As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Well, I see evidence that someone in the arrogant Trump White House is still stealing Lame Cherry diplomatic solutions and implementing them in a half assed way a s Herbet McMaster used to do on North Korea, after the Lame Cherry alerted all America what a collossal klusterfuck the Trump White House had made by ignoring Chancellor Sebastian Kurz overtures in offering the Putin Trump Summit to be in Vienna Austria, which was the ultimate disrespect to the Chancellor.
This was then exploited by President Vladimir Putin of Russia who was invited to the wedding of Austrian Foreign Minister Kneissl, and Donald Trump was left out in the cold.
After the Lame Cherry exposed all of this, who shows up begging for forgiveness, in none other than US Ambassador Trevor Traina. Yes the Americans under Donald Trump are now bootlicking the European Order, because Mike Pence, John Kelly, John Bolton and Mike Pompeo were too asstard to comprehend a change has swept through Europe, in Europeans are actually implement Trump's promises of 2016 AD while Mr. Trump in America is only enriching Mexican workers in his new Trumptfa Deal
Having a President in Donald Trump who only listens to the Pentagon and rich Jewry, while obliterating Loyalists and Christians who would have provided counsel which would have not created all of these problems as they are honest people, has now created this reality:
Chancellor Sebastian Kurz is on the best of terms with Vladimir Putin.
The European Union is now setting up it's own SWIFT or international monetary exchange outside of Americans sanctions over the Iran fiasco.
Sebsastian Kurz will never forget the humiliation in Trump dismissing the Vienna Overture.
and lastly, America now looks even more weakand disrespectful, as all Donald Trump did to appease Chancellor Kurz is send in this little Ambassador with a message, which conveys to Sebastian Kurz that he is in control and Donald Trump is the one bending at the waist.
This blog WARNED that it would require a Christian Lutheran American to deal with this situation, but once again Donald Trump and the Pentajews took this blog's advice, and fucked it up by putting their New York Valued spin on it. I mean President Vladimir Putin dances at the Austrian Foreign Ministers wedding, and chauffeurs Sebastian Kurz in Putin's limo, and has a half hour face to face with Chancellor Kurz, and the Trump response is Trevor Traina.
This is what Donald Trump sent in to save America, as Europe advances to replace America completely on the world stage.

Trevor Traina is a trust fund tard who collects pictures and puts them on display when Donald Trump is not rewarding this boy with the Ambassadorship to a reward, because his Grampa was Ambassador there.
Let the Lame Cherry put this in terms which might educate you to the seriousness of all of this as Donald Trump and his diplomacy plagiarists do not.
The world is changing in monumental leaps and bounds. The same Obama Super Depression is still on from 2008 and is worse than the Great Depression of 1930's, meaning the toxic American debt and America being overrun with Trump Visa Vermin.
In this reality, Donald Trump has been beating up Europe, and in a return to history, Donald Trump this summer just humiliated Adolf Hitler and shoved him into Joe Stalin's sphere. And, when Donald Trump was alerted to his colossal mistake, Donald Trump further humiliates Adolf Hitler by sending in this California boy with an apology.
And make no mistake about it, in Sebastian Kurz knows that America blinked, because Kurz posted that photo on Twitter and Instragram in the Americans came to bootlick the Chancellor, and as Herr Kurz has been trolling Trump for weeks over the Vienna humiliation, that photo is the most powerful man in Europe and soon the world, of an extended population of 500 million rubbing it in the American's faces.
Perhaps in a coming World War IV scenario of thee entire world against the United States this time, except for some sand spit Muslim and Jew nations, with worthless England, you now understand the historical perspective and the current disaster that Trump Pentajew created, and just made worse, because these asstards are so arrogant they can not follow simple instructions in how to communicate with Sebastian Kurz without making it worse.
It is the point now at least it was not worse in Trump having dispatched those idiots Jared and Ivanka with a note, as they frolicked on a gay yacht first and made Kurz a side trip.
Nothing in this has been remedied. In the German understanding of this, they are now in control and are amused at the Americans knowing their place and afraid of Europe.
I repeat the warning to the Trump Clappers blindly following this junta and the #NeverTrumpers tearing at this WWE event, that we are all in this together and will suffer the nuclear consequences, as this Clinton, Bush, Obama and now Trump ignorance of dealing with Germans and the Russ, is about three events from turning America into a 3rd world banana republic lit by atomic plumes.
OK what bad advice can we give Donald today.......
Nuff Said