Friday, August 31, 2018

Your Life in Boneheadville

Of course I like reserved seating so I can have dog hair and dog drool
on my designer clothes.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is a sad fact  that in the small minds of news media and politicians, that the spin of intelligence and intellect have been so bastardized like Nazi and Nigger that what is truly intelligent and intellectual is so denuded of the cloth of understanding that when it appears, no one realizes it.

I have been delighted in the slash and burn memoirs of Dr. Edgar Berman MD as he is a page turner writer who turns the tawdry gossip of campaign politics into a flame thrower of Truth. His being on Vice President Hubert Humphrey's right arm while he was still a Senator, gave him insights into politics and the world should be thankful that in his cathartic writing in having his friend Hubert Humphrey die, that this analytical man was able to both frame Humphrey and tear the political propaganda blinds down on the frauds who are in politics, media and industry, and the refreshing part is Berman leveled the liberal frauds with relish, as they had treated Hubert Humphrey terribly in his life.

Humphrey used to laugh at the press in joy in terming them, 'It is like all in  the family, almost incestuous" in their interactions with him. He knew who the bastards were, but he always tried to get along with the press and from a Constitutional reality, Humphrey admired the press and the necessity of their asking questions. I wonder if the Vice President would still be pleased in the free rid given Obama in his crimes and the manufactured crimes the press created against Donald Trump, as the 4th estate is a witchcraft of spells conjured to murder a Republic and Democracy when it becomes the judge, jury and executioner.

In Humphrey's day, there were four major writers who the entire press corp would parrot word for word in Reston, Kraft, Broder and Will. You can see the same parrots in search engines today in one story is reposted and repeated one hundred times, with all of the fiction and all of the propaganda of the deep state. It all filters from the same original outlet.
Harry Truman noted it in the 1950's in the press simply would take one bright sounding idea, and it would appear verbatim in every following outlet for weeks  to come.

Hubert Humphrey would say that he could go into the Federal City Club and tell an authoritative source like George will that Lyndon Johnson was giving up politics and going to be a drum beater with the Salvation Army, and before the Old Grandad and water could be slung to the other end of the bar, it would explode across every newspaper in America and every nightly newscast. They're like birds on a wire, when one flies they all fly".

Cliches are what the media brainwash with, from Carter's lusting heart, Ford's stumbling, Muskie's tears, LBJ's arm twisting to what we have now in Trump's insanity. LBJ was called the consensus President, who was not like Camelot President John Kennedy, and in that era of 1968, Hubert Humphrey sat back and became a prophet as the CIA papers of the New York Times and Washington Post had become anti Vietnam war, so they naturally went for the Gene MaCarthy for President. Humphrey watched as the Irishman was built in the press line by line, drink by drink, witticism by witticism in pure poetry.
LBJ was reviled so McCarthy became the hero, and as Berman noted if McCarthy had lost by 20 points, the headline would have been that Johnson had squeaked through.

As McCarthy was a disaster, Bobby Kennedy soon started sniffing around the edges and as Humphrey noted the press would be angry at Kennedy for stealing McCarthy's light, but as it dawned on them that Bobby Kennedy had all the things McCarthy did not have in style and charisma, Kennedy would become the journalist magnet, and soon McCarthy was off the books and it was all the wonder of Bobby Kennedy.

Hubert Humphrey though in the press would be accused of waffling on issues, but Bobby Kennedy was always ADJUSTING his ideas to appeal to conservative white racists in Indiana who voted Democrat.
These same reporters would make a Nixon or a Carter and destroy a Muskie or a Romney. It was all the same political propaganda of what the masters on top had decided would be the story.

The Press Secretary was key in a number of these issues in being the final arbitrator of how the stories in the press appeared. Humphrey had the worst secretaries, but LBJ in Bill Moyers and Jimmy Carter with Jody Powell being the best wet nurses in the campaigns to the press, gave these candidates the boost they needed as it all came down to getting the animals in the press as they were called, bedded down in the right room for the night, their typewriters set up to type, and enough COLD booze to keep them intoxicated. That is what the difference was in political campaigns in good press and bad press. If you supply a good whore trade, you get better press.

The best zoo handler of all was John Kennedy's, Pierre Salinger. He used to mix extra dry martini's for reporters on the campaign flights. What would be a gaffe in Kennedy's campaign would never be reported, but the politician who had warm beer and lost the press' luggage would find the front page full of what an incompetent they were on every issue.

One of the worst was Mary McGrory who President Lyndon Johnson had a pet peeve about as she was such a nuisance to reality.

 Mary McGrory & President Lyndon Johnson

If you could not tell how fetching Mary was a columnist, here is a better photo of this doll.

 Mary McGrory

Lyndon Johnson had the kind of Texas humor which I would have gotten along with provincially as he would say the damnedest things, and in this instance he embarrassed the hell out of Hubert Humphrey.

It went something like this to Vice President Humphrey according to Berman.

Hubert, you know what Mary McGrory needs.  Now if the Vice President is useful for anything at all, why not strike a blow for lonely females, your country and the President all at the same time?"

For some reason the morals of Hubert Humphrey could not be tempted by such an offer like this from his President for unbridled sex with this woman.

See if Donald Trump had me around, I would be telling Donald Trump in cabinet meetings with Mike Pence there things like:

Just a little lower Joy...
"You know Mr. President you have been having alot of problems with that Joy Behar. That Mike Pence sitting there never came through on Obamacare, taxes, the wall or anything else for you in Congress. I say that he owes you Mr President, and what LBJ said Vice Presidents were good for, send Mike out to take it out in trade with Joy, Rachel, Whoopie and for that matter Shep Smith as we know what needs doing. The thing is though Mr. President, send Mike out with some Demerol for his mission as we want to make sure they have a good time as Mike looks like his exciting move is turning on the iphone to play Hail the Mike as he gets naked."

See now that is what is missing in all of this is someone to say things like that to the President about the whores in the press and the whores in politics. There has been zero evolution in the press and their propaganda. They are dinosaurs in the graveyard of the body politic. They have not had an original idea for generations and they expect the old brainwashing to fool the mob like it always has, but a few blogs, a few comments and soon the monkeys are all chattering what has been exposed faster than the cover up can take place.

This is once again a delightful historical revelation from the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter, teaching you and exercising your sprained minds to thoughts and understandings where they should be, instead of where you are in boneheadville.

Nuff Said
