Sunday, March 25, 2018

Where Hitler's Fear To Tread

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The purpose of the posts on this blog are to get you to think, to Socrates question all things, to examine them and when you are made aware that you have been wholesale lied to, to have you begin wondering what else you have been lied to about.

One of the best teaching guides in this is Adolf Hitler, or more to the point the propaganda against Hitler which would be the excuse to make genocidal warfare against Germany for her wealth and the excuse after the war to commit crime against humanity against Germany in mass rape and greater concentration camp deaths of 11 million than the fiction that Germany was accused of in 6 million dead Jews. The real Red Cross number was under 1 million, which is a large number, but it is small compared to what other European peoples died at in World War II.

The reason Hitler  was smeared as a madman and as thee all powerful tyrant that if you looked at him sideways he would have you shot, is the propaganda which drove an American nation to total warfare, because if the real Hitler situation was known, the American people never would have fought this war. 

American Hero Charles Lindbergh was against America going to war, for the simple reason he knew the Nazis would in time mellow in rhetoric, get their fight out of their system and then in being over extended be buffered to what most regimes are.
I will point out in a Lame Cherry exclusive of long ago, that if Nazism which is Socialism is so evil, then why did America become socialist, Russia socialist, China socialist, Britain socialist and all of Europe socialist?
But Hitler went on race he did not, as what Hitler did was  respond to Bolshevik Jews who were communist and were calling for the extermination of Germans. The ghetto Jews were infested with lice and typhus. Hitler tried to delouse them, but they refused, so they were taken to forced labor camps in contracts with the Jewish elders, due to the fact that these louse infested disease carriers were about to introduce a plague upon Europe.
When one knows the reasons behind the Nazi actions, they are logical and what any government would engage in to protect it's people.

In the study of Adolf Hitler's power, most have no idea of the Gaulieters. These were the party bosses across Germany, and every policy which Hitler enacted all reflected how to not upset these party bosses.

Gauleiter - Wikipedia

A Gauleiter (German pronunciation: [ˈɡaʊlaɪtɐ]) was the party leader of a regional branch of the NSDAP (more commonly known as the Nazi Party) or the head of a ...

These are quotes from Joseph Goebbels, the most brilliant propagandist of human history. In them you will find that German Security was constantly polling the population. Now why would an all powerful tyrant care what the people were thinking? It is because Hitler was not in complete control of Germany ever.
Numbers of his Generals from Guderian to Bock challenged Hitler and nothing was done to them. Bock was ordered several times to stop an attack that Guderian was engaged in on the Russian front, and he refused, and dispatched back, "I will not forward that order. If you want Guderian ordered to stop, then you order him".
Bock received two more telegrams on the issue, he ignored them, and the next day Hitler agreed that Guderian would keep on the attack.

Adolf Hitler listened to his generals who were not puppets. Field Marshal Gunther von Kluge in three days of meetings in 1941 concerning the Russian front, changed Hitler's outlook completely to take into account the infantry speed, and not focus on Panzer lightning warfare.
It is a fact that Adolf Hitler was a brilliant mind. He understood psychology, economics, government, people and military tactics. He was though never out of control, never mad, never a tyrant, and never was he  ever in dictatorial control of Germany. That is a fiction which FDR and Rothschild and Schiff Jewry  created for the seizing of German wealth.

"The damage caused from a somewhat too optimistic assessment of the situation has to be corrected as soon as possible.
The Sicherheistdienst (Security Service) polling has detected at the end of October a drop in the German people's mood and a certain disappointment within the population."
- Joseph Goebbels

The Reich was constantly polling the German people to assess their moods and how best for the regime to react to those moods. Once again if Hitler was in complete control none of this would have mattered.

As Albert Speer pleaded at the end of the war to Adolf Hitler, "The German people have not suffered anything of the burdens which the British and Americans have by their governments. There must be a sacrifice by the German people for victory."

Think about that in Adolf Hitler was not the ruthless dictator, but instead was the leader whose focus was in how to stay in power by placating his people.

Did Hitler have people shot? Yes he did have them shot, but the reason was high treason in those groups were involved in trying to murder him.

Those are the facts of Adolf Hitler in he was not the person he has been portrayed as, and most of what you have been told about both World Wars against Germany were absolute lies hiding the fact that the cartel wanted Germany destroyed as a competitor and to confiscate her wealth, as her people were genocided.

In the never again, in this 21st century it is taking place again, and the target this time is Vladimir Putin and Russia. The same rhetoric is espoused against Putin and the reasoning is the same, in the desire to pillage Russia of her natural resources.

Again, Hitler's desire was to great a Greater Germany in Russian territory. With American NATO now parked outside of Moscow lusting for the same ends, why was it evil when Hitler was engaged in this and it is now a good thing when those power elite  are moving to another war to scorch earth Europe and bloody America.

The facts are always the stimulant to think about.


Nuff Said
