Yes Bobby, I thought I would bring you both up to my bedroom
so you could see my portrait with my naked shoulders....
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
When the deep state assassinated communist adulterer, Martin Luther King jr., it set off a set of events that if not for Edgar Berman who attended the funeral with Vice President Humphrey all of this information would have been lost to history.
It was all quite disgusting really as the Vice President in a sorrowful mood as was the nation entered a circus of street vendors selling ice cream, street urchin blacks hanging from light poles, and the reality of the Secret Service which was protecting the Vice President had strewn on the floor of the Vice Presidential limousine, sub machine guns, tear gas and piles of medical supplies. To put it plainly the Secret Service was expecting the worst, in a riot and a murderous firefight and when they noted a Black Panther leader there, all their hands immediately went to unbutton their holsters, as the situation was that tense.
Paul Wellstone Funeral - Election Rally - YouTube
The funeral - memorial service for Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone turns into a Democrat political rally.
It was not really a funeral, but it was not the catastrophe of insanity of the Senator Paul Wellstone funeral of Minnesota either, in which unhinged Wellstonites ranted on stage for Republicans and Independents to "repent' of their political sins and come to the dead messiah Wellstone to make the event a true resurrection of America.
For King's funeral, the place was packed with politicians, and each one knew that since Hubert Humphrey had delivered civil rights to the Kennedy's in making it a national issue to gain power from, all of the political elite were there to get their pound of political flesh of the King corpse.
In the two following photographs one can see the thoughts of Hubert Humphrey sitting in this circus as the true Humphrey is there genuinely consoling the widow of Dr. King.
But in the next, one can see Humphrey with his arms crossed, within himself in knowing that at any moment he might be assassinated and a riot would break out slaughtering many in a political disaster, which he wanted not any part of, but was stuck doing as he was President Johnson's representative, in the Black community trusted Hubert Humphrey for all he had accomplished for them.
What would be lost in this, as it has been deliberately covered up by the media, as we only see footage of Bobby Kennedy on the night of the assassination going before a black crowd, in grand theater, is the fact that as RFK was not yet assassinated, it was the Kennedy machine which was at work propping up the King corpse to tell blacks and liberals to vote for Bobby.
As Edgar Berman reported with disgust, "The Kennedy people were all over the funeral attempting to run it their way.
Yes Bobby Kennedy was using a funeral to try to keep Hubert Humphrey from the democratic nomination by stage managing a funeral for his political benefit.
Frankly I find this photo released by Bobby Kennedy's campaign in using the widow of Martin King one of the most hilarious historical photos ever taken, as one can see the earnestness of Coretta Scott King in leanin forward, while Bobby Kennedy is all leg and arm wrapped up in not wanting to be near this negress, while RFK's wife looks on from her Hyannis Port seclusion in pondering she has never seen a Negroid out of their proper zoo setting of an apron while tit sucking some rich white baby.
Now you see why the official campaign released black and white
photo did not have the colour version with the portraits in back.
Poor Ethel though, always the second rate chatel to the Irish man, in she gets the hard chair, while her lord gets the cushioned recliner, and both of them are thinking, "Yes let her talk and think we are listening as now with her husband dead, and Jack dead, we have a blood link I can ride to the White House".
As Berman noted though with all of the orchestration, after they left the funeral, parts of the city were aflame as police and national guard were posted on every corner.
Now you know a bit more about the real history and how distasteful it all was in what the sensibilities of a kid from Doland South Dakota, who was named Pinky, who became Vice President Hubert Humphrey survived with submachine guns on the floor of his limo and Kennedy milking a corpse for votes.
Nuff Said