Harald Mahrer
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is difficult to not be exuberant in the promises of Donald Trump fulfilled, even though they are not for Americans, and are taking place all throughout Europe, as the leadership of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz is building the European Super State on a scale and a scope not witnessed in world history.
If I will not along with Americans enjoy a Reagan Renaissance again, I appreciate and have absolute joy that Europeans are going to prosper and have thee American Dream by their leadership fulfilling their promises.
While the Lame Cherry has focused entirely on the President of the European Super State, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz for his remarkable feats, there is an individual who deserves notice, as by him, the European economic engine will overtake the world and bury the United States in her chosen debt.
That person is Harald Mahrer who is a remarkable self made man. He is a billionaire, young and been at Sebastian Kurz's side from the beginning. His resume is honestly too large to comprehend, and that resume keeps growing.
He moves so quickly it is difficult to keep up with his progression, but one of his great feats is Horizon Europe, which is a 100 billion dollar investment project for European entrepreneurs in science and industry, for invention and advancement which is linked directly to the 20 million businesses across Europe which Herr Mahrer shepherds.
Did you comprehend what you just were informed of in the above? Harald Mahrer governs an economic infrastructure like none other in the world and with Sebastian Kurz, he is advancing Europe past America and China from the ground up. Never in history has one person had this type of governance across an entire continent and injected it with the revenue to make 10,000 Edisons.
The equation is: Strong budgets for innovation and research + entrepreneurial performance = more future and competitiveness for Austria in order to achieve our goal of joining the group of innovation leaders," emphasized Harald Mahrer, President of the Austrian Economic Chambers
The above though is only the beginning, as in the next days, Harald Mahrer is poised to minister to the entire Austrian, and therefore European economy as he becomes President of the National Bank of Austria. Sebastian Kurz has established in the economic genius of Herr Mahrer the inner workings of European finance to be unleashed in expansive trade with Russia, China and Japan, while Donald Trump in his trade wars relegated America in arrogance to scraps.
End of August 2018, he was presented during the first Council of Ministers of the ÖVP-FPÖ-Federal Government after the summer break as designated President of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank, where he is to replace Claus Raidl with September 1
This is the melding of the European Political Genius of Sebastian Kurz and the European Economic Genius of Harald Mahrer. In a modern sense, there simply is not anyone for the public to equate Harald Mahrer with. He is an institution in himself. He is Steve Jobs of Apple without NSA black operation funds. He is Elon Musk without the strange behavior. Combine all the name of success from Warren Buffett to Karl Icahn in America, and you still would not equal the essence of Harald Mahrer.
The Economic Genius & The Political Genius
of Austria
I hesitate to make a historic link in the one man that had this Mahrer Genius, due to the stereotypes and shallow minds who have been brainwashed by the propaganda, but in history there was one person, a German named by the American name of Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht, who Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of Germany appointed to save that nation from the Jimmy Carter late 1970's economic implosion in the United States.
With Adolf Hitler's vision for Greater Germany, in lands in the east and the infrastructure of Slavic labor to control inflation, Herr Schacht saved Germany from the deliberate economic implosion of American Wall Street in 1929 where the tycoons bought up America for pennies on the dollar as the same feudal few of Obama bought up America in the 2008 AD in the year of our Lord economic crash..

Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht
The Reichsbank president was not known for his humility. It was Schacht who was credited internationally for pulling Weimar back from hyperinflationary chaos in 1924; it was Schacht who had given legitimacy to many a German delegation in 1920s and 1930s international economic conferences; it was Schacht who was a member sine qua non of the transatlantic financial establishment. The press lauded him as the “the wizard of international finance,” an epithet that he embraced wholeheartedly.The difference between the Adolf Hitler and Sebastian Kurz, is Kurz's economic vision is one not based on annexation of Russian lands and resources, but trade in accepting Russian energy with coming North African supply to fuel the European economic engine as the production labor on a global scale will become Asian, while in macroeconomics, Europe will be the technological giant with Slavic people's providing the industrial work force in entrepreneurial labor for the European Super State.
The result of the Bayreuth meeting was the financial equivalent of the papal union of temporal and spiritual power: henceforth Schacht wielded unprecedented power over both monetary and fiscal affairs. Within months foreign media began addressing him as “Germany’s economic dictator,” while expressing confidence in his able management. Markets agreed, reacting positively to his appointment. The domestic media was no less exultant. But given the many constraints on Depression-era German economics, which path was right? The answer had escaped Schmitt and his predecessor, Alfred Hugenberg. To Schacht, however, it seemed clear: the Reich’s salvation required the emphatic— or, rather, ruthless—application of nationalist economic principles he had developed throughout his meteoric career. Schacht was not the only successful economic nationalist in the Depression. Yet it was his economic framework that changed the face of the German economy, its foreign economic relations, and eventually drove the type of foreign intervention the Nazis brought to warring Spain.
For Herr Mahrer his vocation is much more easily accomplished as he does not have to save Europe from an American Depression and the crippled economies of central Europe from French and English extortion after World War I.
Logically when it dawns on the inept feudal leadership of the United States with their fake press what has formed in Europe and will supplant America, as America is polar opposite of Sebastian Kurz, where Kurz is protecting his borders, protecting his citizens and Making Europe Great Again, this European ascension will be attacked as an evil. I will remind readers something at this point in what this blog posted here in all Donald Trump had to do was make peace with Russia, China would remedy itself, and usher in a Slavic trade zone where all parties from Russia, to America, to western Europe to southern Europe would have profited immensely in all their peoples. That was rejected and now to fill the hostile American void, the European Genius is melding with a willing Putin and Xi, for their own prosperity zone.
This Nationalist state in Europe which Americans voted for, for Americans is a natural evolution and responsibility or fault it is from American flat world policy led around by the Pentajew advisers of the military industrial and Ashkenaz finance which robs Americans and requires Americans to die for policy extensions which are not in the American national interest.
That reality is placed here, so the Trump Clapper and the #NeverTrumper who are gnawing off the limbs of each other realize that their debt ridden, aging police state at war with the Christian White population is being shoved aside by the Eurasians who have moved past the American Century.
Harald Mahrer is in the process of creating the Europa Century with the 22nd Century leader of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz in the German Austrians.
Look at the faces below. The United States is busy exterminating this German American Genius and replacing it with Jesuit Mexicans and Mecca Muslims, for control of a continent by the feudal few. The very DNA which created America in German industry, Lutheranism, Genius and Finance, is being eradicated.
Austria though and now Europe is raising up this proven superior group who with smiles are about to establish the European Super State, wed to Russian natural resources and Asian labor, as the European 10 replace the American debt with European economic dominance and expansion.
This is what Donald Trump promised voters in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord. Instead Europe is delivering on that promise in Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, and the man no one has yet realized who will establish this economic financial engine which will bury the United States is Harald Mahrer, the Austrian Economic genius who literally without war and by treaty is in the process of initiating the fabled 1000 Year Reich.
These Austrians are not an evil nor a competitor to America. These Austrians are simply delivering for their European Race the promises Donald Trump did not fulfill for Americans, and they will accomplish this because they are not replacing their Caucasians with Visa Vermin, but protecting and promoting Christian Europe as their citizens voted for.
And so none of you are deluded, America could have and still could have passed the Ronald Reagan reforms as President Reagan did to bring about the Kurz Model or as Trump says MAGA. Donald Trump chose not to do this and instead reward Big Oil, Wall Street finance and promote the Nazi conglomerates protected by the military security police state. It was deliberate just as it has been deliberate that Sebastian Kurz has chosen to empower the citizens of Europe in the west and the east.
Der innere Kreis
This would not be taking place if the Americans had not abandoned their Lord in Jesus the Christ and the promises of 2016 AD in the year of our Lord had been kept.
The haughty American elite is about to receive a God provided lesson for rejecting the Lord
Isaiah 45:6
That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside Me. I am the LORD, and there is none else.