Wednesday, February 7, 2018

What about the Victims of FISA Courts

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Each of you reading this, has to understand this, and especially those Americans under investigation, indictment or sentencing in the Russiagate dossier. It goes to the heart of the golden thread of American and British Law that a person is innocent until PROVEN guilty. The word PROVEN is vital in this, because the PROOF must be evidence which is honest, fact, truthful, genuine. Evidence can not be a lie, a fabrication, dishonest or illegitimate.

That is the point in the Russian dossier and the warrant granted by the FISA Court. That warrant in part was issued due to the Russian dossier which was not legitimate. To provide an example so you understand this, your neighbor can not photo shop pictures of you robbing a bank, hand them out to people, and some neighbor who doesn't like that you are not mowing your lawn, turns the photos over to the cops, who get a warrant on the bogus bank photos, to get you for not mowing your lawn.........which there is no ordinance for in your city, but you get nailed for lying to the cops as none of this is any of their business.

Mike Flynn for one was under investigation, because of this dossier. Bad or fraudulent evidence is like shoving a dog turd into a sausage maker. It might be in one end of the batch, but it makes the entire batch worthless as no one wants it as it is all tainted. In court documents, you can not get a legal warrant to investigate Carter Page on fake evidence, and then take that to indict others like Mike Flynn or investigate Donald Trump for Russian collusion, when the entire investigation is based on a fraud, where someone who did not like Donald Trump created a bogus document to poke around into private actions to frame people.

Everyone is speaking about jailing the people who were behind this, but what about putting an end to the investigation and those now being sentenced, because an Appeals Court will throw out all of this, because legally none of this is admissible in any court, and should not have ever been allowed to be attached to a FISA Court warrant on Carter Page.

It is time to negate these guilty pleas and end this investigation, as it is mute in anything that was discovered or uncovered after this warrant was issued. If it is not the Appeals Court, it will be the Supreme Court releasing all of these innocent people, and there is absolutely no American reason to put these people through one more day, or one more bankrupting attorney bill.

Yes the criminals behind this must be indicted, but there are innocent people whose lives have been forever harmed who need Justice. It is past time in this money spending Congress that Americans are not given proper recompense in these witch hunts to regain their lost lives and all of the money for attorney fees.

What about the victims of FISA Courts.

Larry Klayman: Appoint Me Special Prosecutor to Weed Out Justice Dept. Corruption

Nuff Said

