Monday, March 19, 2018

America's Russian Front

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What happened after the 2008 election theft by Barack Hussein Obama? Did it usher in a period of respite for his wearied followers, or was it a reality exactly as in Donald Trump, in spiking a wearied group and demanding more emotional outpouring from them?

No one has any time to think anymore, no matter where it is in the West, and it is by design to subdue the people by overloading them, so they do not notice the misery of their condition. An excellent study in this is the Eastern Front between Germany and Russia, in which two peoples who were abused by their regimes were shattered, battered and scattered a dozen times over, and yet Berlin and Moscow struck the whip and demanded more.

After Stalin and his Bolshevik Jews had caused the imprisonment, crippling and slaughter of millions of Soviet citizens in military blunder after military blunder, Stalin threatened the people to fight or he would shoot them and their families. In that, he abandoned Moscow which set off a firestorm in the Russians there in being frustrated with what they had been put through.

An N.K. Verzhbitski wrote this as the riots rampaged through the war front of Moscow, by Russians.

They began to remember and count up all the insults, oppression, injustices, pressures,  bureaucratic machinations of officialdom, contempt and self puffery of party members, draconian measures, deprivations, systematic deception of the masses, the newspapers braying self congratulations. Can a city really hold out when the people are in such a mood?

Russia has suffered horridly in World War I, and then in civil war the communists has butchered the people and oppressed them while telling them they were comrades for another 20 years, and yet it was never enough, as the party leaders lived like the pigs in animal farm with the sugar and butter, the people were always told it was their fault and demanded more of.

Stalin ordered the government out of Moscow 2500 kilometers to the east. Party leaders and factory leaders left and advocated the same as Stalin prepared his own scorched earth for Moscow in blowing up everything and cannibalizing what could be removed to the new Stalin capital.
The German Wehrmacht was approaching, the shops were empty and there was not coffee, but the cry went out that Stalin was with them, with them like a disease which was killing them.

The reverse was as much true in the battered German Soldiers. They had suffered war for four months on end every day. They were beyond tired, they had been savaged, ravaged, left to squat in the mire, were dirty, wet, cold, sick, were told to kill Russians by the piles, were in rags, had no winter clothes, no shelter, little food, and still Berlin demanded one more advance.

The Wehrmacht was breaking from the bottom up. Fractures occurred in Soldiers shooting  themselves to get out of Russia. All wanted an end to it and the end was not coming. It visited to the highest ranks in General Gunther Kluge of the 4th Army had dispatched his aide, back to Germany to make contact with anti Hitler groups led by Ulrich von Hassell.
Kluge was inquiring if peace could be made with England if a change in leadership did occur as there were officers now willing for such a relief after being in Russia. In cold calculating response though, Hassell recorded that the military was naive in such things and there were no guarantees. Even the political opposition sought to exploit the desperate People which were begging for relief.

The Soldier Helmut Gunther summed it up best for both Russians and Germans in this defining of the times:

We had long since ceased being the fellows we were who crossed the Bug River on June 26, 1941 at  Brest- Litovsk. The constant being on the go, and the inexorable battle with mud, rain, snow and cold had burnt us out. We had become hard, hard toward ourselves and  hard toward others.

 It came to a point that a German machine gunner wiping out swathes of Russians charging his position was screaming, "I can not kill any more!!!" as every person was dying inside from the abuse.

After each election in the West, the peoples are promised rest and a restoration of respite again, but it never comes. With each day comes a new revelation of some 3rd world vermin looking to be bestowed upon them the property of  people who worked for their nations from Germany, Sweden, England, Canada to America are dumped in by the political elite, and an ever growing friction occurs, as whether it is the police state prowling around to knock on the door or the criminal driving up prices, the American, German, French and English person are all facing a reality that no one is secure any more, and the  politicians are always pitting people against each other having promised them the same bed to sleep and the same job to work at.

As stated this is all by design, and there is not one difference between a Twitter e bomb and a Russian artillery shell disrupting the  personal space of a person who is in desperate need to just rest. If the mob rested though, it would begin to notice the abuse and begin resisting those who are behind it, instead of those they are pointed at to war with.
The Germans and the Russian of 1941 had months of this, but the Americans have had decades of it. The Swedes and Germans have now had years of rape assaults to subdue the population. It is always one more thing, one more tax, one more ticket to rob you, one more insult, so the entire population is always on edge and humanity has left it as the police state views the people as the enemy and the people always under surveillance judge their protectors as their prosecutors.

There is no longer a plea from civilization for just some peace to die. The population instead slugs along and when people or pets die, they go quietly as they  are finally figuring they are going to escape it all, and no one can touch them. The White in America has been self slaughtering themselves for a decade in growing numbers of hopelessness as the Blacks of the cities are in constant shooting warfare hoping someone will return the favor of the brother they have just murdered yesterday as it is all liberty from the tyranny of system jamming a new thorn into  the gaping wound which is never allowed to heal.

No one is alone in this and no one is untouched. It is though known by all, but only this blog speaks of it in historical context and current malady, as each plods sullenly along, knowing the secret that some days we just pray to God to let us die quickly as we can not take any more of this.

Tomorrow will be another day as today, but the adage is true in misery loves company, and there are cities and nations of the miserable now as the regimes lie to the people in  keeping them off balance to retain the power by the same organized conglomerate state which was exploiting Germans and Russians as it told them they were free, that they were better off  than the other people and that their leaders had all the  each of you now peer at your lit up screen, begging for a message to not be alone in your misery and no longer remembering when you had a good day, because you are so stressed and overloaded that you can not remember what you had for lunch yesterday.

The zombie state all of us are existing in moves us along. I tell myself just to keep going, to just get some land when the donations come in, keep working, obey the laws, pay the taxes, and maybe this rampaging emotional typhoon in darkness over this world will somehow pass me by as it did the days before, and then in that future place, with the same clouds, it will somehow be better.

The Germans and the Russians of 1941 had no idea, that it was just the start of trouble for generations to come.  Americans have no comprehension their  Jacob's Trouble is something they have been in for sometime.

Nuff Said
