Tuesday, February 6, 2018

What will remain over your Grave

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Perhaps it is a fluke of history, but when the United States Navy embarks upon implementing its next generation of thee most lethal weapons, they tend to call them USS South Dakota.

In the days leading up to World War II, a Battleship X was christened and media was forbidden in naming her. She was the prototype of the fast attack battleship and her name was the USS South Dakota. The last of the super battleships America built.

This past month a new dreadnought was launched as the USS South Dakota, a fast attack nuclear submarine. The South Dakota is built on the Virginia Class of nuclear submarines which are replacing the Los Angeles class of the Cold War.

The South Dakota is different though as she is part of Block IV, but has been redesigned from the original Virginia Class. Her propeller is the chief feature for speed and stealth. In short, she is thee most stealthy nuclear delivery system in the world. She is the B 2 bomber under the sea.

This is the face of the American security for the next generation. War is not going to be fought from carriers, but will be fought first from air stealth and sea stealth. The South Dakota is the delivery platform and concerning the situation in North Korea and China, this is where she will be deployed and be the platform which is designed to cripple the enemies of America and kill their millions.

Her motto is Under the Sea we Rule. This is a first strike weapon system and this is a system which has unlimited range, operating three decades if necessary, and is designed to obliterate all survivors after the first salvos, remaining salvos of everything Eurasia has.

There is an old saying among trappers that when the last human dies, there will be a coyote howling over the human's grave. The South Dakota's crest is the coyote. She will be alive and prowling the seas long after the nations are gone.


Nuff Said

