As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This is a most interesting turn of events in the events in Syria, as Iran penetrated Israeli airspace today with a drone, testing the grid. The Jews dispatched an American F 16 to down the drone which was bait. The Syrian then coordinated off the position and shot down the F 16, which crashed in Jezreel, Northern Israel or the home of America's forefathers in Mannaseh at Harduf.
Israel said it sent an F-16 jet to disable an Iranian drone which entered into Israeli territory from Syria earlier on Saturday morning.This should be a warning to Donald John of the Trump House as Iran defeated the American systems using stones and slings. This F 16 was baited in, was not tracked by surface to air missiles in expensive batteries but was shot down by anti aircraft fire, from something like the ZPU or the KPV-14.5 heavy machine gun.
The military said it then faced massive anti-aircraft fire from the Syrian regime that forced two pilots to abandon the aircraft, which crashed in northern Israel.
Within range, there is zero defense a fighter jet can employ against a blanket wall of bullets. It can not out fly them, put out decoys, as it is like flying into a wall of lead.
The point in this as in Vietnam when the North Vietnamese by Moscow and Peking figured out that by turning off their radars until the American B 52's were on them, the B 52's could not deploy counter measures, and the NVA shot the Americans out of the sky like ducks. The once invincible B 52 was defeated by the enemy using no technology.
That is the story in this and is always the story in this. All of these high tech American systems can be defeated by asstard slings and rocks. It is what Saddam Hussein grounded the American Apache and Blackhawks of the Cobra lineage, as the Iraqi communists just sprayed the air with lead and the copters could not hide from that wall of bullets.
The Jews were made fools of today in they bit hard on a Persian decoy and lost one of their pretty 12 million dollar jets shot down by a few hundred dollars of tungsten FMJ bullets.
Once again the 2016 questions as Jared Kushner is prancing around in the Mideast making peaceful war like Obama, do you really want to die by nuclear terrorism or get into another war protecting the Jewish state, as this is where this is going.
Do you want to die for Tel Aviv, because Netanyahu slept in Jared Kushner's bed?
I did not vote for this in 2016 nor construct this timeline for Donald Trump to be President for camel spiders and sand in starting another war.