As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The charade of Donald Trump attacking Steve Bannon as a little dick ball baby was proven by Bannon's devotion to Mr. President at the State of the Union, sitting down with a Bloomberg reporter. The reason the Lame Cherry is covering this Bannon WWE side bar is what was recorded proves three points this blog has been the only source alerting all of you to.
The first is already mentioned in the Trump Bannon thing is all wrestling mat theater, just like Trump trolling the NFL is for Vince McMahon's XFL to build that into a billion dollar industry as Trump tried to hijack the NFL years ago with the porn of his New Jersey Generals.
The second point is the following in Donald Trump deliberately blew up his base, or your trust in him, at the State of the Union over amnesty. Bannon says it was for "nothing".
The Lame Cherry will make a second bullet point on this second point, in it was not for anything. It was as Webster Griffin Tarpley stated on Jeff Rense that the intentions of the deep state or cartel to make the GOP a 3rd rate party, and divide the democratic part to communists for Obama and socialists for Clinton. With Hamrod auditioning for prison and Trump being Mr. Socialist in all the betrayal he has unleashed on America as this blog has only reported, Trump will lead the newly splintered homo welfare party in America.
Donald Trump has blown up his base, because he has no intentions of the GOP being nothing but a fringe party which is what Louie Gohmert is for.
When Trump points to yet another of his props in the balcony, Bannon drifts out to get a Diet Coke. “Any time there’s one of these ‘stories’ I can take a break,” he says, over his shoulder. Clearly he’s preoccupied by Trump’s upcoming offer to the Dreamer kids. When Trump finally utters those words, Bannon cannot fathom them. “It’s unbelievable,” he says. “Terrible, terrible.” He watches the muted reaction inside the Capitol. The Democrats just sit there, glaring at Trump. But the Republicans sit there too. There’s no deal to be had. Trump just blew up his base for nothing.
“Who talked him into it?” I ask.
“I’ll let you guess,” he says. He says something else a moment later, but his publicist shouts, “That’s off the record!”
The third point, Donald Trump does nothing but troll his base from Washington DC parades to anything else to get an emotional outburst, and even in that Bannon tells you why Trump is ripping your heart and souls out in this roller coaster.
The real opposition is the media. And the way to deal with them is to flood the zone with shit.Flooding the media with shit, like Pissgate, like Twitter Don, keeps all of you off balance, so you do not have time to think or soon forget the facts which have educated here, and instead of saying enough of this, you are emotionally manipulated and are being led around by the nose to the gulag.
This point is necessary for you to be aware of, because it proves what this blog stated as Trump congratulates his queers, and the Christians stay silent, because Trump trolls the Christians by dropping the name of Jesus and promising to end aborticide.
Remember in Jesus, Trump denies He is the Son of God, and only calls Him "handiwork" like the stars, and Trump is not going to end aborticide as that would require moving that traitor John Roberts, a liberal court to hear a case on abortion and not be thrown out first, and spend years to make it to the Supreme Court, where Roberts would NEVER hear the case.
“Boom!” Bannon explodes, and pumps his fist. When Trump shortly follows this with a plug for “beautiful, clean coal” (ad-libbing, with typical weirdness, the “beautiful”), Bannon says “I love it,” and starts to laugh. “He’s trolling! He’s trolling from the podium.”
So the Lame Cherry has been proven absolutely correct by the words of Steve Bannon. I know that none of you voted in 2016 to be jerked around emotionally and lied to, and to have the Party of Reagan obliterated over replacing Americans with foreign criminal vermin.
Here is a quote from this blog:
Donald Trump is spending money like a crack whore, because he already sold America out to the cartel in the Nazi conglomerates. Russia will dump their money into the US stock market to be stolen or there will be war.
The sale of America is her vast energy stores which Americans were lied to and deprived of, and by this sale the cartel will wipe out the American class of Citizens, replace them with Trump Visa Vermin who will buy the expanding energy flow, keeping prices up to rob Americans by inflation, creating a dependent urban people, as all of this record debt is paid for by the sale of oil, gas and coal, as Americans are charged FOR THEIR OIL, GAS AND COAL.
Steve Bannon fist pumps this as some game and laughs. This is American lives at stake in they will cease to be a race when this is completed in a few years. The President engages in what in forensic psychology would be emotional rape, in order to accomplish what the globalist order is set as.
What is important in this is, one can not be emotionally raped if they stop being emotionally masturbated by this arena theater. There is nothing which can be done about this as resisting this will get one in legal problems immediately. So one pays their taxes, obeys the laws and waits for Christ. One does this though with knowledge so one ends being played for a fool.
Calm down as Christians have Christ and you are not to put your trust in princes nor in the sons of man, as the above proves the Bible teachings do not lie, unlike some others.
Nuff Said