Radar is a virgin......I don't think he knows what a penis is.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Brett Kavanaugh fondled here.....
In review, a woman named Christine Balsey Ford, accused Brett Kavanaugh of fondling her.
Brett Kavanaugh waved his willie here.........
A woman named Debra Rameriz accused Brett Kavanaugh in a drunken party that he waved his penis at her.
Brett Kavanaugh pulled the whole train here......
Now a new woman named Julie Swetwick, represented by porn lawyer, Michael Avenatti, that she attended 10 high school orgies in the DC area, where Brett Kavanaugh dranke more booze than America produced, and where Brett Kavanaugh was part of a gang rape syndicate of drugging girls, including this accuser.
It is in this, as the stories get more robust and the porn names more obvious, that the Lame Cherry calls for a delay in the Kavanaugh vote so that liberals can introduce the really great accusation.
My Sleestak buddies, find the virgins.......
What I am waiting for is the woman named Natalite Netherstahl, who will come forward with the accusations that Brett Kavanaugh ran a rape squad with Sleestak aliens, abducting young virgins and procuring them for the Bush family.
Yes Brett I can see fallopian tubes on the horizon.......
Followed by Paula Pusswhip, who will reveal that Brett Kavanaugh procured women for John Paul II, and they personally gang raped 500 girls with a Virgin Mary icon, impregnating them in order to take over the world.
You are getting this right, in the names of the women are porno, even the hot blooded Latin, as this is a perfect comedy now in someone in the deep state has created a most sadistic joke of all of this.
Thank you for signing my penis pardon Colonel Blake.