Friday, August 31, 2018

The Dearly John the hero McParted

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Can we ever get over the mourning, grief, lamentation and longsuffering of the memorial week of John the hero McCain. I am so distraughtingly distressed that I am fixated on all things memorializing, as I can not get enough.

The thing is FOX was horrid to John the hero McCain, as when John the hero McCain was leaving Arizona for the last time, John the hero McCain sort of fubar the funeral procession planning as there were like 200 of these National Guard people in dark informs, on a hot airport tarmac, and for 50 minutes nothing happened after the John the hero McCain casket was loaded into first class, so FOX broke away to commercials and people in DC waiting for the body.......... I mean that was really a fubar in watching weekend warriors sway in that Arizona heat in being roasted alive was not good entertainment.

At the Arizona Rotunda, that action was a bit more torturing of people who were lined up there too.

There was some drama in Cindy McCain looking for an Oscar in best casket kiss.

Then there was Meghan McCain the hands down winner of best actress award for no tears crying in public wailing.
The thing is her fat brown skin sister does not look that broken up. She looks more like she is thinking, "What am I going to do with my trust fund now that dads is dead?"

I really think the McCain girls should have gotten on the right page in mourning, but then again, maybe the darkie knows something Megs is better play acting at.

The thing is the airport had like 200 McCains all getting free jet travel to DC for this memorial. These people are multi millionaires, and this free jet ride and McCain spending spree is costing Americans at least several million dollars. What about the real Heroes in the military who do not get jack or shit.

Even old Mad Dog Mattis seemed confused at the whole thing, in wondering why grief had turned Meghan into a darker color.

 There was something though I noticed in the jet after it lifted off from Arizona, as I was looking in the windows in who got the good seats, and something puzzled me as to what I saw. I did a screen grab and a close up of the window shot, and it looks like John the hero McCain was sitting in the aisle seat, not looking very dead.

I know that this blog has found odd pictures of John the hero McCain in Vietnam immediately after his death, but this is a bit strange, as I thought John the hero was in the casket, and here he was ordering up the expensive cognac on the military flight to DC.

Perhaps it was all this grief in me seeing things, but more wanting for John the hero McCain to still be alive like so many others......well except his darkie daughter who seems pleased with the outcome, although she was displeased when Mad Dog mistook her for Meghan in a phase of melanin grief.

Anyway, this is the historical record of John the hero McCain, having left Arizona, and looking more alive than we have seen him in some time.

Nuff Said

