As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The leadership and compassion which the European President, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz revealed in the devastation of the South Tyrol area, affected by storms, including financial aid, serves as a point that all peoples have the inherent right to go to the ballot box and decide their destiny as to which nation they belong.
Heavy thunderstorms in the Arlberg area
In the Oberland, heavy thunderstorms raged on early Wednesday evening. Particularly affected were the places Schnann and Pettneu am Arlberg. Creeks overflowed and turned into raging rivers.
Due to the heavy rainfall and subsequent mudslides, especially the area of the Schnanner gorge was affected. After many Murenabgängen many houses are currently not available. The fire brigades are on Thursday since dawn again in use. With heavy equipment, scree, mud and
The Americans have posted nothing but ridiculous double standards in they will blow up Serbia to steal land from Serbs for a Muslim Kosovo, without any ballots cast, but in Crimea where the Russian People voted to join Russia, as did the People of South Ossetia to join Russia as Mr. Putin swept in to protect them from George Soros forces, suddenly the Americans are all against people voting and will not respect vote outcomes.
These are the same George W. Bush who demanded voters in the Philistine regions be allowed to vote. The problem is the Philistines all voted for terrorists, and suddenly again the Americans were not in favor of the ballot box.
This is the issue of our times, as all 50 American colonies and territories voted to join the Union. Americans had that right and exercised it, but when some peoples decide to exercise those rights, suddenly it is a matter of American prejudice against free will.
That is what is at stake in the South Tyrol. These are German People, as many areas in Europe benefited from German colonists who turned Muslim cesspools as Sebastian Kurz family did into the Danube garden and turned Russia into the bread basket of Europe. People, all people, have the right to self determination, and all people do not forfeit their rights just because Woodrow Wilson or Franklin Roosevelt with British and French, turn Germany into rubble, and then steal German lands with German peoples in them by turning them over to foreign rule.
Prussia was an entire nation and people of Germans handed over to Poland. Sudetenland in the Slavic lands were stolen from Germans. The South Tyrol is another area of Austrian Germans who were hacked off of Austria and annexed to Italy. It does not make any difference if Adolf Hitler weighed South Tyrol in the balance and considered it was more important to liberate millions of Germans elsewhere than to waste his army on the few in South Tyrol, because these people deserve self determination away from Italian rule, and South Tyrolians deserve the Austrian passports which Chancellor Kurz is issuing for their protection and in his open internal borders of Europe, South Tyrolian Germans may travel to their Motherland and not be accosted by border checks or be known as Italians, for they are Germans.
Make Austria Great Again — the rapid rise of Sebastian Kurz ...
Sebastian Kurz took the Austrian election by storm by reshaping Austria's biggest party in his own image. ... Many in South Tyrol see Austria as the "motherland."
The productive people of Catalonia in Spain deserve this same autonomy in a Federalized Kurz union of Europe were people will not be criminalized for desiring to be with their racial kind. This is something which must be progressed, and it includes the entire Balkans and all German areas across Europe. Autonomy is a right of self determination and all people have the right to vote for who they are known as and who they are included with.
It is a wonder to have a Chancellor in Heir Kurz who stands up for the small groups of people in championing them and progressing their issues of liberty and self determination. While Adolf Hitler was forced by European powers to resort to armed force to rescue his German People, Sebastian Kurz has chosen the route of the ballot box and legislative action. It is a new era in Europe and the People of South Tyrol are the first generation of a new European Super State where small groups of people's rights are not being obliterated by major powers in a true Constitutional Federalized System.
If only Americans had such a protector to free them from the police state, so they could exercise their liberties and protect themselves from foreign invasion, but alas in America, invasion has been legalized under Trump 45 as it was progressed under Obama 44.
Nuff Said