powder.

It is assumed Mr. Paddock is right handed as the gun is laying as if he is left handed, but all of the other firearms are laid down as if a right handed person placed them in that position.

So the revolver has blood smear on the cylinder, instead of the typical blood splatter, from the blow back of the bullet pushing up to the brain. As you are busy looking at the cylinder, now I can give you the surprise as I have distracted you as the media has.

The Bloody Fingerprint and Finger Index Prints on the Revolver

If you look at the revolver grips, you will notice what appears to be two long finger imprints and a third finger print, which would be normal in holding a handgun. What is abnormal is how did the blood get under Stephen Paddock's grip, under his fingers, because blood did not appear until after he shot himself.

Now there can be blood around the fingers showing an outline in spray, like the casing at the top of his head placed there in the blood pool around them, but there is not any way for blood to get on that grip of that gun, because Stephen Paddock's hand was shielding that grip.

The only way this could take place is Stephen Paddock had to shoot himself, lay the gun down or drop it, rub his hands in the blood coming out of his mouth, pick up the gun, and then place it out of reach, three feet over his head.
Or else someone else picked that revolver up, after getting Stephen Paddock's blood on their hands, and then placed it perfectly at the top of his head.

These images do not lie. They are enhanced for color and show blood residue, which is impossible to be there and yet they are there, because someone with a glove on picked that gun up, after having Stephen Paddocks' blood on those gloves, and then smeared blood on the cylinder and laid it a the top of his head out of reach.

Someone who was right handed with gloves on, after Stephen Paddock was dead, bleeding out, got blood on their gloves and the blood on the gun, as they moved this revolver to the top of the head.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, as that is what the forensic science proves as fact. Now you my return to the deep state cuckservative treehose narrative of only one shooter.

Nuff Said


The Thinking Woman

I think, therefore am I?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Sometimes good ideas for vanity think they are good ideas, until reality catches up.

A Tribute to the Thinking Woman

I thought this was a good idea, until a train came and ran me over.

I thought ballet slippers in a thistle patch was a good idea until my feet were bloody stumps.



 I thought sitting on a log was a good idea until I got splinters in my twat.

 I thought being like Eve and eating fruit was a good idea.


 I thought sitting in bigfoot's lair was a good idea until the sex began.

I thought being a sexy bear in the woods was a good idea until I got shot during season.


 I thought riding double on a bike was fun till the handle bar shoved up my pussy.

 I thought posing by an old car was great until I got fire ants up my ass.

 The tribute to the thinking woman ends with Nuff Said
