As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As this blog has proven I have an inherent genetic weakness in whether it is Lawrence Sinclair being politically terrorized by Joe Biden for Obama and now Omarosa having the entire world ganging up on her after the political rape of John Kelly unleashed on her, I am moved as John Adams was in defense of innocent British troops on trial in America, that everyone deserves to be protected against being lynched.
Here is the point on the Trump hand.
Donald Trump is President.
He is the most powerful person in the world.
He has a billion dollars.
He has nuclear weapons.
He has the Secret Service.
He has the IRS
The has the US military
He has the entire police state
He has loads of political skinheads like his bikers to bully people
Then there is Omarosa.
She has nothing.
How would you like what Donald Trump tweeted about Omarosa, tweeted about you, and carried by major publications so they all now think you are a wacko?
Would you pleased with that or not?
This is another very stupid Trump reaction, but it is a learning curve for those who do not praise the Donald even after he screws them over, to take the 15,000 dollars a month or face the Trump smear campaign.
Again you have one woman now having the entire United States regime beating her ass like a slave behind the shanty. This is stupid Trump politics. If Trump were intelligent he would have said, "Yeah I used the word Nigger. Everyone has in weak moments and I regret it."
As for Omarosa, John Kelly should have handled the situation with an understanding that people who feel misused appear later, amplifying things and when engaged in book deals, distortions occur. I hope her book is a success and it brings closure to her."
As for this blog who has been mistreated in being left in the brier patch, I sympathize with millions of Americans still unemployed like Omarosa, who feel threatened by the deep state which John Kelly is a part of, and have seen their Freedom Caucus Conservatives hammered by the President and time and again witnessed his broken promises from Obamacare to bad relations with Russia.
Wacky Omarosa, who got fired 3 times on the Apprentice, now got fired for the last time. She never made it, never will. She begged me for a job, tears in her eyes, I said Ok. People in the White House hated her. She was vicious, but not smart. I would rarely see her but heard....— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 13, 2018
If this was an Edward Lansdale operation, I would be pleased as it would be Trump finding a way to sack John Kelly, but that is not the extent of this in Donald Trump is beating up a Black woman, a woman, a woman with fans and a woman who still has Americans who think chivalry is not dead and men should not be beating up on a woman who appears to be telling the Truth........because she has the recordings to prove she was smeared by John Kelly and the Trump White House
Sarah Sanders is now stuck attacking another woman. The problem for Sarah Sanders is she is like Maddy Albright being sent out by Bill Clinton calling Monica Lewinsky a liar for not sucking presidential cock.
Seriously, would you ever expect Ronald Reagan to beat up a woman? How about Richard Nixon? No one ever has gone after a civilian the way Donald Trump has, and this has entered the world of a presidential abuse of power.
Omarosa on the details of John Kelly committing political rape against her, has been proven honest. That appears to be why the Trump Demolition Squad has gone after Omarosa as she has more honesty with proof. From the unnamed sources quoted, it sounds like the Trump appointees were all worried they had been caught saying things they should be fired for or a federal law enforcement investigation should be begun.
There needs to be an FBI investigation into Omarosa, not for her trying to protect herself with a recorder, but for John Kelly threatening an American in the White House.
Nuff Said