Thursday, August 23, 2018

Ben Shapiro Goes Pussy Grab on Donald Trump

 Ben Shapiro sends his compliments and a matzah ball

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The following is what is wrong with that weasel Ben Shapiro in his newest #NeverTrumper post on the Texas Christian funded site Daily Wire.

This is bad news for Trump — if Pecker has information to provide. Right now, the crux of the case against Trump is twofold: that he knew he was violating campaign finance law through use of the National Enquirer; and that he didn’t pay women off for their silence regularly, but only with reference to the election. Pecker could have information on both those matters.
If he doesn’t, it would be quite difficult to prosecute the president for campaign finance violations even if he weren’t immune from federal prosecution due to his office. But the fact that Trump’s closest confidants, including his in-house fixer and the out-of-house fixing publication he most often used, will be a massive headache for Trump personally and his administration generally.

Whenever you see a story with words like IF and COULD HAVE, it is all bullshit, as the author has ZERO information and it is all speculation. It is a complete waste of time and Christian money to post speculation.

The last sentence Shapiro wrote makes absolutely no sense.

But the fact that Trump’s closest confidants, including his in-house fixer and the out-of-house fixing publication he most often used, will be a massive headache for Trump personally and his administration generally.

Shapiro names Cohen and Pecker, but fails to add the LANGUAGE necessary of "they are speaking with prosecutors" to make the sentence have meaning. Texas billionaires are head up their Jew in not getting their money's worth.

The reality is from the actions of prosecutors and the reports, reveal there is not any admissible evidence as in recordings or written notes, from Donald Trump to Pecker. So all Pecker has is his go between work between Cohen and  the bimbos in the confidentiality contracts signed by the bims.

Donald John has let everyone down, but all the same he deserves better than this IF's AND's and BUTT's of the creeper Ben Shapiro.

As Shapiro is never going to tell you the facts, the Cohen case is great news for Trump, because it means Robert Mueller does not have jack or shit in the Russiagate frame up. So it is now fishing expedition on Cohen, which has turned up nothing, so the police state went after Pecker to try and put more pressure on Cohen to make up some more lies to try and save himself.

That is what the prosecutor's actions mean.

As far as Donald Trump goes, I would be pissed at Sean Hannity in all of this, because if Hannity had been paying Cohen for legal advice instead of being a cheap Irish bastard looking for freebies, Cohen would have had the money and not been cutting corners.

Again another Jew bites the dust around Donald David Horowitz, like Alex Jones who is Jew funded, and the Jew who is still around is Jared Kushner who got  a walk from Robert Mueller as he is feeding Mueller information in working for the deep state......just like Ben Shapiro.

These internecine Jew wars really have bit Donald John in thee old pussy grab.

Nuff Said
