Christine Blasey Beckel Ford
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I do not know what FOX liberal commentator Bob Beckel did to his ex wife, Christine Blasey Beckel Ford, but we have before us a growing reality of the psychological problems of the former Mrs. Beckel.
First her therapist recorded that BBF had told her there were 4 boys in the room. BBF now says her therapist heard her wrong as her story changed to 2 boys.
Then there are the two boys named in Mark Judge and Patrick Smith, who both state in legal documents they have no idea what this woman is talking about.
The there is the lifelong friend of BBF in Leland Ingham Keyser, named by BBF as a witness. She too is under oath in reporting she has no idea what this woman is talking about.
"Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford." … "The lawyer acknowledged to CNN that Keyser is a lifelong friend of Ford's."https://t.co/qCWAXTsnlL— Ben Domenech (@bdomenech) September 23, 2018
Then there is another woman, who spoke up on Twitter stating that she had heard about this in school. The problem is the attack was supposed have taken place during the summer when school was out. That woman has since scrubbed her accounts and disappeared after smearing Brett Kavanaugh.
It were these additional points on Red State which add to the problems.
She doesn’t know what year it happened. She doesn’t know what month it happened. She doesn’t know where the house was or whose parents it belonged to. She doesn’t know how she got home.
Then there is this tidbit of the excuse that Christine Blasey Beckel Ford is afraid of flying in why the hearings need to be delayed. The problem is BBF had planned to flee American to fly to New Zealand on the election of Donald Trump as President and flew to Hawaii to complete her doctorate.
These democrats who are joined at the hip with Christine Blasey Beckel Ford are sitting on a career destroyer. It has been less than a week that this charade began and each day now damning perjuries are appearing in BBF's accounts.
Her supporters claim excuses of trauma in her lapses of memory, but it is the memories of other people not in therapy which are the problem as their stories match and BBF's story is the one coming apart.
There is a coming tide in this which will sweep back from Brett Kavanaugh, onto those who have been involved in this from the start, beginning with the former FBI agent who stated that BBF passed a polygraph. Answering "I don't know" is not exactly acceptable on a polygraph.
The woman who cried rape receives a great deal of leeway when the lynch mob is only interested in hanging their victim. The problem in this is when this becomes a matter for the FBI, as what has been taking place is a series of federal crimes, as this has crossed state lines, and has moved into the organized conspiracy, as in organized crime in the penalties of the RICO Act.
Senator Charles Schumer is leading a group of political operatives from the legal counselors of BBF are promoting a known political fraud, which is equal to the political election fraud of 2016 led by John Brennan for Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton in the election tampering against Republicans and Donald Trump.
Mr. Christine Beckel
Christine Blasey Beckel Ford is now equal to John Brennan in tampering with the 2018 AD in the year of our Lord elections. That is what Charles Schumer and his cohorts had better be aware of as they continue this farce as all of them are in legal jeopardy from this point on. This is not some Anita Hill perjury where they will skate, but this is equal to Russiagate in the MI6 Pissgate files. This same election tampering came out of the Trump White House by John Kelly against the innocent Judge Roy Moore. It is now a same group attempting to keep Republicans from winning enough seats in order to make President Trump keep every one of his MAGA promises.
It is a reality in what Christine Blasey Beckel Ford with the group she is engaged with are looking at 7 to 25 years in federal prison, and that does include Senator Chuck Schumer.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuf Said.