As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Most of you have no comprehension of Freedom and the Liberty which is being taken from you, in where it all originated. It was Christians who settled in America at Plymouth and Jamestown whose charters were mandates of the Reformation in all that Martin Luther liberated the world from popery and monkery in all their vices and immorality.
There were four men though who began the road that Martin Luther would pave in the great freedom path out of the Vatican. These are the Inspired who brought Christ back to Christians and freed them from the Pope's dictatorship.
The first in this group is Peter Walden. Walden was a moral and wealthy merchant in Lyons France in the 12th century. His journey into the Reformation began as he sat with friends one day at meal, discussing the debauchery of Catholicism. To Walden's surprise, one of his friends dropped dead at the table.
This event so startled Walden that his pious man began studying Scripture with earnest and realized more and more of the decay of the Catholic religion and was moved to bring the Bible to the lost souls. With that he sold all he had in 1170 AD in the year of our Lord, and began traveling through France, teaching and preaching, and started distributing the Four Gospels which he had translated into French to all the French.
Soon a movement of Waldensians spread through France who taught this decree:
"In all questions pertaining to our salvation we dare not trust man nor book, but must believe the Holy Scriptures only. There is but one Mediator; the saints must not be worshiped; purgatory is a fable invented by men. There are two Sacraments, Baptism and the Lord's Supper."
These French Christians were so admired, that King Lewis exclaimed of them, "These heretics are better than I and all of my people!"
The Pope excommunicated Walden and Walden was forbidden to teach. He fled from place to place, as what followed was the murder of 1 million of Walden's followers by Rome. 7000 were slaughtered in one Church during one purge. In Spain a judge burned 10,000 of them at the stake and tortured in prison 97,000 of his followers.
This is the Church of Rome in action and is seeking it's own military arm in Europe today to "rule the world again".
Jon Wycliff was a doctor and professor at the University of Oxford. His sermons railed against monkery and their sloven nature. Monks were always begging and had perverted what was Christianity.
The monks filed a complaint against Wycliff and he was removed from the University. For this action, Wycliff was even more afire in preaching against Rome. He stated that, "Rome was not a superior Church to any other Church, Peter had no preeminence over the other Apostles, and the Pope, as far as his power to forgive sins is concerned, is but the equal of every other pastor."
Wycliff testified of the abuses and errors of popery.
Brought to trial at Rome, Wycliff by the Holy Ghost made such an eloquent defense that he was released. Upon this, he translated the Bible into English and taught pious men to teach all people of the Gospel of Christ.
Wycliff died in 1384 in Lutterworth where he was pastor. His writings had flooded Europe with the knowledge of Christianity, but even in death the Council of Constance ordered his doctrines condemned, and Wycliff's bones were dug up, burned and the ashes scattered in the river.
John Huss who was born in 1369 in Hussineez, Bohemia, read Wycliff's writings and his voice rose against Rome too. Huss preached against indulgences, purgatory and the sinful lives of the priests of Rome.
He too was excommunicated by the Pope, but continued to preach in Prague where he was protected by the city. Rome responded by closing all the Churches, the bells went silent and the dead were denied Christian burial.
Baptisms and Marriages could only be performed in graveyards.
Huss was summoned to appear for trial at Constance, and was promised safe passage by the Emperor, whereupon he was immediately thrown into a dungeon when he arrived. Not recanting Christianity, he was sentenced to die.
Upon his head, he was given a paper crown with demons drawn on it, inflicting up on a sinner. He was led away to be executed by fire, chained to a post, with pitch soaked straw piled around him.
He died singing, "Christ Thou Lamb of God have mercy upon me".
Lastly, there was Jerome Savonarola of Italy. He studied the World of God in cloister and began to preach against the depravity of Rome.
He railed, "The poison is heaped up at Rome to such an extent that it infects France, German and all the world. Things have come to such a pass that we must warn everyone against Rome. Rome has perverted the whole of Scriptures!"
The Pope declared him anathematized, or cursed, and by the temporal court he was sentenced to death.
On Ascension Day, May 23, 1498 AD in the year of our Lord, with a cheerful acceptance, he was hanged by the neck until dead.
For those who continue to place their spiritual genitals to be joined to the phallic of Rome and those who by natural Christianity have the sense to recoil from the blasphemy of the Vatican to this day, the above Christians are the reason Europeans were freed, as were the Orthodox of the Greeks and Russia, it is why America became all she was by Christian success, now degenerate by Jesuit, Islam, Jewry and Witchcraft in now suffering the curses of the Law for abandoning the Gospel.
It is not fashion to speak out about these realities of the past and the present, but the Reformation was brought by God to save His People from the Whore of Rome who saddles for power the regimes of the world.
It was these Christian Martyrs who Martin Luther paved the road back to Christ upon, and the reality is as Christians are slaughtered and persecuted in the world today, that more martyrs are coming as Prophecy predicts.
When your time comes, will it be because you stayed silent now in the whoredoms of Rome, Mecca, Wailing Wall and forest grove, or will you be silent yet then denying Christ to save your souls for the Lake of Fire as it awaits the whore and her followers.
For true and righteous are His judgments: for He hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of His servants at her hand.
Revelation 19:2
Nuff Said